/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ɵgetDOM as getDOM} from '@angular/common'; import {AfterContentChecked, AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, DoCheck, ElementRef, ErrorHandler, EventEmitter, Injector, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Renderer2, SimpleChange, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef,} from '@angular/core'; import {getDebugContext} from '@angular/core/src/errors'; import {anchorDef, ArgumentType, asElementData, DepFlags, directiveDef, elementDef, NodeFlags, providerDef, Services, textDef} from '@angular/core/src/view/index'; import {TestBed, withModule} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {ivyEnabled} from '@angular/private/testing'; import {ARG_TYPE_VALUES, checkNodeInlineOrDynamic, compViewDef, compViewDefFactory, createAndGetRootNodes, createRootView} from './helper'; { describe(`View Providers`, () => { describe('create', () => { let instance: SomeService; class SomeService { constructor(public dep: any) { instance = this; } } beforeEach(() => { instance = null!; }); it('should create providers eagerly', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, []) ])); expect(instance instanceof SomeService).toBe(true); }); it('should create providers lazily', () => { let lazy: LazyService = undefined!; class LazyService { constructor() { lazy = this; } } createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 2, 'span'), providerDef( NodeFlags.TypeClassProvider | NodeFlags.LazyProvider, null, LazyService, LazyService, []), directiveDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Injector]) ])); expect(lazy).toBeUndefined(); instance.dep.get(LazyService); expect(lazy instanceof LazyService).toBe(true); }); it('should create value providers', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 2, 'span'), providerDef(NodeFlags.TypeValueProvider, null, 'someToken', 'someValue', []), directiveDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, ['someToken']), ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe('someValue'); }); it('should create factory providers', () => { function someFactory() { return 'someValue'; } createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 2, 'span'), providerDef(NodeFlags.TypeFactoryProvider, null, 'someToken', someFactory, []), directiveDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, ['someToken']), ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe('someValue'); }); it('should create useExisting providers', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 3, 'span'), providerDef(NodeFlags.TypeValueProvider, null, 'someExistingToken', 'someValue', []), providerDef( NodeFlags.TypeUseExistingProvider, null, 'someToken', null, ['someExistingToken']), directiveDef(3, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, ['someToken']), ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe('someValue'); }); it('should add a DebugContext to errors in provider factories', () => { class SomeService { constructor() { throw new Error('Test'); } } let err: any; try { createRootView( compViewDef([ elementDef( 0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'div', null, null, null, null, () => compViewDef([textDef(0, null, ['a'])])), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.Component, null, 0, SomeService, []) ]), TestBed.inject(Injector), [], getDOM().createElement('div')); } catch (e) { err = e; } expect(err).toBeTruthy(); expect(err.message).toBe('Test'); const debugCtx = getDebugContext(err); expect(debugCtx.view).toBeTruthy(); expect(debugCtx.nodeIndex).toBe(1); }); describe('deps', () => { class Dep {} it('should inject deps from the same element', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 2, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, Dep, []), directiveDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Dep]) ])); expect(instance.dep instanceof Dep).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should inject deps from a parent element', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 3, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, Dep, []), elementDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(3, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Dep]) ])); expect(instance.dep instanceof Dep).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not inject deps from sibling root elements', () => { const rootElNodes = [ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, Dep, []), elementDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(3, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Dep]), ]; expect(() => createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef(rootElNodes))) .toThrowError( `${ ivyEnabled ? 'R3InjectorError' : 'StaticInjectorError'}(DynamicTestModule)[SomeService -> Dep]: \n` + ' StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[SomeService -> Dep]: \n' + ' NullInjectorError: No provider for Dep!'); const nonRootElNodes = [ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 4, 'span'), elementDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, Dep, []), elementDef(3, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(4, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Dep]), ]; expect(() => createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef(nonRootElNodes))) .toThrowError( `${ ivyEnabled ? 'R3InjectorError' : 'StaticInjectorError'}(DynamicTestModule)[SomeService -> Dep]: \n` + ' StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[SomeService -> Dep]: \n' + ' NullInjectorError: No provider for Dep!'); }); it('should inject from a parent element in a parent view', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef( 0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'div', null, null, null, null, () => compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Dep]) ])), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.Component, null, 0, Dep, []), ])); expect(instance.dep instanceof Dep).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should throw for missing dependencies', () => { expect(() => createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, ['nonExistingDep']) ]))) .toThrowError( `${ ivyEnabled ? 'R3InjectorError' : 'StaticInjectorError'}(DynamicTestModule)[nonExistingDep]: \n` + ' StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[nonExistingDep]: \n' + ' NullInjectorError: No provider for nonExistingDep!'); }); it('should use null for optional missing dependencies', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef( 1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [[DepFlags.Optional, 'nonExistingDep']]) ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe(null); }); it('should skip the current element when using SkipSelf', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 4, 'span'), providerDef(NodeFlags.TypeValueProvider, null, 'someToken', 'someParentValue', []), elementDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 2, 'span'), providerDef(NodeFlags.TypeValueProvider, null, 'someToken', 'someValue', []), directiveDef( 4, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [[DepFlags.SkipSelf, 'someToken']]) ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe('someParentValue'); }); it('should ask the root injector', withModule({providers: [{provide: 'rootDep', useValue: 'rootValue'}]}, () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, ['rootDep']) ])); expect(instance.dep).toBe('rootValue'); })); describe('builtin tokens', () => { it('should inject ViewContainerRef', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ anchorDef(NodeFlags.EmbeddedViews, null, null, 1), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [ViewContainerRef]), ])); expect(instance.dep.createEmbeddedView).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should inject TemplateRef', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ anchorDef(NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, null, compViewDefFactory([anchorDef( NodeFlags.None, null, null, 0)])), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [TemplateRef]), ])); expect(instance.dep.createEmbeddedView).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should inject ElementRef', () => { const {view} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [ElementRef]), ])); expect(instance.dep.nativeElement).toBe(asElementData(view, 0).renderElement); }); it('should inject Injector', () => { const {view} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [Injector]), ])); expect(instance.dep.get(SomeService)).toBe(instance); }); it('should inject ChangeDetectorRef for non component providers', () => { const {view} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [ChangeDetectorRef]) ])); expect(instance.dep._view).toBe(view); }); it('should inject ChangeDetectorRef for component providers', () => { const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef( 0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'div', null, null, null, null, () => compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 0, 'span'), ])), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.Component, null, 0, SomeService, [ChangeDetectorRef]), ])); const compView = asElementData(view, 0).componentView; expect(instance.dep._view).toBe(compView); }); it('should inject Renderer2', () => { createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef( 0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span', null, null, null, null, () => compViewDef([anchorDef(NodeFlags.None, null, null, 0)])), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.Component, null, 0, SomeService, [Renderer2]) ])); expect(instance.dep.createElement).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); }); describe('data binding', () => { ARG_TYPE_VALUES.forEach((inlineDynamic) => { it(`should update via strategy ${inlineDynamic}`, () => { let instance: SomeService = undefined!; class SomeService { a: any; b: any; constructor() { instance = this; } } const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef( [ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef( 1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'a'], b: [1, 'b']}) ], (check, view) => { checkNodeInlineOrDynamic(check, view, 1, inlineDynamic, ['v1', 'v2']); })); Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); expect(instance.a).toBe('v1'); expect(instance.b).toBe('v2'); const el = rootNodes[0]; expect(el.getAttribute('ng-reflect-a')).toBe('v1'); }); }); }); describe('outputs', () => { it('should listen to provider events', () => { let emitter = new EventEmitter(); let unsubscribeSpy: any; class SomeService { emitter = { subscribe: (callback: any) => { const subscription = emitter.subscribe(callback); unsubscribeSpy = spyOn(subscription, 'unsubscribe').and.callThrough(); return subscription; } }; } const handleEvent = jasmine.createSpy('handleEvent'); const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span', null, null, null, handleEvent), directiveDef( 1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [], null, {emitter: 'someEventName'}) ])); emitter.emit('someEventInstance'); expect(handleEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(view, 'someEventName', 'someEventInstance'); Services.destroyView(view); expect(unsubscribeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should report debug info on event errors', () => { const handleErrorSpy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(ErrorHandler), 'handleError'); let emitter = new EventEmitter(); class SomeService { emitter = emitter; } const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef( 0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span', null, null, null, () => { throw new Error('Test'); }), directiveDef( 1, NodeFlags.None, null, 0, SomeService, [], null, {emitter: 'someEventName'}) ])); emitter.emit('someEventInstance'); const err = handleErrorSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(err).toBeTruthy(); const debugCtx = getDebugContext(err); expect(debugCtx.view).toBe(view); // events are emitted with the index of the element, not the index of the provider. expect(debugCtx.nodeIndex).toBe(0); }); }); describe('lifecycle hooks', () => { it('should call the lifecycle hooks in the right order', () => { let instanceCount = 0; let log: string[] = []; class SomeService implements OnInit, DoCheck, OnChanges, AfterContentInit, AfterContentChecked, AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked, OnDestroy { id: number; a: any; ngOnInit() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngOnInit`); } ngDoCheck() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngDoCheck`); } ngOnChanges() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngOnChanges`); } ngAfterContentInit() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngAfterContentInit`); } ngAfterContentChecked() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngAfterContentChecked`); } ngAfterViewInit() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngAfterViewInit`); } ngAfterViewChecked() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngAfterViewChecked`); } ngOnDestroy() { log.push(`${this.id}_ngOnDestroy`); } constructor() { this.id = instanceCount++; } } const allFlags = NodeFlags.OnInit | NodeFlags.DoCheck | NodeFlags.OnChanges | NodeFlags.AfterContentInit | NodeFlags.AfterContentChecked | NodeFlags.AfterViewInit | NodeFlags.AfterViewChecked | NodeFlags.OnDestroy; const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef( [ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 3, 'span'), directiveDef(1, allFlags, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'a']}), elementDef(2, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(3, allFlags, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'a']}) ], (check, view) => { check(view, 1, ArgumentType.Inline, 'someValue'); check(view, 3, ArgumentType.Inline, 'someValue'); })); Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); // Note: After... hooks are called bottom up. expect(log).toEqual([ '0_ngOnChanges', '0_ngOnInit', '0_ngDoCheck', '1_ngOnChanges', '1_ngOnInit', '1_ngDoCheck', '1_ngAfterContentInit', '1_ngAfterContentChecked', '0_ngAfterContentInit', '0_ngAfterContentChecked', '1_ngAfterViewInit', '1_ngAfterViewChecked', '0_ngAfterViewInit', '0_ngAfterViewChecked', ]); log = []; Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); // Note: After... hooks are called bottom up. expect(log).toEqual([ '0_ngDoCheck', '1_ngDoCheck', '1_ngAfterContentChecked', '0_ngAfterContentChecked', '1_ngAfterViewChecked', '0_ngAfterViewChecked' ]); log = []; Services.destroyView(view); // Note: ngOnDestroy ist called bottom up. expect(log).toEqual(['1_ngOnDestroy', '0_ngOnDestroy']); }); it('should call ngOnChanges with the changed values and the non minified names', () => { let changesLog: SimpleChange[] = []; let currValue = 'v1'; class SomeService implements OnChanges { a: any; ngOnChanges(changes: {[name: string]: SimpleChange}) { changesLog.push(changes['nonMinifiedA']); } } const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef( [ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef( 1, NodeFlags.OnChanges, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'nonMinifiedA']}) ], (check, view) => { check(view, 1, ArgumentType.Inline, currValue); })); Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); expect(changesLog).toEqual([new SimpleChange(undefined, 'v1', true)]); currValue = 'v2'; changesLog = []; Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); expect(changesLog).toEqual([new SimpleChange('v1', 'v2', false)]); }); it('should add a DebugContext to errors in provider afterXXX lifecycles', () => { class SomeService implements AfterContentChecked { ngAfterContentChecked() { throw new Error('Test'); } } const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.AfterContentChecked, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'a']}), ])); let err: any; try { Services.checkAndUpdateView(view); } catch (e) { err = e; } expect(err).toBeTruthy(); expect(err.message).toBe('Test'); const debugCtx = getDebugContext(err); expect(debugCtx.view).toBe(view); expect(debugCtx.nodeIndex).toBe(1); }); it('should add a DebugContext to errors inServices.destroyView', () => { class SomeService implements OnDestroy { ngOnDestroy() { throw new Error('Test'); } } const {view, rootNodes} = createAndGetRootNodes(compViewDef([ elementDef(0, NodeFlags.None, null, null, 1, 'span'), directiveDef(1, NodeFlags.OnDestroy, null, 0, SomeService, [], {a: [0, 'a']}), ])); let err: any; try { Services.destroyView(view); } catch (e) { err = e; } expect(err).toBeTruthy(); expect(err.message).toBe('Test'); const debugCtx = getDebugContext(err); expect(debugCtx.view).toBe(view); expect(debugCtx.nodeIndex).toBe(1); }); }); }); }