/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {EventEmitter} from '@angular/core'; import {fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, describe, inject, it} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {AbstractControl, AsyncValidatorFn, FormControl, FormGroup, ValidationErrors, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; import {FormArray} from '@angular/forms/src/model'; (function() { function asyncValidator(expected: string, timeouts = {}): AsyncValidatorFn { return (c: AbstractControl) => { let resolve: (result: any) => void = undefined!; const promise = new Promise(res => { resolve = res; }); const t = (timeouts as any)[c.value] != null ? (timeouts as any)[c.value] : 0; const res = c.value != expected ? {'async': true} : null; if (t == 0) { resolve(res); } else { setTimeout(() => { resolve(res); }, t); } return promise; }; } function asyncValidatorReturningObservable(c: AbstractControl) { const e = new EventEmitter>(); Promise.resolve(null).then(() => { e.emit({'async': true}); }); return e; } function otherAsyncValidator() { return Promise.resolve({'other': true}); } function syncValidator(_: any /** TODO #9100 */): any /** TODO #9100 */ { return null; } describe('FormControl', () => { it('should default the value to null', () => { const c = new FormControl(); expect(c.value).toBe(null); }); describe('markAllAsTouched', () => { it('should mark only the control itself as touched', () => { const control = new FormControl(''); expect(control.touched).toBe(false); control.markAllAsTouched(); expect(control.touched).toBe(true); }); }); describe('boxed values', () => { it('should support valid boxed values on creation', () => { const c = new FormControl({value: 'some val', disabled: true}, null!, null!); expect(c.disabled).toBe(true); expect(c.value).toBe('some val'); expect(c.status).toBe('DISABLED'); }); it('should honor boxed value with disabled control when validating', () => { const c = new FormControl({value: '', disabled: true}, Validators.required); expect(c.disabled).toBe(true); expect(c.valid).toBe(false); expect(c.status).toBe('DISABLED'); }); it('should not treat objects as boxed values if they have more than two props', () => { const c = new FormControl({value: '', disabled: true, test: 'test'}, null!, null!); expect(c.value).toEqual({value: '', disabled: true, test: 'test'}); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('should not treat objects as boxed values if disabled is missing', () => { const c = new FormControl({value: '', test: 'test'}, null!, null!); expect(c.value).toEqual({value: '', test: 'test'}); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); }); }); describe('updateOn', () => { it('should default to on change', () => { const c = new FormControl(''); expect(c.updateOn).toEqual('change'); }); it('should default to on change with an options obj', () => { const c = new FormControl('', {validators: Validators.required}); expect(c.updateOn).toEqual('change'); }); it('should set updateOn when updating on blur', () => { const c = new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(c.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); describe('in groups and arrays', () => { it('should default to group updateOn when not set in control', () => { const g = new FormGroup({one: new FormControl(), two: new FormControl()}, {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(g.get('one')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get('two')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); it('should default to array updateOn when not set in control', () => { const a = new FormArray([new FormControl(), new FormControl()], {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(a.get([0])!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(a.get([1])!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); it('should set updateOn with nested groups', () => { const g = new FormGroup( { group: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl(), two: new FormControl()}), }, {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(g.get('group.one')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get('group.two')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get('group')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); it('should set updateOn with nested arrays', () => { const g = new FormGroup( { arr: new FormArray([new FormControl(), new FormControl()]), }, {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(g.get(['arr', 0])!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get(['arr', 1])!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get('arr')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); it('should allow control updateOn to override group updateOn', () => { const g = new FormGroup( {one: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'change'}), two: new FormControl()}, {updateOn: 'blur'}); expect(g.get('one')!.updateOn).toEqual('change'); expect(g.get('two')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); }); it('should set updateOn with complex setup', () => { const g = new FormGroup({ group: new FormGroup( {one: new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'change'}), two: new FormControl()}, {updateOn: 'blur'}), groupTwo: new FormGroup({one: new FormControl()}, {updateOn: 'submit'}), three: new FormControl() }); expect(g.get('group.one')!.updateOn).toEqual('change'); expect(g.get('group.two')!.updateOn).toEqual('blur'); expect(g.get('groupTwo.one')!.updateOn).toEqual('submit'); expect(g.get('three')!.updateOn).toEqual('change'); }); }); }); describe('validator', () => { it('should run validator with the initial value', () => { const c = new FormControl('value', Validators.required); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should rerun the validator when the value changes', () => { const c = new FormControl('value', Validators.required); c.setValue(null); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); }); it('should support arrays of validator functions if passed', () => { const c = new FormControl('value', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3)]); c.setValue('a'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.setValue('aaa'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should support single validator from options obj', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, {validators: Validators.required}); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({required: true}); c.setValue('value'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should support multiple validators from options obj', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, {validators: [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3)]}); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({required: true}); c.setValue('aa'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({minlength: {requiredLength: 3, actualLength: 2}}); c.setValue('aaa'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should support a null validators value', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, {validators: null}); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should support an empty options obj', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, {}); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should return errors', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, Validators.required); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'required': true}); }); it('should set single validator', () => { const c = new FormControl(null); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); c.setValidators(Validators.required); c.setValue(null); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.setValue('abc'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should set multiple validators from array', () => { const c = new FormControl(''); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); c.setValidators([Validators.minLength(5), Validators.required]); c.setValue(''); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.setValue('abc'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.setValue('abcde'); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should clear validators', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.clearValidators(); expect(c.validator).toEqual(null); c.setValue(''); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); }); it('should add after clearing', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); c.clearValidators(); expect(c.validator).toEqual(null); c.setValidators([Validators.required]); expect(c.validator).not.toBe(null); }); }); describe('asyncValidator', () => { it('should run validator with the initial value', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should support validators returning observables', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, asyncValidatorReturningObservable); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should rerun the validator when the value changes', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); c.setValue('expected'); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('should run the async validator only when the sync validator passes', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'required': true}); c.setValue('some value'); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should mark the control as pending while running the async validation', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); expect(c.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(c.pending).toEqual(false); })); it('should only use the latest async validation run', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('', null!, asyncValidator('expected', {'long': 200, 'expected': 100})); c.setValue('long'); c.setValue('expected'); tick(300); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('should support arrays of async validator functions if passed', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!, [asyncValidator('expected'), otherAsyncValidator]); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true, 'other': true}); })); it('should support a single async validator from options obj', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', {asyncValidators: asyncValidator('expected')}); expect(c.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should support multiple async validators from options obj', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( 'value', {asyncValidators: [asyncValidator('expected'), otherAsyncValidator]}); expect(c.pending).toEqual(true); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true, 'other': true}); })); it('should support a mix of validators from options obj', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl( '', {validators: Validators.required, asyncValidators: asyncValidator('expected')}); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({required: true}); c.setValue('value'); expect(c.pending).toBe(true); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); it('should add single async validator', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!); c.setAsyncValidators(asyncValidator('expected')); expect(c.asyncValidator).not.toEqual(null); c.setValue('expected'); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('should add async validator from array', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', null!); c.setAsyncValidators([asyncValidator('expected')]); expect(c.asyncValidator).not.toEqual(null); c.setValue('expected'); tick(); expect(c.valid).toEqual(true); })); it('should clear async validators', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', [asyncValidator('expected'), otherAsyncValidator]); c.clearValidators(); expect(c.asyncValidator).toEqual(null); })); it('should not change validity state if control is disabled while async validating', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('value', [asyncValidator('expected')]); c.disable(); tick(); expect(c.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); })); }); describe('dirty', () => { it('should be false after creating a control', () => { const c = new FormControl('value'); expect(c.dirty).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after changing the value of the control', () => { const c = new FormControl('value'); c.markAsDirty(); expect(c.dirty).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('touched', () => { it('should be false after creating a control', () => { const c = new FormControl('value'); expect(c.touched).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after markAsTouched runs', () => { const c = new FormControl('value'); c.markAsTouched(); expect(c.touched).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('setValue', () => { let g: FormGroup, c: FormControl; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('oldValue'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); }); it('should set the value of the control', () => { c.setValue('newValue'); expect(c.value).toEqual('newValue'); }); it('should invoke ngOnChanges if it is present', () => { let ngOnChanges: any; c.registerOnChange((v: any) => ngOnChanges = ['invoked', v]); c.setValue('newValue'); expect(ngOnChanges).toEqual(['invoked', 'newValue']); }); it('should not invoke on change when explicitly specified', () => { let onChange: any = null; c.registerOnChange((v: any) => onChange = ['invoked', v]); c.setValue('newValue', {emitModelToViewChange: false}); expect(onChange).toBeNull(); }); it('should set the parent', () => { c.setValue('newValue'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'newValue'}); }); it('should not set the parent when explicitly specified', () => { c.setValue('newValue', {onlySelf: true}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'oldValue'}); }); it('should fire an event', fakeAsync(() => { c.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { expect(value).toEqual('newValue'); }); c.setValue('newValue'); tick(); })); it('should not fire an event when explicitly specified', fakeAsync(() => { c.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; }); c.setValue('newValue', {emitEvent: false}); tick(); })); it('should work on a disabled control', () => { g.addControl('two', new FormControl('two')); c.disable(); c.setValue('new value'); expect(c.value).toEqual('new value'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'two': 'two'}); }); }); describe('patchValue', () => { let g: FormGroup, c: FormControl; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('oldValue'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); }); it('should set the value of the control', () => { c.patchValue('newValue'); expect(c.value).toEqual('newValue'); }); it('should invoke ngOnChanges if it is present', () => { let ngOnChanges: any; c.registerOnChange((v: any) => ngOnChanges = ['invoked', v]); c.patchValue('newValue'); expect(ngOnChanges).toEqual(['invoked', 'newValue']); }); it('should not invoke on change when explicitly specified', () => { let onChange: any = null; c.registerOnChange((v: any) => onChange = ['invoked', v]); c.patchValue('newValue', {emitModelToViewChange: false}); expect(onChange).toBeNull(); }); it('should set the parent', () => { c.patchValue('newValue'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'newValue'}); }); it('should not set the parent when explicitly specified', () => { c.patchValue('newValue', {onlySelf: true}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'oldValue'}); }); it('should fire an event', fakeAsync(() => { c.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { expect(value).toEqual('newValue'); }); c.patchValue('newValue'); tick(); })); it('should not fire an event when explicitly specified', fakeAsync(() => { c.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; }); c.patchValue('newValue', {emitEvent: false}); tick(); })); it('should patch value on a disabled control', () => { g.addControl('two', new FormControl('two')); c.disable(); c.patchValue('new value'); expect(c.value).toEqual('new value'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'two': 'two'}); }); }); describe('reset()', () => { let c: FormControl; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('initial value'); }); it('should reset to a specific value if passed', () => { c.setValue('new value'); expect(c.value).toBe('new value'); c.reset('initial value'); expect(c.value).toBe('initial value'); }); it('should not set the parent when explicitly specified', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); c.patchValue('newValue', {onlySelf: true}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'initial value'}); }); it('should reset to a specific value if passed with boxed value', () => { c.setValue('new value'); expect(c.value).toBe('new value'); c.reset({value: 'initial value', disabled: false}); expect(c.value).toBe('initial value'); }); it('should clear the control value if no value is passed', () => { c.setValue('new value'); expect(c.value).toBe('new value'); c.reset(); expect(c.value).toBe(null); }); it('should update the value of any parent controls with passed value', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); c.setValue('new value'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'new value'}); c.reset('initial value'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'initial value'}); }); it('should update the value of any parent controls with null value', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); c.setValue('new value'); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'new value'}); c.reset(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': null}); }); it('should mark the control as pristine', () => { c.markAsDirty(); expect(c.pristine).toBe(false); c.reset(); expect(c.pristine).toBe(true); }); it('should set the parent pristine state if all pristine', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); c.markAsDirty(); expect(g.pristine).toBe(false); c.reset(); expect(g.pristine).toBe(true); }); it('should not set the parent pristine state if it has other dirty controls', () => { const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); c.markAsDirty(); c2.markAsDirty(); c.reset(); expect(g.pristine).toBe(false); }); it('should mark the control as untouched', () => { c.markAsTouched(); expect(c.untouched).toBe(false); c.reset(); expect(c.untouched).toBe(true); }); it('should set the parent untouched state if all untouched', () => { const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); c.markAsTouched(); expect(g.untouched).toBe(false); c.reset(); expect(g.untouched).toBe(true); }); it('should not set the parent untouched state if other touched controls', () => { const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); c.markAsTouched(); c2.markAsTouched(); c.reset(); expect(g.untouched).toBe(false); }); it('should retain the disabled state of the control', () => { c.disable(); c.reset(); expect(c.disabled).toBe(true); }); it('should set disabled state based on boxed value if passed', () => { c.disable(); c.reset({value: null, disabled: false}); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); }); describe('reset() events', () => { let g: FormGroup, c2: FormControl, logger: any[]; beforeEach(() => { c2 = new FormControl('two'); g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); logger = []; }); it('should emit one valueChange event per reset control', () => { g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c.reset(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'group']); }); it('should not fire an event when explicitly specified', fakeAsync(() => { g.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; }); c.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; }); c2.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; }); c.reset(null, {emitEvent: false}); tick(); })); it('should emit one statusChange event per reset control', () => { g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c.reset(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'group']); }); it('should emit one statusChange event per disabled control', () => { g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control1')); c2.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control2')); c.reset({value: null, disabled: true}); expect(logger).toEqual(['control1', 'group']); }); }); }); describe('valueChanges & statusChanges', () => { let c: FormControl; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('old', Validators.required); }); it('should fire an event after the value has been updated', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { c.valueChanges.subscribe({ next: (value: any) => { expect(c.value).toEqual('new'); expect(value).toEqual('new'); async.done(); } }); c.setValue('new'); })); it('should fire an event after the status has been updated to invalid', fakeAsync(() => { c.statusChanges.subscribe({ next: (status: any) => { expect(c.status).toEqual('INVALID'); expect(status).toEqual('INVALID'); } }); c.setValue(''); tick(); })); it('should fire an event after the status has been updated to pending', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('old', Validators.required, asyncValidator('expected')); const log: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = []; c.valueChanges.subscribe({next: (value: any) => log.push(`value: '${value}'`)}); c.statusChanges.subscribe({next: (status: any) => log.push(`status: '${status}'`)}); c.setValue(''); tick(); c.setValue('nonEmpty'); tick(); c.setValue('expected'); tick(); expect(log).toEqual([ 'value: \'\'', 'status: \'INVALID\'', 'value: \'nonEmpty\'', 'status: \'PENDING\'', 'status: \'INVALID\'', 'value: \'expected\'', 'status: \'PENDING\'', 'status: \'VALID\'', ]); })); // TODO: remove the if statement after making observable delivery sync it('should update set errors and status before emitting an event', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { c.valueChanges.subscribe((value: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'required': true}); async.done(); }); c.setValue(''); })); it('should return a cold observable', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { c.setValue('will be ignored'); c.valueChanges.subscribe({ next: (value: any) => { expect(value).toEqual('new'); async.done(); } }); c.setValue('new'); })); }); describe('setErrors', () => { it('should set errors on a control', () => { const c = new FormControl('someValue'); c.setErrors({'someError': true}); expect(c.valid).toEqual(false); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'someError': true}); }); it('should reset the errors and validity when the value changes', () => { const c = new FormControl('someValue', Validators.required); c.setErrors({'someError': true}); c.setValue(''); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'required': true}); }); it('should update the parent group\'s validity', () => { const c = new FormControl('someValue'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(true); c.setErrors({'someError': true}); expect(g.valid).toEqual(false); }); it('should not reset parent\'s errors', () => { const c = new FormControl('someValue'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); g.setErrors({'someGroupError': true}); c.setErrors({'someError': true}); expect(g.errors).toEqual({'someGroupError': true}); }); it('should reset errors when updating a value', () => { const c = new FormControl('oldValue'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); g.setErrors({'someGroupError': true}); c.setErrors({'someError': true}); c.setValue('newValue'); expect(c.errors).toEqual(null); expect(g.errors).toEqual(null); }); }); describe('disable() & enable()', () => { it('should mark the control as disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl(null); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); expect(c.valid).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(c.disabled).toBe(true); expect(c.valid).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(c.disabled).toBe(false); expect(c.valid).toBe(true); }); it('should set the control status as disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl(null); expect(c.status).toEqual('VALID'); c.disable(); expect(c.status).toEqual('DISABLED'); c.enable(); expect(c.status).toEqual('VALID'); }); it('should retain the original value when disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl('some value'); expect(c.value).toEqual('some value'); c.disable(); expect(c.value).toEqual('some value'); c.enable(); expect(c.value).toEqual('some value'); }); it('should keep the disabled control in the group, but return false for contains()', () => { const c = new FormControl(''); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c}); expect(g.get('one')).toBeDefined(); expect(g.contains('one')).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(g.get('one')).toBeDefined(); expect(g.contains('one')).toBe(false); }); it('should mark the parent group disabled if all controls are disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl(); const c2 = new FormControl(); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); expect(g.enabled).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(g.enabled).toBe(true); c2.disable(); expect(g.enabled).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(g.enabled).toBe(true); }); it('should update the parent group value when child control status changes', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({'one': c, 'two': c2}); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); c.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'two': 'two'}); c2.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}); c.enable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({'one': 'one'}); }); it('should mark the parent array disabled if all controls are disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl(); const c2 = new FormControl(); const a = new FormArray([c, c2]); expect(a.enabled).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(a.enabled).toBe(true); c2.disable(); expect(a.enabled).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(a.enabled).toBe(true); }); it('should update the parent array value when child control status changes', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const a = new FormArray([c, c2]); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); c.disable(); expect(a.value).toEqual(['two']); c2.disable(); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); c.enable(); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one']); }); it('should ignore disabled array controls when determining dirtiness', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const a = new FormArray([c, c2]); c.markAsDirty(); expect(a.dirty).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(c.dirty).toBe(true); expect(a.dirty).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(a.dirty).toBe(true); }); it('should not make a dirty array not dirty when disabling controls', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const a = new FormArray([c, c2]); a.markAsDirty(); expect(a.dirty).toBe(true); expect(c.dirty).toBe(false); c.disable(); expect(a.dirty).toBe(true); c.enable(); expect(a.dirty).toBe(true); }); it('should ignore disabled controls in validation', () => { const c = new FormControl(null, Validators.required); const c2 = new FormControl(null); const g = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); c.disable(); expect(g.valid).toBe(true); c.enable(); expect(g.valid).toBe(false); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when serializing value in a group', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); expect(g.value).toEqual({one: 'one', two: 'two'}); c.disable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({two: 'two'}); c.enable(); expect(g.value).toEqual({one: 'one', two: 'two'}); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when serializing value in an array', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const a = new FormArray([c, c2]); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); c.disable(); expect(a.value).toEqual(['two']); c.enable(); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when determining dirtiness', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); c.markAsDirty(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(c.dirty).toBe(true); expect(g.dirty).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); }); it('should not make a dirty group not dirty when disabling controls', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); g.markAsDirty(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); expect(c.dirty).toBe(false); c.disable(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); c.enable(); expect(g.dirty).toBe(true); }); it('should ignore disabled controls when determining touched state', () => { const c = new FormControl('one'); const c2 = new FormControl('two'); const g = new FormGroup({one: c, two: c2}); c.markAsTouched(); expect(g.touched).toBe(true); c.disable(); expect(c.touched).toBe(true); expect(g.touched).toBe(false); c.enable(); expect(g.touched).toBe(true); }); it('should not run validators on disabled controls', () => { const validator = jasmine.createSpy('validator'); const c = new FormControl('', validator); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); c.disable(); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); c.setValue('value'); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(1); c.enable(); expect(validator.calls.count()).toEqual(2); }); describe('disabled errors', () => { it('should clear out the errors when disabled', () => { const c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); expect(c.errors).toEqual({required: true}); c.disable(); expect(c.errors).toEqual(null); c.enable(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({required: true}); }); it('should clear out async errors when disabled', fakeAsync(() => { const c = new FormControl('', null!, asyncValidator('expected')); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); c.disable(); expect(c.errors).toEqual(null); c.enable(); tick(); expect(c.errors).toEqual({'async': true}); })); }); describe('disabled events', () => { let logger: string[]; let c: FormControl; let g: FormGroup; beforeEach(() => { logger = []; c = new FormControl('', Validators.required); g = new FormGroup({one: c}); }); it('should emit a statusChange event when disabled status changes', () => { c.statusChanges.subscribe((status: string) => logger.push(status)); c.disable(); expect(logger).toEqual(['DISABLED']); c.enable(); expect(logger).toEqual(['DISABLED', 'INVALID']); }); it('should emit status change events in correct order', () => { c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.disable(); expect(logger).toEqual(['control', 'group']); }); it('should throw when sync validator passed into async validator param', () => { const fn = () => new FormControl('', syncValidator, syncValidator); // test for the specific error since without the error check it would still throw an error // but // not a meaningful one expect(fn).toThrowError(`Expected validator to return Promise or Observable.`); }); it('should not emit value change events when emitEvent = false', () => { c.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.valueChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('group')); c.disable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); c.enable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); it('should not emit status change events when emitEvent = false', () => { c.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('control')); g.statusChanges.subscribe(() => logger.push('form')); c.disable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); c.enable({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('pending', () => { let c: FormControl; beforeEach(() => { c = new FormControl('value'); }); it('should be false after creating a control', () => { expect(c.pending).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true after changing the value of the control', () => { c.markAsPending(); expect(c.pending).toEqual(true); }); describe('status change events', () => { let logger: string[]; beforeEach(() => { logger = []; c.statusChanges.subscribe((status) => logger.push(status)); }); it('should emit event after marking control as pending', () => { c.markAsPending(); expect(logger).toEqual(['PENDING']); }); it('should not emit event when emitEvent = false', () => { c.markAsPending({emitEvent: false}); expect(logger).toEqual([]); }); }); }); }); })();