load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ng_module", "ng_package", "pkg_npm") package(default_visibility = ["//packages/bazel/test:__subpackages__"]) ng_module( name = "example", srcs = glob(["*.ts"]), module_name = "example", deps = [ "//packages/bazel/test/ng_package/example/secondary", "@npm//@types", ], ) ng_package( name = "npm_package", srcs = [ "package.json", "some-file.txt", ], data = [ ":arbitrary_bin_file", ":arbitrary_genfiles_file", ":extra-styles.css", ":logo.png", ], entry_point = ":index.ts", entry_point_name = "waffels", nested_packages = [ ":arbitrary_npm_package", ], deps = [ ":example", "//packages/bazel/test/ng_package/example/a11y", "//packages/bazel/test/ng_package/example/imports", "//packages/bazel/test/ng_package/example/secondary", ], ) # Use a genrule to create a file in bazel-genfiles to ensure that the genfiles output of # a rule can be passed through to the `data` of ng_package. genrule( name = "arbitrary_genfiles_file", outs = ["arbitrary_genfiles.txt"], cmd = "echo Hello > $@", ) # Use a genrule to create a file in bazel-bin to ensure that the bin output of # a rule can be passed through to the `data` of ng_package. genrule( name = "arbitrary_bin_file", outs = ["arbitrary_bin.txt"], cmd = "echo World > $@", output_to_bindir = True, ) pkg_npm( name = "arbitrary_npm_package", srcs = [":arbitrary-npm-package-main.js"], )