 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import {GitClient} from '../utils/git/index';

import {checkFiles, formatFiles} from './format';

/** Build the parser for the format commands. */
export function buildFormatParser(localYargs: yargs.Argv) {
  return localYargs.help()
      .option('check', {
        type: 'boolean',
        default: process.env['CI'] ? true : false,
        description: 'Run the formatter to check formatting rather than updating code format'
          'all', 'Run the formatter on all files in the repository', args => args,
          ({check}) => {
            const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
            const allFiles = GitClient.getInstance().allFiles();
          'changed [shaOrRef]', 'Run the formatter on files changed since the provided sha/ref',
          args => args.positional('shaOrRef', {type: 'string'}),
          ({shaOrRef, check}) => {
            const sha = shaOrRef || 'master';
            const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
            const allChangedFilesSince = GitClient.getInstance().allChangesFilesSince(sha);
          'staged', 'Run the formatter on all staged files', args => args,
          ({check}) => {
            const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
            const allStagedFiles = GitClient.getInstance().allStagedFiles();
          'files <files..>', 'Run the formatter on provided files',
          args => args.positional('files', {array: true, type: 'string'}), ({check, files}) => {
            const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;