import {sync as deleteEmpty} from 'delete-empty'; import {existsSync, unlinkSync} from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR} from '../common/constants'; import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils'; import {SHA} from './constants'; import {helper} from './helper'; function checkFile(filePath: string, remove: boolean): boolean { const exists = existsSync(filePath); if (exists && remove) { // if we expected the file to exist then we remove it to prevent leftover file errors unlinkSync(filePath); } return exists; } function getArtifactPath(prNum: number, sha: string = SHA): string { return `${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}/${prNum}-${computeShortSha(sha)}-aio-snapshot.tgz`; } function checkFiles(prNum: number, isPublic: boolean, sha: string, isLegacy: boolean, remove: boolean) { const files = ['/index.html', '/foo/bar.js']; const prPath = helper.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic); const shaPath = helper.getShaDir(prPath, sha, isLegacy); const existingFiles: string[] = []; const missingFiles: string[] = []; files .map(file => join(shaPath, file)) .forEach(file => (checkFile(file, remove) ? existingFiles : missingFiles).push(file)); deleteEmpty(prPath); return { existingFiles, missingFiles }; } class ToExistAsAFile implements jasmine.CustomMatcher { public compare(actual: string, remove = true): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult { const pass = checkFile(actual, remove); return { message: `Expected file at "${actual}" ${pass ? 'not' : ''} to exist`, pass, }; } } class ToExistAsAnArtifact implements jasmine.CustomMatcher { public compare(actual: {prNum: number, sha?: string}, remove = true): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult { const { prNum, sha = SHA } = actual; const filePath = getArtifactPath(prNum, sha); const pass = checkFile(filePath, remove); return { message: `Expected artifact "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}, FILE:${filePath}" ${pass ? 'not' : '\b'} to exist`, pass, }; } } class ToExistAsABuild implements jasmine.CustomMatcher { public compare(actual: {prNum: number, isPublic?: boolean, sha?: string, isLegacy?: boolean}, remove = true): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult { const {prNum, isPublic = true, sha = SHA, isLegacy = false} = actual; const {missingFiles} = checkFiles(prNum, isPublic, sha, isLegacy, remove); return { message: `Expected files for build "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}" to exist:\n` + => ` - ${file}`).join('\n'), pass: missingFiles.length === 0, }; } public negativeCompare(actual: {prNum: number, isPublic?: boolean, sha?: string, isLegacy?: boolean}): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult { const {prNum, isPublic = true, sha = SHA, isLegacy = false} = actual; const { existingFiles } = checkFiles(prNum, isPublic, sha, isLegacy, false); return { message: `Expected files for build "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}" not to exist:\n` + => ` - ${file}`).join('\n'), pass: existingFiles.length === 0, }; } } export const customMatchers = { toExistAsABuild: () => new ToExistAsABuild(), toExistAsAFile: () => new ToExistAsAFile(), toExistAsAnArtifact: () => new ToExistAsAnArtifact(), };