/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {CompileIdentifierMetadata} from '../../src/compile_metadata'; import * as o from '../../src/output/output_ast'; import {CompileView} from '../../src/view_compiler/compile_view'; import {getPropertyInView} from '../../src/view_compiler/util'; export function main() { describe('getPropertyInView', () => { it('should return the expression if it is the same view', () => { const expr = o.THIS_EXPR.prop('someProp'); const callingView = createCompileView({className: 'view'}); expect(getPropertyInView(expr, callingView, callingView)).toBe(expr); }); it('should access an unknown property in a parent view', () => { const expr = o.THIS_EXPR.prop('someProp'); const definedView = createCompileView({className: 'parentView'}); const callingView = createCompileView({className: 'childView', parent: definedView}); expect(getPropertyInView(expr, callingView, definedView)) .toEqual(o.THIS_EXPR.prop('parent').prop('someProp')); }); it('should access a known property in a parent view with cast', () => { const expr = o.THIS_EXPR.prop('someProp'); const definedView = createCompileView({className: 'parentView', fields: ['someProp']}); const callingView = createCompileView({className: 'childView', parent: definedView}); expect(getPropertyInView(expr, callingView, definedView)) .toEqual(o.THIS_EXPR.prop('parent').cast(definedView.classType).prop('someProp')); }); it('should access a known property in a parent view with cast also for property chain expressions', () => { const expr = o.THIS_EXPR.prop('someProp').prop('context'); const definedView = createCompileView({className: 'parentView', fields: ['someProp']}); const callingView = createCompileView({className: 'childView', parent: definedView}); expect(getPropertyInView(expr, callingView, definedView)) .toEqual(o.THIS_EXPR.prop('parent') .cast(definedView.classType) .prop('someProp') .prop('context')); }); }); } function createCompileView(config: {className: string, parent?: CompileView, fields?: string[]}): CompileView { const declarationElement: any = config.parent ? {view: config.parent} : {view: null}; const fields: o.ClassField[] = []; if (config.fields) { config.fields.forEach((fieldName) => { fields.push(new o.ClassField(fieldName)); }); } return { classType: o.importType(new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: config.className})), fields: fields, getters: [], declarationElement: declarationElement }; }