'use strict'; var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); var del = require('del'); var format = require('gulp-clang-format'); var fork = require('child_process').fork; var gulp = require('gulp'); var gulpPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')(); var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var shell = require('gulp-shell'); var runSequence = require('run-sequence'); var madge = require('madge'); var merge = require('merge'); var merge2 = require('merge2'); var path = require('path'); var clean = require('./tools/build/clean'); var transpile = require('./tools/build/transpile'); var pubget = require('./tools/build/pubget'); var linknodemodules = require('./tools/build/linknodemodules'); var pubbuild = require('./tools/build/pubbuild'); var dartanalyzer = require('./tools/build/dartanalyzer'); var jsserve = require('./tools/build/jsserve'); var pubserve = require('./tools/build/pubserve'); var rundartpackage = require('./tools/build/rundartpackage'); var file2moduleName = require('./tools/build/file2modulename'); var karma = require('karma').server; var minimist = require('minimist'); var runServerDartTests = require('./tools/build/run_server_dart_tests'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); var tsc = require('gulp-typescript'); var util = require('./tools/build/util'); var bundler = require('./tools/build/bundle'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); var insert = require('gulp-insert'); // dynamic require in build.tools so we can bootstrap TypeScript compilation function throwToolsBuildMissingError() { throw new Error('ERROR: build.tools task should have been run before using angularBuilder'); } var angularBuilder = { rebuildBrowserDevTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError, rebuildBrowserProdTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError, rebuildNodeTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError, rebuildDartTree: throwToolsBuildMissingError, cleanup: function() {} }; // Note: when DART_SDK is not found, all gulp tasks ending with `.dart` will be skipped. var DART_SDK = require('./tools/build/dartdetect')(gulp); // ----------------------- // configuration var CONFIG = { dest: { js: { all: 'dist/js', dev: { es6: 'dist/js/dev/es6', es5: 'dist/js/dev/es5' }, prod: { es6: 'dist/js/prod/es6', es5: 'dist/js/prod/es5' }, cjs: 'dist/js/cjs', dart2js: 'dist/js/dart2js' }, dart: 'dist/dart', docs: 'dist/docs' }, formatDart: { packageName: 'dart_style', args: ['dart_style:format', '-w', 'dist/dart'] } }; // ------------ // clean gulp.task('build/clean.tools', function() { if (rebuildTools && 'AngularBuilder' in global) { del(path.join('dist', 'tools')); }; }); gulp.task('build/clean.js', clean(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.js.all })); gulp.task('build/clean.dart', clean(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.dart })); gulp.task('build/clean.docs', clean(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.docs })); // ------------ // transpile gulp.task('build/tree.dart', ['build.tools'], function() { return angularBuilder.rebuildDartTree(); }); // ------------ // pubspec // Run a top-level `pub get` for this project. gulp.task('pubget.dart', pubget.dir(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dir: '.', command: DART_SDK.PUB })); // Run `pub get` over CONFIG.dest.dart gulp.task('build/pubspec.dart', pubget.subDir(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dir: CONFIG.dest.dart, command: DART_SDK.PUB })); // ------------ // dartanalyzer gulp.task('build/analyze.dart', dartanalyzer(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dest: CONFIG.dest.dart, command: DART_SDK.ANALYZER })); // ------------ // pubbuild gulp.task('build/pubbuild.dart', pubbuild(gulp, gulpPlugins, { src: CONFIG.dest.dart, dest: CONFIG.dest.js.dart2js, command: DART_SDK.PUB })); // ------------ // formatting gulp.task('build/format.dart', rundartpackage(gulp, gulpPlugins, { pub: DART_SDK.PUB, packageName: CONFIG.formatDart.packageName, args: CONFIG.formatDart.args })); function doCheckFormat() { return gulp.src(['Brocfile*.js', 'modules/**/*.ts', 'tools/**/*.ts', '!**/typings/**/*.d.ts', '!tools/broccoli/tree-differ.ts']) // See https://github.com/angular/clang-format/issues/4 .pipe(format.checkFormat('file')); } gulp.task('check-format', function() { return doCheckFormat().on('warning', function(e) { console.log("NOTE: this will be promoted to an ERROR in the continuous build"); }); }); gulp.task('enforce-format', function() { return doCheckFormat().on('warning', function(e) { console.log("ERROR: Some files need formatting"); process.exit(1); }); }); // ------------ // check circular dependencies in Node.js context gulp.task('build/checkCircularDependencies', function (done) { var dependencyObject = madge(CONFIG.dest.js.dev.es6, { format: 'es6', paths: [CONFIG.dest.js.dev.es6], extensions: ['.js', '.es6'], onParseFile: function(data) { data.src = data.src.replace(/import \* as/g, "//import * as"); } }); var circularDependencies = dependencyObject.circular().getArray(); if (circularDependencies.length > 0) { console.log(circularDependencies); process.exit(1); } done(); }); // ------------------ // web servers gulp.task('serve.js.dev', jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.js.dev.es5, port: 8000 })); gulp.task('serve.js.prod', jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.js.prod.es5, port: 8001 })); gulp.task('serve.js.dart2js', jsserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { path: CONFIG.dest.js.dart2js, port: 8002 })); gulp.task('serve/examples.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { command: DART_SDK.PUB, path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/examples' })); gulp.task('serve/benchmarks.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { command: DART_SDK.PUB, path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks' })); gulp.task('serve/benchmarks_external.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, { command: DART_SDK.PUB, path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks_external' })); // -------------- // doc generation var Dgeni = require('dgeni'); var bower = require('bower'); var webserver = require('gulp-webserver'); gulp.task('docs/bower', function() { var bowerTask = bower.commands.install(undefined, undefined, { cwd: 'docs' }); bowerTask.on('log', function (result) { console.log('bower:', result.id, result.data.endpoint.name); }); bowerTask.on('error', function(error) { console.log(error); }); return bowerTask; }); function createDocsTasks(publicBuild) { var dgeniPackage = publicBuild ? './docs/public-docs-package' : './docs/dgeni-package'; var distDocsPath = publicBuild ? 'dist/public_docs' : 'dist/docs'; var taskPrefix = publicBuild ? 'public_docs' : 'docs'; gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/dgeni', function() { try { var dgeni = new Dgeni([require(dgeniPackage)]); return dgeni.generate(); } catch(x) { console.log(x); console.log(x.stack); throw x; } }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/assets', ['docs/bower'], function() { return gulp.src('docs/bower_components/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest(distDocsPath + '/lib')); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/app', function() { return gulp.src('docs/app/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest(distDocsPath)); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix, [taskPrefix + '/assets', taskPrefix + '/app', taskPrefix + '/dgeni']); gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/watch', function() { return gulp.watch('docs/app/**/*', [taskPrefix + '/app']); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/test', function (done) { fork('./tools/traceur-jasmine', ['docs/**/*.spec.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', function (exitCode) { done(exitCode); }); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + '/serve', function() { gulp.src(distDocsPath + '/') .pipe(webserver({ fallback: 'index.html' })); }); } createDocsTasks(true); createDocsTasks(false); gulp.task('docs/angular.io', function() { try { var dgeni = new Dgeni([require('./docs/angular.io-package')]); return dgeni.generate(); } catch(x) { console.log(x); console.log(x.stack); throw x; } }); // ------------------ // CI tests suites gulp.task('test.js', function(done) { runSequence('test.unit.tools/ci', 'test.transpiler.unittest', 'docs/test', 'test.unit.js/ci', 'test.unit.cjs/ci', done); }); gulp.task('test.dart', function(done) { runSequence('test.transpiler.unittest', 'docs/test', 'test.unit.dart/ci', done); }); // Reuse the Travis scripts // TODO: rename test_*.sh to test_all_*.sh gulp.task('test.all.js', shell.task(['./scripts/ci/test_js.sh'])) gulp.task('test.all.dart', shell.task(['./scripts/ci/test_dart.sh'])) // karma tests // These tests run in the browser and are allowed to access // HTML DOM APIs. function getBrowsersFromCLI() { var args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); return [args.browsers?args.browsers:'DartiumWithWebPlatform'] } gulp.task('test.unit.js', function (done) { karma.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js'}, done); }); gulp.task('test.unit.dart', function (done) { karma.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-dart.conf.js'}, done); }); gulp.task('test.unit.js/ci', function (done) { karma.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js', singleRun: true, reporters: ['dots'], browsers: getBrowsersFromCLI()}, done); }); gulp.task('test.unit.dart/ci', function (done) { karma.start({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-dart.conf.js', singleRun: true, reporters: ['dots'], browsers: getBrowsersFromCLI()}, done); }); gulp.task('test.unit.cjs/ci', function(done) { fork('./tools/traceur-jasmine', ['dist/js/cjs/angular2/test/**/*_spec.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', function (exitCode) { done(exitCode); }); }); gulp.task('test.unit.cjs', ['build/clean.js'], function (done) { function buildAndTest() { runSequence( 'build.js.cjs', 'test.unit.cjs/ci' ); } buildAndTest(); gulp.watch('modules/**', buildAndTest); }); gulp.task('test.unit.tools/ci', function(done) { fork('./tools/traceur-jasmine', ['dist/tools/**/*.spec.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); }); gulp.task('test.unit.tools', function(done) { rebuildTools = true; function buildAndTest() { runSequence( 'build.tools', 'test.unit.tools/ci' ); } buildAndTest(); gulp.watch('tools/**', buildAndTest); }); // ------------------ // server tests // These tests run on the VM on the command-line and are // allowed to access the file system and network. gulp.task('test.server.dart', runServerDartTests(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dest: 'dist/dart' })); // ----------------- // test builders gulp.task('test.transpiler.unittest', function(done) { fork('./tools/traceur-jasmine', ['tools/transpiler/unittest/**/*.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', function (exitCode) { done(exitCode); }); }); // ----------------- // orchestrated targets // Pure Dart packages only contain Dart code and conform to pub package layout. // These packages need no transpilation. All code is copied over to `dist` // unmodified and directory structure is preserved. // // This task also fixes relative `dependency_overrides` paths in `pubspec.yaml` // files. gulp.task('build/pure-packages.dart', function() { var through2 = require('through2'); var yaml = require('js-yaml'); var originalPrefix = '../../dist/dart/'; return gulp .src([ 'modules_dart/**/*.dart', 'modules_dart/**/pubspec.yaml', ]) .pipe(through2.obj(function(file, enc, done) { if (file.path.endsWith('pubspec.yaml')) { // Pure packages specify dependency_overrides relative to // `modules_dart`, so they have to walk up and into `dist`. // // Example: // // dependency_overrides: // angular2: // path: ../../dist/dart/angular2 // // When we copy a pure package into `dist` the relative path // must be updated. The code below replaces paths accordingly. // So the example above is turned into: // // dependency_overrides: // angular2: // path: ../angular2 // var pubspec = yaml.safeLoad(file.contents.toString()); var overrides = pubspec['dependency_overrides']; if (overrides) { Object.keys(overrides).forEach(function(pkg) { var overridePath = overrides[pkg]['path']; if (overridePath.startsWith(originalPrefix)) { overrides[pkg]['path'] = overridePath.replace(originalPrefix, '../'); } }); file.contents = new Buffer(yaml.safeDump(pubspec)); } } this.push(file); done(); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/dart')); }); // Builds all Dart packages, but does not compile them gulp.task('build/packages.dart', function(done) { runSequence( 'build/tree.dart', // Run after 'build/tree.dart' because broccoli clears the dist/dart folder 'build/pure-packages.dart', 'build/format.dart', done); }); // Builds and compiles all Dart packages gulp.task('build.dart', function(done) { runSequence( 'build/packages.dart', 'build/pubspec.dart', 'build/analyze.dart', 'build/pubbuild.dart', done ); }); var rebuildTools = false; gulp.task('build.tools', ['build/clean.tools'], function() { if (!rebuildTools && angularBuilder.rebuildNodeTree !== throwToolsBuildMissingError) { return; } var tsResult = gulp.src('tools/**/*.ts') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(tsc({target: 'ES5', module: 'commonjs', reporter: tsc.reporter.nullReporter()})) .on('error', function(error) { // gulp-typescript doesn't propagate errors from the src stream into the js stream so we are // forwarding the error into the merged stream mergedStream.emit('error', error); }); var destDir = gulp.dest('dist/tools/'); var mergedStream = merge2([ tsResult.js.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.')).pipe(destDir), tsResult.js.pipe(destDir) ]).on('end', function() { var AngularBuilder = require('./dist/tools/broccoli/angular_builder').AngularBuilder; angularBuilder = new AngularBuilder('dist'); }); return mergedStream; }); gulp.task('broccoli.js.dev', ['build.tools'], function() { return angularBuilder.rebuildBrowserDevTree(); }); gulp.task('build.js.dev', function(done) { runSequence( 'broccoli.js.dev', 'build/checkCircularDependencies', 'check-format', done ); }); gulp.task('build.js.prod', ['build.tools'], function() { return angularBuilder.rebuildBrowserProdTree(); }); var firstBuildJsCjs = true; gulp.task('build.js.cjs', ['build.tools'], function() { return angularBuilder.rebuildNodeTree().then(function() { if (firstBuildJsCjs) { firstBuildJsCjs = false; console.log('creating node_modules symlink hack'); // linknodemodules is all sync linknodemodules(gulp, gulpPlugins, { dir: CONFIG.dest.js.cjs })(); } }); }); var bundleConfig = { paths: { "*": "dist/js/prod/es6/*.es6", "rx/*": "node_modules/rx/*.js" }, meta: { // auto-detection fails to detect properly here - https://github.com/systemjs/builder/issues/123 'rx/dist/rx.all': { format: 'cjs' } } }; // production build gulp.task('bundle.js.prod', ['build.js.prod'], function() { return bundler.bundle( bundleConfig, 'angular2/angular2', './dist/build/angular2.js', { sourceMaps: true }); }); // minified production build // TODO: minify zone.js gulp.task('bundle.js.min', ['build.js.prod'], function() { return bundler.bundle( bundleConfig, 'angular2/angular2', './dist/build/angular2.min.js', { sourceMaps: true, minify: true }); }); // development build gulp.task('bundle.js.dev', ['build.js.dev'], function() { var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig); devBundleConfig.paths = merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, { "*": "dist/js/dev/es6/*.es6" }); return bundler.bundle( devBundleConfig, 'angular2/angular2', './dist/build/angular2.dev.js', { sourceMaps: true }); }); // self-executing development build // This bundle executes its main module - angular2_sfx, when loaded, without // a corresponding System.import call. It is aimed at ES5 developers that do not // use System loader polyfills (like system.js and es6 loader). // see: https://github.com/systemjs/builder (SFX bundles). gulp.task('bundle.js.sfx.dev', ['build.js.dev'], function() { var devBundleConfig = merge(true, bundleConfig); devBundleConfig.paths = merge(true, devBundleConfig.paths, { '*': 'dist/js/dev/es6/*.es6' }); return bundler.bundle( devBundleConfig, 'angular2/angular2_sfx', './dist/build/angular2.sfx.dev.js', { sourceMaps: true }, /* self-exectuting */ true); }); gulp.task('bundle.js.prod.deps', ['bundle.js.prod'], function() { return bundler.modify( ['node_modules/zone.js/zone.js', 'dist/build/angular2.js'], 'angular2.js') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bundle')); }); gulp.task('bundle.js.min.deps', ['bundle.js.min'], function() { return bundler.modify( ['node_modules/zone.js/zone.js', 'dist/build/angular2.min.js'], 'angular2.min.js') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bundle')); }); var JS_DEV_DEPS = ['node_modules/zone.js/zone.js', 'node_modules/zone.js/long-stack-trace-zone.js']; gulp.task('bundle.js.dev.deps', ['bundle.js.dev'], function() { return bundler.modify(JS_DEV_DEPS.concat(['dist/build/angular2.dev.js']), 'angular2.dev.js') .pipe(insert.append('\nzone = zone.fork(Zone.longStackTraceZone);\n')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bundle')); }); gulp.task('bundle.js.sfx.dev.deps', ['bundle.js.sfx.dev'], function() { return bundler.modify(JS_DEV_DEPS.concat(['dist/build/angular2.sfx.dev.js']), 'angular2.sfx.dev.js') .pipe(insert.append('\nzone = zone.fork(Zone.longStackTraceZone);\n')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bundle')); }); gulp.task('bundle.js.deps', ['bundle.js.prod.deps', 'bundle.js.dev.deps', 'bundle.js.min.deps', 'bundle.js.sfx.dev.deps']); gulp.task('build.js', ['build.js.dev', 'build.js.prod', 'build.js.cjs', 'bundle.js.deps']); gulp.task('clean', ['build/clean.tools', 'build/clean.js', 'build/clean.dart', 'build/clean.docs']); gulp.task('build', ['build.js', 'build.dart']); // ------------ // angular material testing rules gulp.task('build.js.material', ['build.js.dev'], function() { return gulp.src('modules/*/src/**/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest(CONFIG.dest.js.dev.es5)); }); // TODO: this target is temporary until we find a way to use the SASS transformer gulp.task('build.dart.material', ['build/packages.dart'], function() { return gulp.src('dist/dart/angular2_material/src/**/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/dart/angular2_material/lib/src')); }); gulp.task('cleanup.builder', function() { angularBuilder.cleanup(); }); // register cleanup listener for ctrl+c/kill used to quit any persistent task (autotest or serve tasks) process.on('SIGINT', function() { gulp.start('cleanup.builder'); process.exit(); }); // register cleanup listener for all non-persistent tasks process.on('beforeExit', function() { gulp.start('cleanup.builder'); });