/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {DOCUMENT, ɵgetDOM as getDOM} from '@angular/common'; import {ResourceLoader} from '@angular/compiler'; import {APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, APP_INITIALIZER, Compiler, CompilerFactory, Component, InjectionToken, LOCALE_ID, NgModule, NgZone, PlatformRef, TemplateRef, Type, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core'; import {ApplicationRef} from '@angular/core/src/application_ref'; import {ErrorHandler} from '@angular/core/src/error_handler'; import {ComponentRef} from '@angular/core/src/linker/component_factory'; import {getLocaleId} from '@angular/core/src/render3'; import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {createTemplate, dispatchEvent, getContent} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing'; import {NoopNgZone} from '../src/zone/ng_zone'; import {async, ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, inject, TestBed, withModule} from '../testing'; @Component({selector: 'bootstrap-app', template: 'hello'}) class SomeComponent { } { describe('bootstrap', () => { let mockConsole: MockConsole; beforeEach(() => { mockConsole = new MockConsole(); }); function createRootEl(selector = 'bootstrap-app') { const doc = TestBed.inject(DOCUMENT); const rootEl = getContent(createTemplate(`<${selector}>`)).firstChild; const oldRoots = doc.querySelectorAll(selector); for (let i = 0; i < oldRoots.length; i++) { getDOM().remove(oldRoots[i]); } doc.body.appendChild(rootEl); } type CreateModuleOptions = {providers?: any[], ngDoBootstrap?: any, bootstrap?: any[], component?: Type}; function createModule(providers?: any[]): Type; function createModule(options: CreateModuleOptions): Type; function createModule(providersOrOptions: any[]|CreateModuleOptions|undefined): Type { let options: CreateModuleOptions = {}; if (Array.isArray(providersOrOptions)) { options = {providers: providersOrOptions}; } else { options = providersOrOptions || {}; } const errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(); (errorHandler as any)._console = mockConsole as any; const platformModule = getDOM().supportsDOMEvents() ? BrowserModule : require('@angular/platform-server').ServerModule; @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: ErrorHandler, useValue: errorHandler}, options.providers || []], imports: [platformModule], declarations: [options.component || SomeComponent], entryComponents: [options.component || SomeComponent], bootstrap: options.bootstrap || [] }) class MyModule { } if (options.ngDoBootstrap !== false) { (MyModule.prototype).ngDoBootstrap = options.ngDoBootstrap || (() => {}); } return MyModule; } it('should bootstrap a component from a child module', async(inject([ApplicationRef, Compiler], (app: ApplicationRef, compiler: Compiler) => { @Component({ selector: 'bootstrap-app', template: '', }) class SomeComponent { } const helloToken = new InjectionToken('hello'); @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: helloToken, useValue: 'component'}], declarations: [SomeComponent], entryComponents: [SomeComponent], }) class SomeModule { } createRootEl(); const modFactory = compiler.compileModuleSync(SomeModule); const module = modFactory.create(TestBed); const cmpFactory = module.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(SomeComponent)!; const component = app.bootstrap(cmpFactory); // The component should see the child module providers expect(component.injector.get(helloToken)).toEqual('component'); }))); it('should bootstrap a component with a custom selector', async(inject([ApplicationRef, Compiler], (app: ApplicationRef, compiler: Compiler) => { @Component({ selector: 'bootstrap-app', template: '', }) class SomeComponent { } const helloToken = new InjectionToken('hello'); @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: helloToken, useValue: 'component'}], declarations: [SomeComponent], entryComponents: [SomeComponent], }) class SomeModule { } createRootEl('custom-selector'); const modFactory = compiler.compileModuleSync(SomeModule); const module = modFactory.create(TestBed); const cmpFactory = module.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(SomeComponent)!; const component = app.bootstrap(cmpFactory, 'custom-selector'); // The component should see the child module providers expect(component.injector.get(helloToken)).toEqual('component'); }))); describe('ApplicationRef', () => { beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [createModule()]}); }); it('should throw when reentering tick', () => { @Component({template: '{{reenter()}}'}) class ReenteringComponent { reenterCount = 1; reenterErr: any; constructor(private appRef: ApplicationRef) {} reenter() { if (this.reenterCount--) { try { this.appRef.tick(); } catch (e) { this.reenterErr = e; } } } } const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [ReenteringComponent]}) .createComponent(ReenteringComponent); const appRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); appRef.attachView(fixture.componentRef.hostView); appRef.tick(); expect(fixture.componentInstance.reenterErr.message) .toBe('ApplicationRef.tick is called recursively'); }); describe('APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER', () => { let capturedCompRefs: ComponentRef[]; beforeEach(() => { capturedCompRefs = []; TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [{ provide: APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, multi: true, useValue: (compRef: any) => { capturedCompRefs.push(compRef); } }] }); }); it('should be called when a component is bootstrapped', inject([ApplicationRef], (ref: ApplicationRef) => { createRootEl(); const compRef = ref.bootstrap(SomeComponent); expect(capturedCompRefs).toEqual([compRef]); })); }); describe('bootstrap', () => { it('should throw if an APP_INITIIALIZER is not yet resolved', withModule( { providers: [ {provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => new Promise(() => {}), multi: true} ] }, inject([ApplicationRef], (ref: ApplicationRef) => { createRootEl(); expect(() => ref.bootstrap(SomeComponent)) .toThrowError( 'Cannot bootstrap as there are still asynchronous initializers running. Bootstrap components in the `ngDoBootstrap` method of the root module.'); }))); }); }); describe('bootstrapModule', () => { let defaultPlatform: PlatformRef; beforeEach(inject([PlatformRef], (_platform: PlatformRef) => { createRootEl(); defaultPlatform = _platform; })); it('should wait for asynchronous app initializers', async(() => { let resolve: (result: any) => void; const promise: Promise = new Promise((res) => { resolve = res; }); let initializerDone = false; setTimeout(() => { resolve(true); initializerDone = true; }, 1); defaultPlatform .bootstrapModule( createModule([{provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => promise, multi: true}])) .then(_ => { expect(initializerDone).toBe(true); }); })); it('should rethrow sync errors even if the exceptionHandler is not rethrowing', async(() => { defaultPlatform .bootstrapModule(createModule([{ provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => { throw 'Test'; }, multi: true }])) .then(() => expect(false).toBe(true), (e) => { expect(e).toBe('Test'); // Error rethrown will be seen by the exception handler since it's after // construction. expect(mockConsole.res[0].join('#')).toEqual('ERROR#Test'); }); })); it('should rethrow promise errors even if the exceptionHandler is not rethrowing', async(() => { defaultPlatform .bootstrapModule(createModule([ {provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => Promise.reject('Test'), multi: true} ])) .then(() => expect(false).toBe(true), (e) => { expect(e).toBe('Test'); expect(mockConsole.res[0].join('#')).toEqual('ERROR#Test'); }); })); it('should throw useful error when ApplicationRef is not configured', async(() => { @NgModule() class EmptyModule { } return defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(EmptyModule) .then(() => fail('expecting error'), (error) => { expect(error.message) .toEqual('No ErrorHandler. Is platform module (BrowserModule) included?'); }); })); it('should call the `ngDoBootstrap` method with `ApplicationRef` on the main module', async(() => { const ngDoBootstrap = jasmine.createSpy('ngDoBootstrap'); defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(createModule({ngDoBootstrap: ngDoBootstrap})) .then((moduleRef) => { const appRef = moduleRef.injector.get(ApplicationRef); expect(ngDoBootstrap).toHaveBeenCalledWith(appRef); }); })); it('should auto bootstrap components listed in @NgModule.bootstrap', async(() => { defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(createModule({bootstrap: [SomeComponent]})) .then((moduleRef) => { const appRef: ApplicationRef = moduleRef.injector.get(ApplicationRef); expect(appRef.componentTypes).toEqual([SomeComponent]); }); })); it('should error if neither `ngDoBootstrap` nor @NgModule.bootstrap was specified', async(() => { defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(createModule({ngDoBootstrap: false})) .then(() => expect(false).toBe(true), (e) => { const expectedErrMsg = `The module MyModule was bootstrapped, but it does not declare "@NgModule.bootstrap" components nor a "ngDoBootstrap" method. Please define one of these.`; expect(e.message).toEqual(expectedErrMsg); expect(mockConsole.res[0].join('#')).toEqual('ERROR#Error: ' + expectedErrMsg); }); })); it('should add bootstrapped module into platform modules list', async(() => { defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(createModule({bootstrap: [SomeComponent]})) .then(module => expect((defaultPlatform)._modules).toContain(module)); })); it('should bootstrap with NoopNgZone', async(() => { defaultPlatform .bootstrapModule(createModule({bootstrap: [SomeComponent]}), {ngZone: 'noop'}) .then((module) => { const ngZone = module.injector.get(NgZone); expect(ngZone instanceof NoopNgZone).toBe(true); }); })); it('should resolve component resources when creating module factory', async () => { @Component({ selector: 'with-templates-app', templateUrl: '/test-template.html', }) class WithTemplateUrlComponent { } const loadResourceSpy = jasmine.createSpy('load resource').and.returnValue('fakeContent'); const testModule = createModule({component: WithTemplateUrlComponent}); await defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(testModule, { providers: [ {provide: ResourceLoader, useValue: {get: loadResourceSpy}}, ] }); expect(loadResourceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(loadResourceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/test-template.html'); }); onlyInIvy('We only need to define `LOCALE_ID` for runtime i18n') .it('should define `LOCALE_ID`', async () => { @Component({ selector: 'i18n-app', templateUrl: '', }) class I18nComponent { } const testModule = createModule( {component: I18nComponent, providers: [{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'ro'}]}); await defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(testModule); expect(getLocaleId()).toEqual('ro'); }); it('should wait for APP_INITIALIZER to set providers for `LOCALE_ID`', async () => { let locale: string = ''; const testModule = createModule({ providers: [ {provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => locale = 'fr-FR', multi: true}, {provide: LOCALE_ID, useFactory: () => locale} ] }); const app = await defaultPlatform.bootstrapModule(testModule); expect(app.injector.get(LOCALE_ID)).toEqual('fr-FR'); }); }); describe('bootstrapModuleFactory', () => { let defaultPlatform: PlatformRef; beforeEach(inject([PlatformRef], (_platform: PlatformRef) => { createRootEl(); defaultPlatform = _platform; })); it('should wait for asynchronous app initializers', async(() => { let resolve: (result: any) => void; const promise: Promise = new Promise((res) => { resolve = res; }); let initializerDone = false; setTimeout(() => { resolve(true); initializerDone = true; }, 1); const compilerFactory: CompilerFactory = defaultPlatform.injector.get(CompilerFactory, null)!; const moduleFactory = compilerFactory.createCompiler().compileModuleSync( createModule([{provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => promise, multi: true}])); defaultPlatform.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory).then(_ => { expect(initializerDone).toBe(true); }); })); it('should rethrow sync errors even if the exceptionHandler is not rethrowing', async(() => { const compilerFactory: CompilerFactory = defaultPlatform.injector.get(CompilerFactory, null)!; const moduleFactory = compilerFactory.createCompiler().compileModuleSync(createModule([{ provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => { throw 'Test'; }, multi: true }])); expect(() => defaultPlatform.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory)).toThrow('Test'); // Error rethrown will be seen by the exception handler since it's after // construction. expect(mockConsole.res[0].join('#')).toEqual('ERROR#Test'); })); it('should rethrow promise errors even if the exceptionHandler is not rethrowing', async(() => { const compilerFactory: CompilerFactory = defaultPlatform.injector.get(CompilerFactory, null)!; const moduleFactory = compilerFactory.createCompiler().compileModuleSync(createModule( [{provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => Promise.reject('Test'), multi: true}])); defaultPlatform.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory) .then(() => expect(false).toBe(true), (e) => { expect(e).toBe('Test'); expect(mockConsole.res[0].join('#')).toEqual('ERROR#Test'); }); })); }); describe('attachView / detachView', () => { @Component({template: '{{name}}'}) class MyComp { name = 'Initial'; } @Component({template: ''}) class ContainerComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. @ViewChild('vc', {read: ViewContainerRef}) vc!: ViewContainerRef; } @Component({template: 'Dynamic content'}) class EmbeddedViewComp { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. @ViewChild(TemplateRef, {static: true}) tplRef!: TemplateRef; } beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [MyComp, ContainerComp, EmbeddedViewComp], providers: [{provide: ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, useValue: true}] }); }); it('should dirty check attached views', () => { const comp = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); expect(appRef.viewCount).toBe(0); appRef.tick(); expect(comp.nativeElement).toHaveText(''); appRef.attachView(comp.componentRef.hostView); appRef.tick(); expect(appRef.viewCount).toBe(1); expect(comp.nativeElement).toHaveText('Initial'); }); it('should not dirty check detached views', () => { const comp = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); appRef.attachView(comp.componentRef.hostView); appRef.tick(); expect(comp.nativeElement).toHaveText('Initial'); appRef.detachView(comp.componentRef.hostView); comp.componentInstance.name = 'New'; appRef.tick(); expect(appRef.viewCount).toBe(0); expect(comp.nativeElement).toHaveText('Initial'); }); it('should detach attached views if they are destroyed', () => { const comp = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); appRef.attachView(comp.componentRef.hostView); comp.destroy(); expect(appRef.viewCount).toBe(0); }); it('should detach attached embedded views if they are destroyed', () => { const comp = TestBed.createComponent(EmbeddedViewComp); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); const embeddedViewRef = comp.componentInstance.tplRef.createEmbeddedView({}); appRef.attachView(embeddedViewRef); embeddedViewRef.destroy(); expect(appRef.viewCount).toBe(0); }); it('should not allow to attach a view to both, a view container and the ApplicationRef', () => { const comp = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp); let hostView = comp.componentRef.hostView; const containerComp = TestBed.createComponent(ContainerComp); containerComp.detectChanges(); const vc = containerComp.componentInstance.vc; const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); vc.insert(hostView); expect(() => appRef.attachView(hostView)) .toThrowError('This view is already attached to a ViewContainer!'); hostView = vc.detach(0)!; appRef.attachView(hostView); expect(() => vc.insert(hostView)) .toThrowError('This view is already attached directly to the ApplicationRef!'); }); }); }); describe('AppRef', () => { @Component({selector: 'sync-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class SyncComp { text: string = '1'; } @Component({selector: 'click-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class ClickComp { text: string = '1'; onClick() { this.text += '1'; } } @Component({selector: 'micro-task-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class MicroTaskComp { text: string = '1'; ngOnInit() { Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => { this.text += '1'; }); } } @Component({selector: 'macro-task-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class MacroTaskComp { text: string = '1'; ngOnInit() { setTimeout(() => { this.text += '1'; }, 10); } } @Component({selector: 'micro-macro-task-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class MicroMacroTaskComp { text: string = '1'; ngOnInit() { Promise.resolve(null).then((_) => { this.text += '1'; setTimeout(() => { this.text += '1'; }, 10); }); } } @Component({selector: 'macro-micro-task-comp', template: `{{text}}`}) class MacroMicroTaskComp { text: string = '1'; ngOnInit() { setTimeout(() => { this.text += '1'; Promise.resolve(null).then((_: any) => { this.text += '1'; }); }, 10); } } let stableCalled = false; beforeEach(() => { stableCalled = false; TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ SyncComp, MicroTaskComp, MacroTaskComp, MicroMacroTaskComp, MacroMicroTaskComp, ClickComp ], }); }); afterEach(() => { expect(stableCalled).toBe(true, 'isStable did not emit true on stable'); }); function expectStableTexts(component: Type, expected: string[]) { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(component); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); const zone: NgZone = TestBed.inject(NgZone); appRef.attachView(fixture.componentRef.hostView); zone.run(() => appRef.tick()); let i = 0; appRef.isStable.subscribe({ next: (stable: boolean) => { if (stable) { expect(i).toBeLessThan(expected.length); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText(expected[i++]); stableCalled = true; } } }); } it('isStable should fire on synchronous component loading', async(() => { expectStableTexts(SyncComp, ['1']); })); it('isStable should fire after a microtask on init is completed', async(() => { expectStableTexts(MicroTaskComp, ['11']); })); it('isStable should fire after a macrotask on init is completed', async(() => { expectStableTexts(MacroTaskComp, ['11']); })); it('isStable should fire only after chain of micro and macrotasks on init are completed', async(() => { expectStableTexts(MicroMacroTaskComp, ['111']); })); it('isStable should fire only after chain of macro and microtasks on init are completed', async(() => { expectStableTexts(MacroMicroTaskComp, ['111']); })); describe('unstable', () => { let unstableCalled = false; afterEach(() => { expect(unstableCalled).toBe(true, 'isStable did not emit false on unstable'); }); function expectUnstable(appRef: ApplicationRef) { appRef.isStable.subscribe({ next: (stable: boolean) => { if (stable) { stableCalled = true; } if (!stable) { unstableCalled = true; } } }); } it('should be fired after app becomes unstable', async(() => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ClickComp); const appRef: ApplicationRef = TestBed.inject(ApplicationRef); const zone: NgZone = TestBed.inject(NgZone); appRef.attachView(fixture.componentRef.hostView); zone.run(() => appRef.tick()); fixture.whenStable().then(() => { expectUnstable(appRef); const element = fixture.debugElement.children[0]; dispatchEvent(element.nativeElement, 'click'); }); })); }); }); } class MockConsole { res: any[][] = []; log(...args: any[]): void { // Logging from ErrorHandler should run outside of the Angular Zone. NgZone.assertNotInAngularZone(); this.res.push(args); } error(...args: any[]): void { // Logging from ErrorHandler should run outside of the Angular Zone. NgZone.assertNotInAngularZone(); this.res.push(args); } }