import { describe, fdescribe, xdescribe, it, fit, xit, beforeEach, afterEach, beforeEachProviders, inject } from 'angular2/testing'; import {provide} from 'angular2/core'; var db: any; class MyService {} class MyMockService implements MyService {} // #docregion describeIt describe('some component', () => { it('does something', () => { // This is a test. }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion fdescribe fdescribe('some component', () => { it('has a test', () => { // This test will run. }); }); describe('another component', () => { it('also has a test', () => { throw 'This test will not run.'; }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion xdescribe xdescribe('some component', () => { it('has a test', () => {throw 'This test will not run.'}); }); describe('another component', () => { it('also has a test', () => { // This test will run. }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion fit describe('some component', () => { fit('has a test', () => { // This test will run. }); it('has another test', () => { throw 'This test will not run.'; }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion xit describe('some component', () => { xit('has a test', () => { throw 'This test will not run.'; }); it('has another test', () => { // This test will run. }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion beforeEach describe('some component', () => { beforeEach(() => { db.connect(); }); it('uses the db', () => { // Database is connected. }); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion beforeEachProviders describe('some component', () => { beforeEachProviders(() => [provide(MyService, {useClass: MyMockService})]); it('uses MyService', inject([MyService], (service) => { // service is an instance of MyMockService. })); }); // #enddocregion // #docregion afterEach describe('some component', () => { afterEach((done) => { db.reset().then((_) => done()); }); it('uses the db', () => { // This test can leave the database in a dirty state. // The afterEach will ensure it gets reset. }); }); // #enddocregion