/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {getFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {AsyncLocker} from '../../src/locking/async_locker'; import {MockLockFile} from '../helpers/mock_lock_file'; import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger'; runInEachFileSystem(() => { describe('AsyncLocker', () => { describe('lock()', () => { it('should guard the `fn()` with calls to `write()` and `remove()`', async () => { const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, new MockLogger(), 100, 10); await locker.lock(async () => { log.push('fn() - before'); // This promise forces node to do a tick in this function, ensuring that we are truly // testing an async scenario. await Promise.resolve(); log.push('fn() - after'); }); expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'fn() - before', 'fn() - after', 'remove()']); }); it('should guard the `fn()` with calls to `write()` and `remove()`, even if it throws', async () => { let error: string = ''; const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, new MockLogger(), 100, 10); try { await locker.lock(async () => { log.push('fn()'); throw new Error('ERROR'); }); } catch (e) { error = e.message; } expect(error).toEqual('ERROR'); expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'fn()', 'remove()']); }); it('should retry if another process is locking', async () => { const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const logger = new MockLogger(); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, logger, 100, 10); let lockFileContents: string|null = '188'; spyOn(lockFile, 'write').and.callFake(() => { log.push('write()'); if (lockFileContents) { throw {code: 'EEXIST'}; } }); spyOn(lockFile, 'read').and.callFake(() => { log.push('read() => ' + lockFileContents); if (lockFileContents === null) { throw {code: 'ENOENT'}; } return lockFileContents; }); spyOn(process, 'kill').and.returnValue(); const promise = locker.lock(async () => log.push('fn()')); // The lock is now waiting on the lock-file becoming free, so no `fn()` in the log. expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(logger.logs.info).toEqual([[ 'Another process, with id 188, is currently running ngcc.\nWaiting up to 1s for it to finish.\n' + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)` ]]); expect(process.kill).toHaveBeenCalledWith(188, 0); lockFileContents = null; // The lock-file has been removed, so we can create our own lock-file, call `fn()` and then // remove the lock-file. await promise; expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'fn()', 'remove()']); }); it('should fail fast when waiting on a dead process', async () => { const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const logger = new MockLogger(); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, logger, 100, 10); let lockFileContents: string|null = '188'; spyOn(lockFile, 'write').and.callFake(() => { log.push('write()'); if (lockFileContents) { throw {code: 'EEXIST'}; } }); spyOn(lockFile, 'read').and.callFake(() => { log.push('read() => ' + lockFileContents); if (lockFileContents === null) { throw {code: 'ENOENT'}; } return lockFileContents; }); spyOn(process, 'kill').and.callFake(() => { throw {code: 'ESRCH'}; }); const promise = locker.lock(async () => log.push('fn()')); // The lock has already failed so no `fn()` in the log. expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(logger.logs.info).toEqual([]); expect(process.kill).toHaveBeenCalledWith(188, 0); // Check that a missing process errors out. let error: Error; await promise.catch(e => error = e); expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(error!.message) .toEqual( `Lock found, but no process with PID 188 seems to be running.\n` + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)`); }); it('should extend the retry timeout if the other process locking the file changes', async () => { const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const logger = new MockLogger(); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, logger, 200, 5); let lockFileContents: string|null = '188'; spyOn(lockFile, 'write').and.callFake(() => { log.push('write()'); if (lockFileContents) { throw {code: 'EEXIST'}; } }); spyOn(lockFile, 'read').and.callFake(() => { log.push('read() => ' + lockFileContents); if (lockFileContents === null) { throw {code: 'ENOENT'}; } return lockFileContents; }); spyOn(process, 'kill').and.returnValue(); const promise = locker.lock(async () => log.push('fn()')); // The lock is now waiting on the lock-file becoming free, so no `fn()` in the log. expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(logger.logs.info).toEqual([[ 'Another process, with id 188, is currently running ngcc.\nWaiting up to 1s for it to finish.\n' + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)` ]]); expect(process.kill).toHaveBeenCalledWith(188, 0); lockFileContents = '444'; // The lock-file has been taken over by another process - wait for the next attempt await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 250)); expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'read() => 444']); expect(logger.logs.info).toEqual([ ['Another process, with id 188, is currently running ngcc.\nWaiting up to 1s for it to finish.\n' + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)`], ['Another process, with id 444, is currently running ngcc.\nWaiting up to 1s for it to finish.\n' + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)`] ]); expect(process.kill).toHaveBeenCalledWith(444, 0); lockFileContents = null; // The lock-file has been removed, so we can create our own lock-file, call `fn()` and // then remove the lock-file. await promise; expect(log).toEqual([ 'write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'read() => 444', 'write()', 'fn()', 'remove()' ]); }); it('should error if another process does not release the lock-file before this times out', async () => { const fs = getFileSystem(); const log: string[] = []; const lockFile = new MockLockFile(fs, log); const logger = new MockLogger(); const locker = new AsyncLocker(lockFile, logger, 100, 2); let lockFileContents: string|null = '188'; spyOn(lockFile, 'write').and.callFake(() => { log.push('write()'); if (lockFileContents) { throw {code: 'EEXIST'}; } }); spyOn(lockFile, 'read').and.callFake(() => { log.push('read() => ' + lockFileContents); if (lockFileContents === null) { throw {code: 'ENOENT'}; } return lockFileContents; }); spyOn(process, 'kill').and.returnValue(); const promise = locker.lock(async () => log.push('fn()')); // The lock is now waiting on the lock-file becoming free, so no `fn()` in the log. expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(process.kill).toHaveBeenCalledWith(188, 0); // Do not remove the lock-file and let the call to `lock()` timeout. let error: Error; await promise.catch(e => error = e); expect(log).toEqual(['write()', 'read() => 188', 'write()', 'read() => 188']); expect(error!.message) .toEqual( `Timed out waiting 0.2s for another ngcc process, with id 188, to complete.\n` + `(If you are sure no ngcc process is running then you should delete the lock-file at ${ lockFile.path}.)`); }); }); }); });