{ "currentEnvironment": "JavaScript", "version": { "raw": "2.3.0-beta.0", "major": 2, "minor": 3, "patch": 0, "prerelease": [ "local" ], "build": "sha.dfe65b3", "version": "2.3.0-local", "codeName": "snapshot", "isSnapshot": true, "full": "2.3.0-local+sha.dfe65b3", "branch": "master", "commitSHA": "dfe65b3ddbf365abd5b2e0a0b1f5972e38b8bc1c" }, "sections": [ { "name": "Bootstrapping", "description": "

\nAvailable from the ng.platformBrowserDynamic namespace

\n", "items": [ { "syntax": "document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {\n ng.platformBrowserDynamic\n .platformBrowserDynamic()\n .bootstrapModule(app.AppModule);\n});", "bold": [ "platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule" ], "description": "

Bootstraps the app, using the root component from the specified NgModule. Must be wrapped in the event listener to fire when the page loads.

\n" } ], "index": 0 }, { "name": "NgModules", "description": "

\nAvailable from the ng.core namespace

\n", "items": [ { "syntax": "ng.core.NgModule({declarations: ..., imports: ...,\n exports: ..., providers: ..., bootstrap: ...}).\nClass({ constructor: function() {}})", "bold": [], "description": "

Defines a module that contains components, directives, pipes, and providers.

\n" }, { "syntax": "declarations: [MyRedComponent, MyBlueComponent, MyDatePipe]", "bold": [ "declarations:" ], "description": "

List of components, directives, and pipes that belong to this module.

\n" }, { "syntax": "imports: [ng.platformBrowser.BrowserModule, SomeOtherModule]", "bold": [ "imports:" ], "description": "

List of modules to import into this module. Everything from the imported modules\nis available to declarations of this module.

\n" }, { "syntax": "exports: [MyRedComponent, MyDatePipe]", "bold": [ "exports:" ], "description": "

List of components, directives, and pipes visible to modules that import this module.

\n" }, { "syntax": "providers: [MyService, { provide: ... }]", "bold": [ "providers:" ], "description": "

List of dependency injection providers visible both to the contents of this module and to importers of this module.

\n" }, { "syntax": "bootstrap: [MyAppComponent]", "bold": [ "bootstrap:" ], "description": "

List of components to bootstrap when this module is bootstrapped.

\n" } ], "index": 1 }, { "name": "Template syntax", "description": "", "items": [ { "syntax": "", "bold": [ "[value]" ], "description": "

Binds property value to the result of expression firstName.

\n" }, { "syntax": "
", "bold": [ "[attr.role]" ], "description": "

Binds attribute role to the result of expression myAriaRole.

\n" }, { "syntax": "
", "bold": [ "[class.extra-sparkle]" ], "description": "

Binds the presence of the CSS class extra-sparkle on the element to the truthiness of the expression isDelightful.

\n" }, { "syntax": "
", "bold": [ "[style.width.px]" ], "description": "

Binds style property width to the result of expression mySize in pixels. Units are optional.

\n" }, { "syntax": "