/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {APP_INITIALIZER, ChangeDetectorRef, Compiler, Component, Directive, ErrorHandler, Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken, Injector, Input, LOCALE_ID, ModuleWithProviders, NgModule, Optional, Pipe, Type, ViewChild, ɵsetClassMetadata as setClassMetadata, ɵɵdefineComponent as defineComponent, ɵɵdefineInjector as defineInjector, ɵɵdefineNgModule as defineNgModule, ɵɵsetNgModuleScope as setNgModuleScope, ɵɵtext as text} from '@angular/core'; import {getTestBed, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing/src/test_bed'; import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing'; const NAME = new InjectionToken('name'); @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class SimpleService { static ngOnDestroyCalls: number = 0; id: number = 1; ngOnDestroy() { SimpleService.ngOnDestroyCalls++; } } // -- module: HWModule @Component({ selector: 'hello-world', template: '', }) export class HelloWorld { } // -- module: Greeting @Component({ selector: 'greeting-cmp', template: 'Hello {{ name }}', }) export class GreetingCmp { name: string; constructor( @Inject(NAME) @Optional() name: string, @Inject(SimpleService) @Optional() service: SimpleService) { this.name = name || 'nobody!'; } } @Component({ selector: 'cmp-with-providers', template: '', providers: [ SimpleService, // {provide: NAME, useValue: `from Component`} ] }) class CmpWithProviders { } @NgModule({ declarations: [GreetingCmp], exports: [GreetingCmp], }) export class GreetingModule { } @Component({selector: 'simple-cmp', template: 'simple'}) export class SimpleCmp { } @Component({selector: 'with-refs-cmp', template: '
'}) export class WithRefsCmp { } @Component({selector: 'inherited-cmp', template: 'inherited'}) export class InheritedCmp extends SimpleCmp { } @Directive({selector: '[hostBindingDir]', host: {'[id]': 'id'}}) export class HostBindingDir { id = 'one'; } @Component({ selector: 'component-with-prop-bindings', template: `

` }) export class ComponentWithPropBindings { title = 'some title'; label = 'some label'; } @Component({ selector: 'simple-app', template: ` - ` }) export class SimpleApp { } @Component({selector: 'inline-template', template: '


'}) export class ComponentWithInlineTemplate { } @NgModule({ declarations: [ HelloWorld, SimpleCmp, WithRefsCmp, InheritedCmp, SimpleApp, ComponentWithPropBindings, HostBindingDir, CmpWithProviders ], imports: [GreetingModule], providers: [ {provide: NAME, useValue: 'World!'}, ] }) export class HelloWorldModule { } describe('TestBed', () => { beforeEach(() => { getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); }); it('should compile and render a component', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); }); it('should give access to the component instance', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(HelloWorld); }); it('should give the ability to query by css', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByCss = hello.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); expect(greetingByCss.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(GreetingCmp); }); it('should give the ability to trigger the change detection', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByCss = hello.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); greetingByCss.componentInstance.name = 'TestBed!'; hello.detectChanges(); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello TestBed!'); }); it('should give the ability to access property bindings on a node', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithPropBindings); fixture.detectChanges(); const divElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')); expect(divElement.properties.id).toEqual('one'); expect(divElement.properties.title).toEqual('some title'); }); it('should give the ability to access interpolated properties on a node', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithPropBindings); fixture.detectChanges(); const paragraphEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p')); expect(paragraphEl.properties.title).toEqual('( some label - some title )'); expect(paragraphEl.properties.id).toEqual('[ some label ] [ some title ]'); }); it('should give access to the node injector', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); fixture.detectChanges(); const injector = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')).injector; // from the node injector const greetingCmp = injector.get(GreetingCmp); expect(greetingCmp.constructor).toBe(GreetingCmp); // from the node injector (inherited from a parent node) const helloWorldCmp = injector.get(HelloWorld); expect(fixture.componentInstance).toBe(helloWorldCmp); const nameInjected = injector.get(NAME); expect(nameInjected).toEqual('World!'); }); it('should give access to the node injector for root node', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const injector = hello.debugElement.injector; // from the node injector const helloInjected = injector.get(HelloWorld); expect(helloInjected).toBe(hello.componentInstance); // from the module injector const nameInjected = injector.get(NAME); expect(nameInjected).toEqual('World!'); }); it('should give access to local refs on a node', () => { const withRefsCmp = TestBed.createComponent(WithRefsCmp); const firstDivDebugEl = withRefsCmp.debugElement.query(By.css('div')); // assert that a native element is referenced by a local ref expect(firstDivDebugEl.references.firstDiv.tagName.toLowerCase()).toBe('div'); }); it('should give the ability to query by directive', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByDirective = hello.debugElement.query(By.directive(GreetingCmp)); expect(greetingByDirective.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(GreetingCmp); }); it('allow to override a template', () => { // use original template when there is no override let hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); // override the template getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); TestBed.overrideComponent(GreetingCmp, {set: {template: `Bonjour {{ name }}`}}); hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Bonjour World!'); // restore the original template by calling `.resetTestingModule()` getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); }); it('should run `APP_INITIALIZER` before accessing `LOCALE_ID` provider', () => { let locale: string = ''; @NgModule({ providers: [ {provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => locale = 'fr-FR', multi: true}, {provide: LOCALE_ID, useFactory: () => locale} ] }) class TestModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [TestModule]}); expect(TestBed.inject(LOCALE_ID)).toBe('fr-FR'); }); it('allow to override a provider', () => { TestBed.overrideProvider(NAME, {useValue: 'injected World!'}); const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello injected World!'); }); it('uses the most recent provider override', () => { TestBed.overrideProvider(NAME, {useValue: 'injected World!'}); TestBed.overrideProvider(NAME, {useValue: 'injected World a second time!'}); const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello injected World a second time!'); }); it('overrides a providers in an array', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HelloWorldModule], providers: [ [{provide: NAME, useValue: 'injected World!'}], ] }); TestBed.overrideProvider(NAME, {useValue: 'injected World a second time!'}); const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello injected World a second time!'); }); it('should not call ngOnDestroy for a service that was overridden', () => { SimpleService.ngOnDestroyCalls = 0; TestBed.overrideProvider(SimpleService, {useValue: {id: 2, ngOnDestroy: () => {}}}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CmpWithProviders); fixture.detectChanges(); const service = TestBed.inject(SimpleService); expect(service.id).toBe(2); fixture.destroy(); // verify that original `ngOnDestroy` was not called expect(SimpleService.ngOnDestroyCalls).toBe(0); }); describe('module overrides using TestBed.overrideModule', () => { @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...', }) class TestComponent { testField = 'default'; } @NgModule({ declarations: [TestComponent], exports: [TestComponent], }) class TestModule { } @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ``, }) class AppComponent { @ViewChild('testCmpCtrl', {static: true}) testCmpCtrl!: TestComponent; } @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [TestModule], }) class AppModule { } @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...', }) class MockTestComponent { testField = 'overwritten'; } it('should allow declarations override', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [AppModule], }); // replace TestComponent with MockTestComponent TestBed.overrideModule(TestModule, { remove: {declarations: [TestComponent], exports: [TestComponent]}, add: {declarations: [MockTestComponent], exports: [MockTestComponent]} }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); const app = fixture.componentInstance; expect(app.testCmpCtrl.testField).toBe('overwritten'); }); }); describe('nested module overrides using TestBed.overrideModule', () => { // Set up an NgModule hierarchy with two modules, A and B, each with their own component. // Module B additionally re-exports module A. Also declare two mock components which can be // used in tests to verify that overrides within this hierarchy are working correctly. // ModuleA content: @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: 'comp-a content', }) class CompA { } @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: 'comp-a mock content', }) class MockCompA { } @NgModule({ declarations: [CompA], exports: [CompA], }) class ModuleA { } // ModuleB content: @Component({ selector: 'comp-b', template: 'comp-b content', }) class CompB { } @Component({ selector: 'comp-b', template: 'comp-b mock content', }) class MockCompB { } @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleA], declarations: [CompB], exports: [CompB, ModuleA], }) class ModuleB { } // AppModule content: @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ` `, }) class App { } @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleB], exports: [ModuleB], }) class AppModule { } it('should detect nested module override', () => { TestBed .configureTestingModule({ declarations: [App], // AppModule -> ModuleB -> ModuleA (to be overridden) imports: [AppModule], }) .overrideModule(ModuleA, { remove: {declarations: [CompA], exports: [CompA]}, add: {declarations: [MockCompA], exports: [MockCompA]} }) .compileComponents(); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); // CompA is overridden, expect mock content. expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('comp-a mock content'); // CompB is not overridden, expect original content. expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('comp-b content'); }); it('should detect chained modules override', () => { TestBed .configureTestingModule({ declarations: [App], // AppModule -> ModuleB (to be overridden) -> ModuleA (to be overridden) imports: [AppModule], }) .overrideModule(ModuleA, { remove: {declarations: [CompA], exports: [CompA]}, add: {declarations: [MockCompA], exports: [MockCompA]} }) .overrideModule(ModuleB, { remove: {declarations: [CompB], exports: [CompB]}, add: {declarations: [MockCompB], exports: [MockCompB]} }) .compileComponents(); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App); fixture.detectChanges(); // Both CompA and CompB are overridden, expect mock content for both. expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('comp-a mock content'); expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('comp-b mock content'); }); }); describe('multi providers', () => { const multiToken = new InjectionToken('multiToken'); const singleToken = new InjectionToken('singleToken'); const multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevel = new InjectionToken('moduleLevelMultiOverride'); @NgModule({providers: [{provide: multiToken, useValue: 'valueFromModule', multi: true}]}) class MyModule { } @NgModule({ providers: [ {provide: singleToken, useValue: 't1'}, { provide: multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevel, useValue: 'multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevelOriginal', multi: true }, {provide: multiToken, useValue: 'valueFromModule2', multi: true}, {provide: multiToken, useValue: 'secondValueFromModule2', multi: true} ] }) class MyModule2 { } beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ MyModule, { ngModule: MyModule2, providers: [{provide: multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevel, useValue: 'override', multi: true}] } ], }); }); it('is preserved when other provider is overridden', () => { TestBed.overrideProvider(singleToken, {useValue: ''}); expect(TestBed.inject(multiToken).length).toEqual(3); expect(TestBed.inject(multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevel).length).toEqual(2); expect(TestBed.inject(multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevel)).toEqual([ 'multiTokenToOverrideAtModuleLevelOriginal', 'override' ]); }); it('overridden with an array', () => { const overrideValue = ['override']; TestBed.overrideProvider(multiToken, {useValue: overrideValue, multi: true} as any); const value = TestBed.inject(multiToken); expect(value.length).toEqual(overrideValue.length); expect(value).toEqual(overrideValue); }); it('overridden with a non-array', () => { // This is actually invalid because multi providers return arrays. We have this here so we can // ensure Ivy behaves the same as VE does currently. const overrideValue = 'override'; TestBed.overrideProvider(multiToken, {useValue: overrideValue, multi: true} as any); const value = TestBed.inject(multiToken); expect(value.length).toEqual(overrideValue.length); expect(value).toEqual(overrideValue as {} as string[]); }); }); describe('overrides providers in ModuleWithProviders', () => { const TOKEN = new InjectionToken('token'); @NgModule() class MyMod { static multi = false; static forRoot() { return { ngModule: MyMod, providers: [{provide: TOKEN, multi: MyMod.multi, useValue: 'forRootValue'}] }; } } beforeEach(() => MyMod.multi = true); it('when provider is a "regular" provider', () => { MyMod.multi = false; @NgModule({imports: [MyMod.forRoot()]}) class MyMod2 { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [MyMod2]}); TestBed.overrideProvider(TOKEN, {useValue: ['override']}); expect(TestBed.inject(TOKEN)).toEqual(['override']); }); it('when provider is multi', () => { @NgModule({imports: [MyMod.forRoot()]}) class MyMod2 { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [MyMod2]}); TestBed.overrideProvider(TOKEN, {useValue: ['override']}); expect(TestBed.inject(TOKEN)).toEqual(['override']); }); it('restores the original value', () => { @NgModule({imports: [MyMod.forRoot()]}) class MyMod2 { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [MyMod2]}); TestBed.overrideProvider(TOKEN, {useValue: ['override']}); expect(TestBed.inject(TOKEN)).toEqual(['override']); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [MyMod2]}); expect(TestBed.inject(TOKEN)).toEqual(['forRootValue']); }); }); it('should allow overriding a provider defined via ModuleWithProviders (using TestBed.overrideProvider)', () => { const serviceOverride = { get() { return 'override'; }, }; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class MyService { get() { return 'original'; } } @NgModule({}) class MyModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: MyModule, providers: [MyService], }; } } TestBed.overrideProvider(MyService, {useValue: serviceOverride}); TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [MyModule.forRoot()], }); const service = TestBed.inject(MyService); expect(service.get()).toEqual('override'); }); it('should handle overrides for a provider that has `ChangeDetectorRef` as a dependency', () => { // Note: we specifically check an @Injectable with `ChangeDetectorRef` here due to the fact that // in Ivy there is a special instruction that injects `ChangeDetectorRef` token for Pipes // (ɵɵinjectPipeChangeDetectorRef) and using that function for other types causes problems, // for example when we try to override an @Injectable. The test below captures a use-case that // triggers a problem in case incompatible function is used to inject `ChangeDetectorRef` as a // dependency. @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class MyService { token = 'original'; constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} } TestBed.configureTestingModule({}); TestBed.overrideProvider(MyService, {useValue: {token: 'override'}}); const service = TestBed.inject(MyService); expect(service.token).toBe('override'); }); it('should allow overriding a provider defined via ModuleWithProviders (using TestBed.configureTestingModule)', () => { const serviceOverride = { get() { return 'override'; }, }; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class MyService { get() { return 'original'; } } @NgModule({}) class MyModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: MyModule, providers: [MyService], }; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [MyModule.forRoot()], providers: [{provide: MyService, useValue: serviceOverride}], }); const service = TestBed.inject(MyService); expect(service.get()).toEqual('override'); }); it('overrides injectable that is using providedIn: AModule', () => { @NgModule() class ServiceModule { } @Injectable({providedIn: ServiceModule}) class Service { } const fake = 'fake'; TestBed.overrideProvider(Service, {useValue: fake}); // Create an injector whose source is the ServiceModule, not DynamicTestModule. const ngModuleFactory = TestBed.inject(Compiler).compileModuleSync(ServiceModule); const injector = ngModuleFactory.create(TestBed.inject(Injector)).injector; const service = injector.get(Service); expect(service).toBe(fake); }); it('allow to override multi provider', () => { const MY_TOKEN = new InjectionToken('MyProvider'); class MyProvider {} @Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ``}) class MyComp { constructor(@Inject(MY_TOKEN) public myProviders: MyProvider[]) {} } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [MyComp], providers: [{provide: MY_TOKEN, useValue: {value: 'old provider'}, multi: true}] }); const multiOverride = {useValue: [{value: 'new provider'}], multi: true}; TestBed.overrideProvider(MY_TOKEN, multiOverride as any); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); expect(fixture.componentInstance.myProviders).toEqual([{value: 'new provider'}]); }); it('should resolve components that are extended by other components', () => { // SimpleApp uses SimpleCmp in its template, which is extended by InheritedCmp const simpleApp = TestBed.createComponent(SimpleApp); simpleApp.detectChanges(); expect(simpleApp.nativeElement).toHaveText('simple - inherited'); }); it('should not trigger change detection for ComponentA while calling TestBed.createComponent for ComponentB', () => { const log: string[] = []; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: '...', }) class CompA { @Input() inputA: string = ''; ngOnInit() { log.push('CompA:ngOnInit', this.inputA); } } @Component({ selector: 'comp-b', template: '...', }) class CompB { @Input() inputB: string = ''; ngOnInit() { log.push('CompB:ngOnInit', this.inputB); } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [CompA, CompB]}); log.length = 0; const appA = TestBed.createComponent(CompA); appA.componentInstance.inputA = 'a'; appA.autoDetectChanges(); expect(log).toEqual(['CompA:ngOnInit', 'a']); log.length = 0; const appB = TestBed.createComponent(CompB); appB.componentInstance.inputB = 'b'; appB.autoDetectChanges(); expect(log).toEqual(['CompB:ngOnInit', 'b']); }); it('should resolve components without async resources synchronously', (done) => { TestBed .configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ComponentWithInlineTemplate], }) .compileComponents() .then(done) .catch(error => { // This should not throw any errors. If an error is thrown, the test will fail. // Specifically use `catch` here to mark the test as done and *then* throw the error // so that the test isn't treated as a timeout. done(); throw error; }); // Intentionally call `createComponent` before `compileComponents` is resolved. We want this to // work for components that don't have any async resources (templateUrl, styleUrls). TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithInlineTemplate); }); it('should be able to override the ErrorHandler via an import', () => { class CustomErrorHandler {} @NgModule({providers: [{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: CustomErrorHandler}]}) class ProvidesErrorHandler { } getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [ProvidesErrorHandler, HelloWorldModule]}); expect(TestBed.inject(ErrorHandler)).toEqual(jasmine.any(CustomErrorHandler)); }); it('should throw errors in CD', () => { @Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ''}) class MyComp { name!: {hello: string}; ngOnInit() { // this should throw because this.name is undefined this.name.hello = 'hello'; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}); expect(() => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(); }).toThrowError(); }); // TODO(FW-1245): properly fix issue where errors in listeners aren't thrown and don't cause // tests to fail. This is an issue in both View Engine and Ivy, and may require a breaking // change to completely fix (since simple re-throwing breaks handlers in ngrx, etc). xit('should throw errors in listeners', () => { @Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ''}) class MyComp { name!: {hello: string}; onClick() { // this should throw because this.name is undefined this.name.hello = 'hello'; } } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(() => { const button = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('button'); button.click(); }).toThrowError(); }); onlyInIvy('TestBed new feature to allow declaration and import of component') .it('should allow both the declaration and import of a component into the testing module', () => { // This test validates that a component (Outer) which is both declared and imported // (via its module) in the testing module behaves correctly. That is: // // 1) the component should be compiled in the scope of its original module. // // This condition is tested by having the component (Outer) use another component // (Inner) within its template. Thus, if it's compiled in the correct scope then the // text 'Inner' from the template of (Inner) should appear in the result. // // 2) the component should be available in the TestingModule scope. // // This condition is tested by attempting to use the component (Outer) inside a test // fixture component (Fixture) which is declared in the testing module only. @Component({ selector: 'inner', template: 'Inner', }) class Inner { } @Component({ selector: 'outer', template: '', }) class Outer { } @NgModule({ declarations: [Inner, Outer], }) class Module { } @Component({ template: '', selector: 'fixture', }) class Fixture { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [Outer, Fixture], imports: [Module], }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Fixture); // The Outer component should have its template stamped out, and that template should // include a correct instance of the Inner component with the 'Inner' text from its // template. expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toEqual('Inner'); }); onlyInIvy('Ivy-specific errors').describe('checking types before compiling them', () => { @Directive({ selector: 'my-dir', }) class MyDir { } @NgModule() class MyModule { } // [decorator, type, overrideFn] const cases: [string, Type, string][] = [ ['Component', MyDir, 'overrideComponent'], ['NgModule', MyDir, 'overrideModule'], ['Pipe', MyModule, 'overridePipe'], ['Directive', MyModule, 'overrideDirective'], ]; cases.forEach(([decorator, type, overrideFn]) => { it(`should throw an error in case invalid type is used in ${overrideFn} function`, () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyDir]}); expect(() => { (TestBed as any)[overrideFn](type, {}); TestBed.createComponent(type); }).toThrowError(new RegExp(`class doesn't have @${decorator} decorator`, 'g')); }); }); }); onlyInIvy('TestBed should handle AOT pre-compiled Components') .describe('AOT pre-compiled components', () => { /** * Function returns a class that represents AOT-compiled version of the following Component: * * @Component({ * selector: 'comp', * templateUrl: './template.ng.html', * styleUrls: ['./style.css'] * }) * class ComponentClass {} * * This is needed to closer match the behavior of AOT pre-compiled components (compiled * outside of TestBed) without changing TestBed state and/or Component metadata to compile * them via TestBed with external resources. */ const getAOTCompiledComponent = () => { class ComponentClass { static ɵfac = () => new ComponentClass(); static ɵcmp = defineComponent({ type: ComponentClass, selectors: [['comp']], decls: 1, vars: 0, template: (rf: any, ctx: any) => { if (rf & 1) { text(0, 'Some template'); } }, styles: ['body { margin: 0; }'] }); } setClassMetadata( ComponentClass, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'comp', templateUrl: './template.ng.html', styleUrls: ['./style.css'], }] }], null, null); return ComponentClass; }; it('should have an ability to override template', () => { const SomeComponent = getAOTCompiledComponent(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [SomeComponent]}); TestBed.overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule(SomeComponent, 'Template override'); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SomeComponent); expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toBe('Template override'); }); it('should have an ability to override template with empty string', () => { const SomeComponent = getAOTCompiledComponent(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [SomeComponent]}); TestBed.overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule(SomeComponent, ''); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SomeComponent); expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toBe(''); }); it('should allow component in both in declarations and imports', () => { const SomeComponent = getAOTCompiledComponent(); // This is an AOT compiled module which declares (but does not export) SomeComponent. class ModuleClass { static ɵmod = defineNgModule({ type: ModuleClass, declarations: [SomeComponent], }); } @Component({ template: '', selector: 'fixture', }) class TestFixture { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({ // Here, SomeComponent is both declared, and then the module which declares it is // also imported. This used to be a duplicate declaration error, but is now interpreted // to mean: // 1) Compile (or reuse) SomeComponent in the context of its original NgModule // 2) Make SomeComponent available in the scope of the testing module, even if it wasn't // originally exported from its NgModule. // // This allows TestFixture to use SomeComponent, which is asserted below. declarations: [SomeComponent, TestFixture], imports: [ModuleClass], }); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestFixture); // The regex avoids any issues with styling attributes. expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toMatch(/]*>Some template<\/comp>/); }); }); onlyInIvy('patched ng defs should be removed after resetting TestingModule') .describe('resetting ng defs', () => { it('should restore ng defs to their initial states', () => { @Pipe({name: 'somePipe', pure: true}) class SomePipe { transform(value: string): string { return `transformed ${value}`; } } @Directive({selector: 'someDirective'}) class SomeDirective { someProp = 'hello'; } @Component({selector: 'comp', template: 'someText'}) class SomeComponent { } @NgModule({declarations: [SomeComponent]}) class SomeModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [SomeModule]}); // adding Pipe and Directive via metadata override TestBed.overrideModule( SomeModule, {set: {declarations: [SomeComponent, SomePipe, SomeDirective]}}); TestBed.overrideComponent( SomeComponent, {set: {template: `{{'hello' | somePipe}}`}}); TestBed.createComponent(SomeComponent); const cmpDefBeforeReset = (SomeComponent as any).ɵcmp; expect(cmpDefBeforeReset.pipeDefs().length).toEqual(1); expect(cmpDefBeforeReset.directiveDefs().length).toEqual(2); // directive + component const modDefBeforeReset = (SomeModule as any).ɵmod; const transitiveScope = modDefBeforeReset.transitiveCompileScopes.compilation; expect(transitiveScope.pipes.size).toEqual(1); expect(transitiveScope.directives.size).toEqual(2); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); const cmpDefAfterReset = (SomeComponent as any).ɵcmp; expect(cmpDefAfterReset.pipeDefs).toBe(null); expect(cmpDefAfterReset.directiveDefs).toBe(null); const modDefAfterReset = (SomeModule as any).ɵmod; expect(modDefAfterReset.transitiveCompileScopes).toBe(null); }); it('should cleanup ng defs for classes with no ng annotations (in case of inheritance)', () => { @Component({selector: 'someDirective', template: '...'}) class SomeComponent { } class ComponentWithNoAnnotations extends SomeComponent {} @Directive({selector: 'some-directive'}) class SomeDirective { } class DirectiveWithNoAnnotations extends SomeDirective {} @Pipe({name: 'some-pipe'}) class SomePipe { } class PipeWithNoAnnotations extends SomePipe {} TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ComponentWithNoAnnotations, DirectiveWithNoAnnotations, PipeWithNoAnnotations] }); TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithNoAnnotations); expect(ComponentWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵcmp')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomeComponent.hasOwnProperty('ɵcmp')).toBeTruthy(); expect(DirectiveWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵdir')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomeDirective.hasOwnProperty('ɵdir')).toBeTruthy(); expect(PipeWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵpipe')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomePipe.hasOwnProperty('ɵpipe')).toBeTruthy(); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); // ng defs should be removed from classes with no annotations expect(ComponentWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵcmp')).toBeFalsy(); expect(DirectiveWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵdir')).toBeFalsy(); expect(PipeWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ɵpipe')).toBeFalsy(); // ng defs should be preserved on super types expect(SomeComponent.hasOwnProperty('ɵcmp')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomeDirective.hasOwnProperty('ɵdir')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomePipe.hasOwnProperty('ɵpipe')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should clean up overridden providers for modules that are imported more than once', () => { @Injectable() class Token { name: string = 'real'; } @NgModule({ providers: [Token], }) class Module { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [Module, Module]}); TestBed.overrideProvider(Token, {useValue: {name: 'fake'}}); expect(TestBed.inject(Token).name).toEqual('fake'); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); // The providers for the module should have been restored to the original array, with // no trace of the overridden providers. expect((Module as any).ɵinj.providers).toEqual([Token]); }); it('should clean up overridden providers on components whose modules are compiled more than once', async () => { @Injectable() class SomeInjectable { id: string|undefined; } @Component({providers: [SomeInjectable]}) class ComponentWithProvider { constructor(readonly injectable: SomeInjectable) {} } @NgModule({declarations: [ComponentWithProvider]}) class MyModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [MyModule]}); const originalResolver = (ComponentWithProvider as any).ɵcmp.providersResolver; TestBed.overrideProvider(SomeInjectable, {useValue: {id: 'fake'}}); const compiler = TestBed.inject(Compiler); await compiler.compileModuleAsync(MyModule); compiler.compileModuleSync(MyModule); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); expect((ComponentWithProvider as any).ɵcmp.providersResolver) .toEqual(originalResolver); }); }); onlyInIvy('VE injects undefined when provider does not have useValue or useFactory') .describe('overrides provider', () => { it('with empty provider object', () => { @Injectable() class Service { } TestBed.overrideProvider(Service, {}); // Should be able to get a Service instance because it has no dependencies that can't be // resolved expect(TestBed.inject(Service)).toBeDefined(); }); }); onlyInIvy('uses Ivy-specific compiler output') .it('should handle provider overrides when module imports are provided as a function', () => { class InjectedString { value?: string; } @Component({template: '{{injectedString.value}}'}) class AppComponent { constructor(public injectedString: InjectedString) {} } @NgModule({}) class DependencyModule { } // We need to write the compiler output manually here, // because it depends on code generated by ngcc. class TestingModule { static ɵmod = defineNgModule({type: TestingModule}); static ɵinj = defineInjector({factory: () => new TestingModule(), imports: [DependencyModule]}); } setNgModuleScope(TestingModule, {imports: () => [DependencyModule]}); TestBed .configureTestingModule({ imports: [TestingModule], declarations: [AppComponent], providers: [{provide: InjectedString, useValue: {value: 'initial'}}], }) .compileComponents(); TestBed.overrideProvider(InjectedString, {useValue: {value: 'changed'}}) .compileComponents(); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture!.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('changed'); }); });