import {describe, it, expect, iit} from 'test_lib/test_lib'; import {readFirstAnnotation} from './fixtures/annotations'; import {CONST} from 'facade/lang'; class Inject {} class Bar {} class Provide { token; @CONST() constructor(token) { this.token = token; } } class AnnotateMe { maybe; @CONST() constructor({maybe = 'default'} = {}) { this.maybe = maybe; } } @Provide('Foo') class Foo { @Inject constructor() {} } @Provide(Foo) function baz() {} @AnnotateMe() class A {} @AnnotateMe({maybe: 'yes'}) class B {} @AnnotateMe({maybe: {'a': 'b'}}) class SomeClassWithMapInAnnotation {} @AnnotateMe({maybe: [23]}) class SomeClassWithListInAnnotation {} @AnnotateMe({maybe: new Provide(0)}) class SomeClassWithConstObject {} function annotatedParams(@Inject(Foo) f, @Inject(Bar) b) {} export function main() { describe('annotations', function() { it('should work', function() { // Assert `Foo` class has `Provide` annotation. var clazz = readFirstAnnotation(Foo); expect(clazz instanceof Provide).toBe(true); }); it('should work with named arguments', function() { expect(readFirstAnnotation(A).maybe).toBe('default'); expect(readFirstAnnotation(B).maybe).toBe('yes'); }); it('should work with maps in named arguments', () => { expect(readFirstAnnotation(SomeClassWithMapInAnnotation).maybe).toEqual({'a': 'b'}); }); it('should work with lists in named arguments', () => { expect(readFirstAnnotation(SomeClassWithListInAnnotation).maybe).toEqual([23]); }); it('should work with new instances in named arguments', () => { expect(readFirstAnnotation(SomeClassWithConstObject).maybe).toEqual(new Provide(0)); }); }); }