'use strict'; describe('ngLink', function () { var elt, $compile, $rootScope, $rootRouter, $compileProvider; beforeEach(function () { module('ng'); module('ngComponentRouter'); module(function (_$compileProvider_) { $compileProvider = _$compileProvider_; }); inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$rootRouter_) { $compile = _$compile_; $rootScope = _$rootScope_; $rootRouter = _$rootRouter_; }); registerComponent('userCmp', '
hello {{userCmp.$routeParams.name}}
', function () {}); registerComponent('oneCmp', '
', function () {this.number = 'one'}); registerComponent('twoCmp', '
', function () {this.number = 'two'}); }); it('should allow linking from the parent to the child', function () { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/a', component: 'oneCmp' }, { path: '/b', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two' } ]); compile('link | outer {
}'); $rootRouter.navigateByUrl('/a'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.find('a').attr('href')).toBe('./b'); }); it('should allow linking from the child and the parent', function () { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/a', component: 'oneCmp' }, { path: '/b', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two' } ]); compile('outer {
}'); $rootRouter.navigateByUrl('/b'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.find('a').attr('href')).toBe('./b'); }); it('should allow params in routerLink directive', function () { registerComponent('twoLinkCmp', '
', function () {this.number = 'two'}); $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/a', component: 'twoLinkCmp' }, { path: '/b/:param', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two' } ]); compile('
'); $rootRouter.navigateByUrl('/a'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.find('a').attr('href')).toBe('./b/lol'); }); it('should update the href of links with bound params', function () { registerComponent('twoLinkCmp', '
', function () {this.number = 'param'}); $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/a', component: 'twoLinkCmp' }, { path: '/b/:param', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two' } ]); compile('
'); $rootRouter.navigateByUrl('/a'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.find('a').attr('href')).toBe('./b/param'); }); it('should navigate on left-mouse click when a link url matches a route', function () { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/', component: 'oneCmp' }, { path: '/two', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two'} ]); compile('link |
'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.text()).toBe('link | one'); expect(elt.find('a').attr('href')).toBe('./two'); elt.find('a')[0].click(); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.text()).toBe('link | two'); }); it('should not navigate on non-left mouse click when a link url matches a route', inject(function ($rootRouter) { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/', component: 'oneCmp' }, { path: '/two', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two'} ]); compile('link |
'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.text()).toBe('link | one'); elt.find('a').triggerHandler({ type: 'click', which: 3 }); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.text()).toBe('link | one'); })); // See https://github.com/angular/router/issues/206 it('should not navigate a link without an href', function () { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/', component: 'oneCmp' }, { path: '/two', component: 'twoCmp', name: 'Two'} ]); expect(function () { compile('link'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.text()).toBe('link'); elt.find('a')[0].click(); $rootScope.$digest(); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should add an ng-link-active class on the current link', inject(function ($rootRouter) { $rootRouter.config([ { path: '/', component: 'oneCmp', name: 'One' } ]); compile('one |
'); $rootScope.$digest(); $rootRouter.navigateByUrl('/'); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(elt.find('a').attr('class')).toBe('ng-link-active'); })); function registerComponent(name, template, config) { var controller = function () {}; function factory() { return { template: template, controllerAs: name, controller: controller }; } if (!template) { template = ''; } if (angular.isArray(config)) { factory.annotations = [new angular.annotations.RouteConfig(config)]; } else if (typeof config === 'function') { controller = config; } else if (typeof config === 'object') { if (config.canActivate) { controller.$canActivate = config.canActivate; } } $compileProvider.directive(name, factory); } function compile(template) { elt = $compile('
' + template + '
')($rootScope); $rootScope.$digest(); return elt; } });