/// /// /// /// import fs = require('fs'); import fse = require('fs-extra'); import path = require('path'); import TreeDiffer = require('../tree-differ'); import Writer = require('broccoli-writer'); let traceur = require('../../../../tools/transpiler'); let symlinkOrCopy = require('symlink-or-copy'); let xtend = require('xtend'); export = traceurCompiler; function traceurCompiler(inputTree, destExtension, destSourceMapExtension, options) { return new TraceurCompiler(inputTree, destExtension, destSourceMapExtension, options); } traceurCompiler['RUNTIME_PATH'] = traceur.RUNTIME_PATH; class TraceurCompiler implements BroccoliTree { treeDiffer: TreeDiffer; initialized = false; // props monkey-patched by broccoli builder: inputPath = null; cachePath = null; outputPath = null; constructor(public inputTree: BroccoliTree, private destExtension: string, private destSourceMapExtension: string, private options: {[key: string]: any}) {} rebuild() { let firstRun = !this.initialized; this.init(); let diffResult = this.treeDiffer.diffTree(); diffResult.log(!firstRun); diffResult.changedPaths.forEach((changedFilePath) => { var extension = path.extname(changedFilePath).toLowerCase(); if (extension === '.js' || extension === '.es6' || extension === '.cjs') { var options = xtend({filename: changedFilePath}, this.options); var fsOpts = {encoding: 'utf-8'}; var absoluteInputFilePath = path.join(this.inputPath, changedFilePath); var sourcecode = fs.readFileSync(absoluteInputFilePath, fsOpts); var result = traceur.compile(options, changedFilePath, sourcecode); // TODO: we should fix the sourceMappingURL written by Traceur instead of overriding // (but we might switch to typescript first) var mapFilepath = changedFilePath.replace(/\.\w+$/, '') + this.destSourceMapExtension; result.js = result.js + '\n//# sourceMappingURL=./' + path.basename(mapFilepath); var destFilepath = changedFilePath.replace(/\.\w+$/, this.destExtension); var destFile = path.join(this.cachePath, destFilepath); fse.mkdirsSync(path.dirname(destFile)); fs.writeFileSync(destFile, result.js, fsOpts); var destMap = path.join(this.cachePath, mapFilepath); result.sourceMap.file = destFilepath; fs.writeFileSync(destMap, JSON.stringify(result.sourceMap), fsOpts); } }); diffResult.removedPaths.forEach((removedFilePath) => { var destFilepath = removedFilePath.replace(/\.\w+$/, this.destExtension); var absoluteOuputFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, destFilepath); fs.unlinkSync(absoluteOuputFilePath); }); // just symlink the cache and output tree fs.rmdirSync(this.outputPath); symlinkOrCopy.sync(this.cachePath, this.outputPath); } private init() { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true; this.treeDiffer = new TreeDiffer(this.inputPath); } } cleanup() {} }