/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {RouterTestingModule} from '@angular/router/testing'; import {Observable, Observer, of} from 'rxjs'; import {every, mergeMap} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {TestScheduler} from 'rxjs/testing'; import {prioritizedGuardValue} from '../../src/operators/prioritized_guard_value'; import {Router} from '../../src/router'; import {UrlTree} from '../../src/url_tree'; describe('prioritizedGuardValue operator', () => { let testScheduler: TestScheduler; let router: Router; const TF = {T: true, F: false}; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [RouterTestingModule]}); }); beforeEach(() => { testScheduler = new TestScheduler(assertDeepEquals); }); beforeEach(() => { router = TestBed.inject(Router); }); it('should return true if all values are true', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ----------(T|)', TF); const c = cold(' ------(T|)', TF); const source = hot('---o--', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------T--'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, TF, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should return false if observables to the left of false have produced a value', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ----------(T|)', TF); const c = cold(' ------(F|)', TF); const source = hot('---o--', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------F--'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, TF, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should ignore results for unresolved sets of Observables', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' -------------(T|)', TF); const c = cold(' ------(F|)', TF); const z = cold(' ----(T|)', TF); const source = hot('---o----p----', {o: [a, b, c], p: [z]}); const expected = ' ------------T---'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, TF, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should return UrlTree if higher priority guards have resolved', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const urlTree = router.parseUrl('/'); const urlLookup = {U: urlTree}; const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ----------(U|)', urlLookup); const c = cold(' ------(T|)', TF); const source = hot('---o---', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------U---'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, urlLookup, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should return false even with UrlTree if UrlTree is lower priority', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const urlTree = router.parseUrl('/'); const urlLookup = {U: urlTree}; const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ----------(F|)', TF); const c = cold(' ------(U|)', urlLookup); const source = hot('---o---', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------F---'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, TF, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should return UrlTree even after a false if the false is lower priority', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const urlTree = router.parseUrl('/'); const urlLookup = {U: urlTree}; const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ----------(U|)', urlLookup); const c = cold(' ------(F|)', TF); const source = hot('---o---', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------U----'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, urlLookup, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should return the highest priority UrlTree', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const urlTreeU = router.parseUrl('/u'); const urlTreeR = router.parseUrl('/r'); const urlTreeL = router.parseUrl('/l'); const urlLookup = {U: urlTreeU, R: urlTreeR, L: urlTreeL}; const a = cold(' ----------(U|)', urlLookup); const b = cold(' -----(R|)', urlLookup); const c = cold(' --(L|)', urlLookup); const source = hot('---o---', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' -------------U---'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, urlLookup, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); it('should propagate errors', () => { testScheduler.run(({hot, cold, expectObservable}) => { const a = cold(' --(T|)', TF); const b = cold(' ------#', TF); const c = cold(' ----------(F|)', TF); const source = hot('---o------', {o: [a, b, c]}); const expected = ' ---------#'; expectObservable(source.pipe(prioritizedGuardValue())) .toBe( expected, TF, /* an error here maybe */); }); }); }); function assertDeepEquals(a: any, b: any) { return expect(a).toEqual(b); }