/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Replacement, RuleFailure, Rules} from 'tslint'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {getHelper, HelperFunction} from '../renderer-to-renderer2/helpers'; import {migrateExpression, replaceImport} from '../renderer-to-renderer2/migration'; import {findCoreImport, findRendererReferences} from '../renderer-to-renderer2/util'; /** * TSLint rule that migrates from `Renderer` to `Renderer2`. More information on how it works: * https://hackmd.angular.io/UTzUZTnPRA-cSa_4mHyfYw */ export class Rule extends Rules.TypedRule { applyWithProgram(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, program: ts.Program): RuleFailure[] { const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker(); const printer = ts.createPrinter(); const failures: RuleFailure[] = []; const rendererImport = findCoreImport(sourceFile, 'Renderer'); // If there are no imports for the `Renderer`, we can exit early. if (!rendererImport) { return failures; } const {typedNodes, methodCalls, forwardRefs} = findRendererReferences(sourceFile, typeChecker, rendererImport); const helpersToAdd = new Set(); failures.push(this._getNamedImportsFailure(rendererImport, sourceFile, printer)); typedNodes.forEach(node => failures.push(this._getTypedNodeFailure(node, sourceFile))); forwardRefs.forEach(node => failures.push(this._getIdentifierNodeFailure(node, sourceFile))); methodCalls.forEach(call => { const {failure, requiredHelpers} = this._getMethodCallFailure(call, sourceFile, typeChecker, printer); failures.push(failure); if (requiredHelpers) { requiredHelpers.forEach(helperName => helpersToAdd.add(helperName)); } }); // Some of the methods can't be mapped directly to `Renderer2` and need extra logic around them. // The safest way to do so is to declare helper functions similar to the ones emitted by TS // which encapsulate the extra "glue" logic. We should only emit these functions once per // file and only if they're needed. if (helpersToAdd.size) { failures.push(this._getHelpersFailure(helpersToAdd, sourceFile, printer)); } return failures; } /** Gets a failure for an import of the Renderer. */ private _getNamedImportsFailure( node: ts.NamedImports, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, printer: ts.Printer): RuleFailure { const replacementText = printer.printNode( ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, replaceImport(node, 'Renderer', 'Renderer2'), sourceFile); return new RuleFailure( sourceFile, node.getStart(), node.getEnd(), 'Imports of deprecated Renderer are not allowed. Please use Renderer2 instead.', this.ruleName, new Replacement(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), replacementText)); } /** Gets a failure for a typed node (e.g. function parameter or property). */ private _getTypedNodeFailure( node: ts.ParameterDeclaration|ts.PropertyDeclaration|ts.AsExpression, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): RuleFailure { const type = node.type!; return new RuleFailure( sourceFile, type.getStart(), type.getEnd(), 'References to deprecated Renderer are not allowed. Please use Renderer2 instead.', this.ruleName, new Replacement(type.getStart(), type.getWidth(), 'Renderer2')); } /** Gets a failure for an identifier node. */ private _getIdentifierNodeFailure(node: ts.Identifier, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): RuleFailure { return new RuleFailure( sourceFile, node.getStart(), node.getEnd(), 'References to deprecated Renderer are not allowed. Please use Renderer2 instead.', this.ruleName, new Replacement(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), 'Renderer2')); } /** Gets a failure for a Renderer method call. */ private _getMethodCallFailure( call: ts.CallExpression, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker, printer: ts.Printer): {failure: RuleFailure, requiredHelpers?: HelperFunction[]} { const {node, requiredHelpers} = migrateExpression(call, typeChecker); let fix: Replacement|undefined; if (node) { // If we migrated the node to a new expression, replace only the call expression. fix = new Replacement( call.getStart(), call.getWidth(), printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile)); } else if (call.parent && ts.isExpressionStatement(call.parent)) { // Otherwise if the call is inside an expression statement, drop the entire statement. // This takes care of any trailing semicolons. We only need to drop nodes for cases like // `setBindingDebugInfo` which have been noop for a while so they can be removed safely. fix = new Replacement(call.parent.getStart(), call.parent.getWidth(), ''); } return { failure: new RuleFailure( sourceFile, call.getStart(), call.getEnd(), 'Calls to Renderer methods are not allowed', this.ruleName, fix), requiredHelpers }; } /** Gets a failure that inserts the required helper functions at the bottom of the file. */ private _getHelpersFailure( helpersToAdd: Set, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, printer: ts.Printer): RuleFailure { const helpers: Replacement[] = []; const endOfFile = sourceFile.endOfFileToken; helpersToAdd.forEach(helperName => { helpers.push(new Replacement( endOfFile.getStart(), endOfFile.getWidth(), getHelper(helperName, sourceFile, printer))); }); // Add a failure at the end of the file which we can use as an anchor to insert the helpers. return new RuleFailure( sourceFile, endOfFile.getStart(), endOfFile.getStart() + 1, 'File should contain Renderer helper functions. Run tslint with --fix to generate them.', this.ruleName, helpers); } }