# Angular.io [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis-badge-url] Angular.io is site for Angular 2 **documentation** . This site also includes links to other helpful angular resources including Angular 2, Angular 1, Angular Material, and AngularFire. ## Issues Please file **Developer Guide, Cookbook, and code sample issues _only_** in this [Angular.io](https://github.com/angular/angular.io/issues) github repo. **Angular API issues, cheatsheet corrections, feature requests, defect reports, and technical questions** concerning Angular itself belong in the [**angular source code**](https://github.com/angular/angular/issues) github repo. We can't handle those topics here and will ask you to re-post them on the angular repo. ## How you can help Filing issues is helpful but **pull requests** that improve the docs are even better! Learn how to [contribute to Angular.io](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Development Setup This site relies heavily on node and npm. 1. Make sure you are using the latest node and npm; if not install [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) to get node going on your machine. 1. install these npm packages *globally*: `npm install -g harp gulp protractor` 1. clone this repo and the [angular source code repo](https://github.com/angular/angular) to the same parent directory. The two cloned repo directories must be sibling. 1. cd into root directory `angular.io/` 1. install the *all-docs* local packages by running `npm install` > If running node v.5+, you probably must rebuild `node-sass` in a separate step: `npm rebuild node-sass` 1. See [below](#code-sample-development) for code sample development preparation. ## Content Development All documentation content is written in Jade which has [its own syntax](http://jade-lang.com/reference/). Be aware of the strict demands imposed by this significant-whitespace language. We strongly recommend running one of the gulp `serve-and-sync` commands [described below](#serve-and-sync) while editing content so you can see the effect of your changes *as you type*. The documentation relies on specific styles and mixins. Learn about those in the [documentation styleguide](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/styleguide.html). The jade documentation files are language-specific directories under either `public/docs/`. For example, all of the TypeScript docs are in `public/docs/ts/latest`, e.g. - `public/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.jade` - `public/docs/ts/latest/guide/architecture.jade` - `public/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.jade` - `public/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/toh-pt5.jade` ### Local server with watches and browser reload 1. cd into root directory `angular.io/` 1. run `gulp serve-and-sync` 1. browser will launch on localhost:3000 and stay refreshed automatically. If you are only going to work on a specific part of the docs, such as the dev guide, then you can use one of the more specific gulp tasks to only watch those parts of the file system: * `gulp serve-and-sync` : watch all the local Jade/Sass files, the API source and examples, and the dev guide files * `gulp serve-and-sync-api` : watch only the API source and example files * `gulp serve-and-sync-devguide` : watch only the dev guide files * `gulp build-and-serve` : watch only the local Jade/Sass files ## Code Sample Development All documentation is supported by sample code and plunkers. Such code resides in the `public/docs/_examples` directory, under chapter-specific directories, further divided by language track. For example, the TypeScript QuickStart sample is in `public/docs/_examples/quickstart/ts`. All samples are in a consistent directory structure using the same styles and the same npm packages, including the latest release of Angular 2. This consistency is possible in part thanks to gulp-driven tooling. To run the samples locally and confirm that they work properly, take the following extra steps to prepare the environment: 1. cd to `public/docs/_examples` 1. install the canonical node packages for all samples by running `npm install` 1. cd back up to `angular.io` root: `cd ../../..` 1. run `gulp add-example-boilerplate` (elevate to admin on Windows) to copy canonical files to the sample directories and create symlinks there for node_modules and typings. Now cd into any particular sample's language directory (e.g., `public/docs/_examples/quickstart/ts`) and try: - `npm start` to simultaneously compile-with-watch and serve-in-browser-with-watch - `npm run tsc` to compile only - `npm run lite` to serve-and-watch in browser Look at the scripts in `package.json` for other options. Also, open any `plunkr.no-link.html` to see the code execute in plunker (you may have to run `gulp build-plunkers` first to create/update). You may want to check that your example is free of lint errors. - `gulp lint` ### Sample end-to-end tests All samples should be covered to some degree by end-to-end tests: - `gulp run-e2e-tests` to run all TypeScript and JavaScript tests - `gulp run-e2e-tests --lang=dart` to run all Dart tests - `gulp run-e2e-tests --lang=all` to run TypeScript, JavaScript, and Dart tests - `gulp run-e2e-tests --filter=quickstart` to filter the examples to run, by name - `gulp run-e2e-tests --fast` to ignore npm install, webdriver update and boilerplate copy Any combination of options is possible. ## Technology Used - Angular 1.x: The production ready version of Angular - Angular Material: An implementation of Material Design in Angular.js - Gulp: node-based tooling - Harp: The static web server with built-in preprocessing. - Sass: A professional grade CSS extension language - Normalize: A modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets - Grids: A highly customizable CSS Grid Framework built with Sass - Prettify: A JS module and CSS for syntax highlighting of source code snippets. - Icomoon: Custom built icon fonts ## License Powered by Google ©2010-2016. Code licensed under an [MIT-style License](https://github.com/angular.io/blob/master/LICENSE). Documentation licensed under [CC BY 4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). [travis-badge]: https://travis-ci.org/angular/angular.io.svg?branch=master [travis-badge-url]: https://travis-ci.org/angular/angular.io