# Forms
# 表单
Forms are the mainstay of business applications.
You use forms to log in, submit a help request, place an order, book a flight,
schedule a meeting, and perform countless other data-entry tasks.
In developing a form, it's important to create a data-entry experience that guides the
user efficiently and effectively through the workflow.
Developing forms requires design skills (which are out of scope for this page), as well as framework support for
*two-way data binding, change tracking, validation, and error handling*,
which you'll learn about on this page.
This page shows you how to build a simple form from scratch. Along the way you'll learn how to:
* Build an Angular form with a component and template.
用组件和模板构建 Angular 表单
* Use `ngModel` to create two-way data bindings for reading and writing input-control values.
* Track state changes and the validity of form controls.
* Provide visual feedback using special CSS classes that track the state of the controls.
* Display validation errors to users and enable/disable form controls.
* Share information across HTML elements using template reference variables.
使用模板引用变量在 HTML 元素之间共享信息
You can run the in Plunker and download the code from there.
{@a template-driven}
## Template-driven forms
## 模板驱动的表单
You can build forms by writing templates in the Angular [template syntax](guide/template-syntax) with
the form-specific directives and techniques described in this page.
通常,使用 Angular [模板语法](guide/template-syntax)编写模板,结合本章所描述的表单专用指令和技术来构建表单。
You can also use a reactive (or model-driven) approach to build forms.
However, this page focuses on template-driven forms.
You can build almost any form with an Angular template—login forms, contact forms, and pretty much any business form.
You can lay out the controls creatively, bind them to data, specify validation rules and display validation errors,
conditionally enable or disable specific controls, trigger built-in visual feedback, and much more.
利用 Angular 模板,可以构建几乎所有表单 — 登录表单、联系人表单…… 以及任何的商务表单。
Angular makes the process easy by handling many of the repetitive, boilerplate tasks you'd
otherwise wrestle with yourself.
它用起来很简单,这是因为 Angular 处理了大多数重复、单调的任务,这让我们可以不必亲自操刀、身陷其中。
You'll learn to build a template-driven form that looks like this:
The *Hero Employment Agency* uses this form to maintain personal information about heroes.
Every hero needs a job. It's the company mission to match the right hero with the right crisis.
Two of the three fields on this form are required. Required fields have a green bar on the left to make them easy to spot.
If you delete the hero name, the form displays a validation error in an attention-grabbing style:
Note that the *Submit* button is disabled, and the "required" bar to the left of the input control changes from green to red.
You can customize the colors and location of the "required" bar with standard CSS.
稍后,会使用标准 CSS 来定制“必填”条的颜色和位置。
You'll build this form in small steps:
1. Create the `Hero` model class.
1. Create the component that controls the form.
1. Create a template with the initial form layout.
1. Bind data properties to each form control using the `ngModel` two-way data-binding syntax.
1. Add a `name` attribute to each form-input control.
往每个表单输入控件上添加`name`属性 (attribute)。
1. Add custom CSS to provide visual feedback.
添加自定义 CSS 来提供视觉反馈。
1. Show and hide validation-error messages.
1. Handle form submission with *ngSubmit*.
使用 **ngSubmit** 处理表单提交。
1. Disable the form’s *Submit* button until the form is valid.
## Setup
## 搭建
Follow the [setup](guide/setup) instructions for creating a new project
named angular-forms.
## Create the Hero model class
## 创建 Hero 模型类
As users enter form data, you'll capture their changes and update an instance of a model.
You can't lay out the form until you know what the model looks like.
A model can be as simple as a "property bag" that holds facts about a thing of application importance.
That describes well the `Hero` class with its three required fields (`id`, `name`, `power`)
and one optional field (`alterEgo`).
这里使用三个必备字段 (`id`、`name`、`power`),和一个可选字段 (`alterEgo`,译注:中文含义是第二人格,例如 X 战警中的 Jean / 黑凤凰)。
In the `app` directory, create the following file with the given content:
It's an anemic model with few requirements and no behavior. Perfect for the demo.
The TypeScript compiler generates a public field for each `public` constructor parameter and
automatically assigns the parameter’s value to that field when you create heroes.
TypeScript 编译器为每个`public`构造函数参数生成一个公共字段,在创建新的英雄实例时,自动把参数值赋给这些公共字段。
The `alterEgo` is optional, so the constructor lets you omit it; note the question mark (?) in `alterEgo?`.
`alterEgo`是可选的,调用构造函数时可省略,注意`alterEgo?`中的问号 (?)。
You can create a new hero like this:
## Create a form component
## 创建表单组件
An Angular form has two parts: an HTML-based _template_ and a component _class_
to handle data and user interactions programmatically.
Begin with the class because it states, in brief, what the hero editor can do.
Angular 表单分为两部分:基于 HTML 的*模板*和组件*类*,用来程序处理数据和用户交互。
Create the following file with the given content:
There’s nothing special about this component, nothing form-specific,
nothing to distinguish it from any component you've written before.
Understanding this component requires only the Angular concepts covered in previous pages.
* The code imports the Angular core library and the `Hero` model you just created.
* The `@Component` selector value of "hero-form" means you can drop this form in a parent template with a `` tag.
* The `templateUrl` property points to a separate file for the template HTML.
`moduleId: module.id`属性设置了基地址,用于从相对模块路径加载`templateUrl`。
* You defined dummy data for `model` and `powers`, as befits a demo.
`templateUrl`属性指向一个独立的 HTML 模板文件。
Down the road, you can inject a data service to get and save real data
or perhaps expose these properties as inputs and outputs
(see [Input and output properties](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs) on the
[Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax) page) for binding to a
parent component. This is not a concern now and these future changes won't affect the form.
接下来,我们可以注入一个数据服务,以获取或保存真实的数据,或者把这些属性暴露为输入属性和输出属性(参见[Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax)中的[输入和输出属性](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs))来绑定到一个父组件。这不是现在需要关心的问题,未来的更改不会影响到这个表单。
* You added a `diagnostic` property to return a JSON representation of the model.
It'll help you see what you're doing during development; you've left yourself a cleanup note to discard it later.
我们添加一个`diagnostic`属性,以返回这个模型的 JSON 形式。在开发过程中,它用于调试,最后清理时会丢弃它。
### Why the separate template file?
### 为何分离模板文件?
Why don't you write the template inline in the component file as you often do elsewhere?
There is no "right" answer for all occasions. Inline templates are useful when they are short.
Most form templates aren't short. TypeScript and JavaScript files generally aren't the best place to
write (or read) large stretches of HTML, and few editors help with files that have a mix of HTML and code.
但大多数的表单模板都不短。通常,TypeScript 和 JavaScript 文件不是写(读)大型 HTML 的好地方,
而且没有几个编辑器能对混写的 HTML 和代码提供足够的帮助。
Form templates tend to be large, even when displaying a small number of fields,
so it's usually best to put the HTML template in a separate file.
You'll write that template file in a moment. First,
revise the `app.module.ts` and `app.component.ts` to make use of the new `HeroFormComponent`.
就算是在仅仅显示少数表单项目时,表单模板一般都比较庞大。所以通常最好的方式是将 HTML 模板放到单独的文件中。
## Revise *app.module.ts*
## 修改 *app.module.ts*
`app.module.ts` defines the application's root module. In it you identify the external modules you'll use in the application
and declare the components that belong to this module, such as the `HeroFormComponent`.
Because template-driven forms are in their own module, you need to add the `FormsModule` to the array of
`imports` for the application module before you can use forms.
Replace the contents of the "QuickStart" version with the following:
There are three changes:
1. You import `FormsModule` and the new `HeroFormComponent`.
1. You add the `FormsModule` to the list of `imports` defined in the `@NgModule` decorator. This gives the application
access to all of the template-driven forms features, including `ngModel`.
1. You add the `HeroFormComponent` to the list of `declarations` defined in the `@NgModule` decorator. This makes
the `HeroFormComponent` component visible throughout this module.
If a component, directive, or pipe belongs to a module in the `imports` array, _don't_ re-declare it in the `declarations` array.
If you wrote it and it should belong to this module, _do_ declare it in the `declarations` array.
## Revise *app.component.ts*
## 修改 *app.component.ts*
`AppComponent` is the application's root component. It will host the new `HeroFormComponent`.
Replace the contents of the "QuickStart" version with the following:
There are only two changes.
The `template` is simply the new element tag identified by the component's `selector` property.
This displays the hero form when the application component is loaded.
You've also dropped the `name` field from the class body.
## Create an initial HTML form template
## 创建初始 HTML 表单模板
Create the template file with the following contents:
The language is simply HTML5. You're presenting two of the `Hero` fields, `name` and `alterEgo`, and
opening them up for user input in input boxes.
这只是一段普通的旧式 HTML 5 代码。这里有两个`Hero`字段,`name`和`alterEgo`,供用户输入。
The *Name* `` control has the HTML5 `required` attribute;
the *Alter Ego* `` control does not because `alterEgo` is optional.
*Name* ``控件具有 HTML5 的`required`属性;但 *Alter Ego* ``控件没有,因为`alterEgo`字段是可选的。
You added a *Submit* button at the bottom with some classes on it for styling.
在底部添加个 *Submit* 按钮,它还带一些 CSS 样式类。
*You're not using Angular yet*. There are no bindings or extra directives, just layout.
In template driven forms, if you've imported `FormsModule`, you don't have to do anything
to the `
The `container`, `form-group`, `form-control`, and `btn` classes
come from [Twitter Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/css/). These classes are purely cosmetic.
Bootstrap gives the form a little style.
`container`、`form-group`、`form-control`和`btn`类来自 [Twitter Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/css/)。纯粹是装饰。
我们使用 Bootstrap 来美化表单。嘿,一点样式都没有的表单算个啥!
Angular forms don't require a style library
Angular 表单不需要任何样式库
Angular makes no use of the `container`, `form-group`, `form-control`, and `btn` classes or
the styles of any external library. Angular apps can use any CSS library or none at all.
Angular 不需要`container`、`form-group`、`form-control`和`btn`类,
或者外部库的任何样式。Angular 应用可以使用任何 CSS 库…… ,或者啥都不用。
To add the stylesheet, open `index.html` and add the following link to the ``:
## Add powers with _*ngFor_
## 用 ***ngFor*** 添加超能力
The hero must choose one superpower from a fixed list of agency-approved powers.
You maintain that list internally (in `HeroFormComponent`).
You'll add a `select` to the
form and bind the options to the `powers` list using `ngFor`,
a technique seen previously in the [Displaying Data](guide/displaying-data) page.
Add the following HTML *immediately below* the *Alter Ego* group:
在 *Alter Ego* 的紧下方添加如下 HTML:
This code repeats the `