/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ParseLocation, ParseSourceFile, ParseSourceSpan} from '@angular/compiler'; import * as o from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {TypeScriptNodeEmitter} from '../../src/transformers/node_emitter'; import {Directory, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks'; const sourceMap = require('source-map'); const someGenFilePath = '/somePackage/someGenFile'; const someGenFileName = someGenFilePath + '.ts'; const anotherModuleUrl = '/somePackage/someOtherPath'; const sameModuleIdentifier = new o.ExternalReference(null, 'someLocalId', null); const externalModuleIdentifier = new o.ExternalReference(anotherModuleUrl, 'someExternalId', null); describe('TypeScriptNodeEmitter', () => { let context: MockAotContext; let host: MockCompilerHost; let emitter: TypeScriptNodeEmitter; let someVar: o.ReadVarExpr; beforeEach(() => { context = new MockAotContext('/', FILES); host = new MockCompilerHost(context); emitter = new TypeScriptNodeEmitter(false); someVar = o.variable('someVar', null, null); }); function emitStmt( stmt: o.Statement|o.Statement[], format: Format = Format.Flat, preamble?: string): string { const stmts = Array.isArray(stmt) ? stmt : [stmt]; const program = ts.createProgram( [someGenFileName], {module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017}, host); const moduleSourceFile = program.getSourceFile(someGenFileName); const transformers: ts.CustomTransformers = { before: [() => { return sourceFile => { const [newSourceFile] = emitter.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, stmts, preamble); return newSourceFile; }; }] }; let result: string = ''; program.emit(moduleSourceFile, (fileName, data) => { if (fileName.startsWith(someGenFilePath)) { result = data; } }, undefined, undefined, transformers); return normalizeResult(result, format); } it('should declare variables', () => { expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt())).toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`); expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Final]))) .toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`); expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]))) .toEqual(`var someVar = 1; exports.someVar = someVar;`); }); describe('declare variables with ExternExpressions as values', () => { it('should create no reexport if the identifier is in the same module', () => { // identifier is in the same module -> no reexport expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.importExpr(sameModuleIdentifier)).toDeclStmt(null, [ o.StmtModifier.Exported ]))).toEqual('var someVar = someLocalId; exports.someVar = someVar;'); }); it('should create no reexport if the variable is not exported', () => { expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier)).toDeclStmt())) .toEqual( `const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); var someVar = i0.someExternalId;`); }); it('should create no reexport if the variable is typed', () => { expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier)) .toDeclStmt(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]))) .toEqual( `const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); var someVar = i0.someExternalId; exports.someVar = someVar;`); }); it('should create a reexport', () => { const result = emitStmt(someVar.set(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier)).toDeclStmt(null, [ o.StmtModifier.Exported ])); expect(result).toContain(`var someOtherPath_1 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath");`); if (!result.includes('exports.someVar = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId;') && // In TS 3.9 re-exports of namespaced imports are defined as getters !result.includes( 'Object.defineProperty(exports, "someVar", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return someOtherPath_1.someExternalId; } });')) { fail( 'Expected `someVar` to be exported directly or via a `definedProperty` call. Instead got:\n' + result); } }); it('should create multiple reexports from the same file', () => { const someVar2 = o.variable('someVar2'); const externalModuleIdentifier2 = new o.ExternalReference(anotherModuleUrl, 'someExternalId2', null); const result = emitStmt([ someVar.set(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier)) .toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]), someVar2.set(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier2)) .toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]) ]); expect(result).toContain(`var someOtherPath_1 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath");`); if (!result.includes( 'exports.someVar = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId;' + 'exports.someVar2 = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId2;') && // In TS 3.9 re-exports of namespaced imports are defined as getters !result.includes( 'Object.defineProperty(exports, "someVar", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return someOtherPath_1.someExternalId; } }); ' + 'Object.defineProperty(exports, "someVar2", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return someOtherPath_1.someExternalId2; } })')) { fail( 'Expected `someVar` and `someVar2` to be exported directly or via a `definedProperty` call. Instead got:\n' + result); } }); }); it('should read and write variables', () => { expect(emitStmt(someVar.toStmt())).toEqual(`someVar;`); expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toStmt())).toEqual(`someVar = 1;`); expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.variable('someOtherVar').set(o.literal(1))).toStmt())) .toEqual(`someVar = someOtherVar = 1;`); }); it('should read and write keys', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someMap').key(o.variable('someKey')).toStmt())) .toEqual(`someMap[someKey];`); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someMap').key(o.variable('someKey')).set(o.literal(1)).toStmt())) .toEqual(`someMap[someKey] = 1;`); }); it('should read and write properties', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').prop('someProp').toStmt())).toEqual(`someObj.someProp;`); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').prop('someProp').set(o.literal(1)).toStmt())) .toEqual(`someObj.someProp = 1;`); }); it('should invoke functions and methods and constructors', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someFn').callFn([o.literal(1)]).toStmt())).toEqual('someFn(1);'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').callMethod('someMethod', [o.literal(1)]).toStmt())) .toEqual('someObj.someMethod(1);'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('SomeClass').instantiate([o.literal(1)]).toStmt())) .toEqual('new SomeClass(1);'); }); it('should invoke functions and methods and constructors', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someFn').callFn([o.literal(1)]).toStmt())).toEqual('someFn(1);'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').callMethod('someMethod', [o.literal(1)]).toStmt())) .toEqual('someObj.someMethod(1);'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('SomeClass').instantiate([o.literal(1)]).toStmt())) .toEqual('new SomeClass(1);'); }); it('should support builtin methods', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('arr1') .callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray, [o.variable('arr2')]) .toStmt())) .toEqual('arr1.concat(arr2);'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('observable') .callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable, [o.variable('listener')]) .toStmt())) .toEqual('observable.subscribe(listener);'); expect(emitStmt( o.variable('fn').callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.Bind, [o.variable('someObj')]).toStmt())) .toEqual('fn.bind(someObj);'); }); it('should support literals', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.literal(0).toStmt())).toEqual('0;'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal(true).toStmt())).toEqual('true;'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal('someStr').toStmt())).toEqual(`"someStr";`); expect(emitStmt(o.literalArr([o.literal(1)]).toStmt())).toEqual(`[1];`); expect(emitStmt(o.literalMap([ {key: 'someKey', value: o.literal(1), quoted: false}, {key: 'a', value: o.literal('a'), quoted: false}, {key: 'b', value: o.literal('b'), quoted: true}, {key: '*', value: o.literal('star'), quoted: false}, ]).toStmt()) .replace(/\s+/gm, '')) .toEqual(`({someKey:1,a:"a","b":"b","*":"star"});`); // Regressions #22774 expect(emitStmt(o.literal('\\0025BC').toStmt())).toEqual('"\\\\0025BC";'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal('"some value"').toStmt())).toEqual('"\\"some value\\"";'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal('"some \\0025BC value"').toStmt())) .toEqual('"\\"some \\\\0025BC value\\"";'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal('\n \\0025BC \n ').toStmt())).toEqual('"\\n \\\\0025BC \\n ";'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal('\r \\0025BC \r ').toStmt())).toEqual('"\\r \\\\0025BC \\r ";'); }); it('should support blank literals', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.literal(null).toStmt())).toEqual('null;'); expect(emitStmt(o.literal(undefined).toStmt())).toEqual('undefined;'); expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a', null).isBlank().toStmt())).toEqual('(a == null);'); }); it('should support external identifiers', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.importExpr(sameModuleIdentifier).toStmt())).toEqual('someLocalId;'); expect(emitStmt(o.importExpr(externalModuleIdentifier).toStmt())) .toEqual(`const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); i0.someExternalId;`); }); it('should support operators', () => { const lhs = o.variable('lhs'); const rhs = o.variable('rhs'); expect(emitStmt(someVar.cast(o.INT_TYPE).toStmt())).toEqual('someVar;'); expect(emitStmt(o.not(someVar).toStmt())).toEqual('!someVar;'); expect(emitStmt(o.assertNotNull(someVar).toStmt())).toEqual('someVar;'); expect(emitStmt(someVar.conditional(o.variable('trueCase'), o.variable('falseCase')).toStmt())) .toEqual('(someVar ? trueCase : falseCase);'); expect(emitStmt(someVar.conditional(o.variable('trueCase'), o.variable('falseCase')) .conditional(o.variable('trueCase'), o.variable('falseCase')) .toStmt())) .toEqual('((someVar ? trueCase : falseCase) ? trueCase : falseCase);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.equals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs == rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.notEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs != rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.identical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs === rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.notIdentical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs !== rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.minus(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs - rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.plus(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs + rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.divide(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs / rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.multiply(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs * rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.plus(rhs).multiply(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('((lhs + rhs) * rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.modulo(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs % rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.and(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs && rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.or(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs || rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.lower(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs < rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.lowerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs <= rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.bigger(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs > rhs);'); expect(emitStmt(lhs.biggerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs >= rhs);'); }); it('should support function expressions', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.fn([], []).toStmt())).toEqual(`(function () { });`); expect(emitStmt(o.fn([], [new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1))], o.INT_TYPE).toStmt())) .toEqual(`(function () { return 1; });`); expect(emitStmt(o.fn([new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], []).toStmt())) .toEqual(`(function (param1) { });`); }); it('should support function statements', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [], []))).toEqual('function someFn() { }'); expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [], [], null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]))) .toEqual(`function someFn() { } exports.someFn = someFn;`); expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt( 'someFn', [], [new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1))], o.INT_TYPE))) .toEqual(`function someFn() { return 1; }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], []))) .toEqual(`function someFn(param1) { }`); }); describe('comments', () => { it('should support a preamble, which is wrapped as a multi-line comment with no trimming or padding', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a').toStmt(), Format.Raw, '*\n * SomePreamble\n ')) .toBe('/**\n * SomePreamble\n */\na;'); }); it('should support singleline comments', () => { expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1), null, [o.leadingComment(' a\n b', false)]), Format.Raw)) .toBe('// a\n// b\nreturn 1;'); }); it('should support multiline comments', () => { expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.leadingComment('Multiline comment', true)]), Format.Raw)) .toBe('/* Multiline comment */\nreturn 1;'); expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.leadingComment(`Multiline\ncomment`, true)]), Format.Raw)) .toBe(`/* Multiline\ncomment */\nreturn 1;`); }); describe('JSDoc comments', () => { it('should be supported', () => { expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.jsDocComment([{text: 'Intro comment'}])]), Format.Raw)) .toBe(`/**\n * Intro comment\n */\nreturn 1;`); expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.jsDocComment([{tagName: o.JSDocTagName.Desc, text: 'description'}])]), Format.Raw)) .toBe(`/**\n * @desc description\n */\nreturn 1;`); expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.jsDocComment([ {text: 'Intro comment'}, {tagName: o.JSDocTagName.Desc, text: 'description'}, {tagName: o.JSDocTagName.Id, text: '{number} identifier 123'}, ])]), Format.Raw)) .toBe( `/**\n * Intro comment\n * @desc description\n * @id {number} identifier 123\n */\nreturn 1;`); }); it('should escape @ in the text', () => { expect(emitStmt( new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.jsDocComment([{text: 'email@google.com'}])]), Format.Raw)) .toBe(`/**\n * email\\@google.com\n */\nreturn 1;`); }); it('should not allow /* and */ in the text', () => { expect( () => emitStmt(new o.ReturnStatement( o.literal(1), null, [o.jsDocComment([{text: 'some text /* */'}])]))) .toThrowError(`JSDoc text cannot contain "/*" and "*/"`); }); }); }); it('should support if stmt', () => { const trueCase = o.variable('trueCase').callFn([]).toStmt(); const falseCase = o.variable('falseCase').callFn([]).toStmt(); expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase]))) .toEqual('if (cond) { trueCase(); }'); expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase], [falseCase]))) .toEqual('if (cond) { trueCase(); } else { falseCase(); }'); }); it('should support try/catch', () => { const bodyStmt = o.variable('body').callFn([]).toStmt(); const catchStmt = o.variable('catchFn').callFn([o.CATCH_ERROR_VAR, o.CATCH_STACK_VAR]).toStmt(); expect(emitStmt(new o.TryCatchStmt([bodyStmt], [catchStmt]))) .toEqual( `try { body(); } catch (error) { var stack = error.stack; catchFn(error, stack); }`); }); it('should support support throwing', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ThrowStmt(someVar))).toEqual('throw someVar;'); }); describe('classes', () => { let callSomeMethod: o.Statement; beforeEach(() => { callSomeMethod = o.THIS_EXPR.callMethod('someMethod', []).toStmt(); }); it('should support declaring classes', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, []))) .toEqual('class SomeClass { }'); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, [], [ o.StmtModifier.Exported ]))).toEqual('class SomeClass { } exports.SomeClass = SomeClass;'); expect( emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', o.variable('SomeSuperClass'), [], [], null!, []))) .toEqual('class SomeClass extends SomeSuperClass { }'); }); it('should support declaring constructors', () => { const superCall = o.SUPER_EXPR.callFn([o.variable('someParam')]).toStmt(); expect(emitStmt( new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null!, [], []), []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null!, [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], []), []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor(someParam) { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null!, [], [superCall]), []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { super(someParam); } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null!, [], [callSomeMethod]), []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someMethod(); } }`); }); it('should support declaring fields', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [new o.ClassField('someField')], [], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE)], [], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Private])], [], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`); }); it('should support declaring getters', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [])], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [], o.INT_TYPE)], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [callSomeMethod])], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { this.someMethod(); } }`); expect( emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt( 'SomeClass', null!, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [], null!, [o.StmtModifier.Private])], null!, []))) .toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`); }); it('should support methods', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, [ new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], []) ]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, [ new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [], o.INT_TYPE) ]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, [ new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], []) ]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod(someParam) { } }`); expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null!, [], [], null!, [ new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [callSomeMethod]) ]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { this.someMethod(); } }`); }); }); it('should support builtin types', () => { const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.BOOL_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.INT_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.NUMBER_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.STRING_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.FUNCTION_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;'); }); it('should support external types', () => { const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.importType(sameModuleIdentifier)))) .toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.importType(externalModuleIdentifier)))) .toEqual(`var a = null;`); }); it('should support expression types', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR).toDeclStmt(o.expressionType(o.variable('b'))))) .toEqual('var a = null;'); }); it('should support expressions with type parameters', () => { expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a') .set(o.NULL_EXPR) .toDeclStmt(o.importType(externalModuleIdentifier, [o.STRING_TYPE])))) .toEqual(`var a = null;`); }); it('should support combined types', () => { const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(null!)))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(o.INT_TYPE)))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(null)))).toEqual('var a = null;'); expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(o.INT_TYPE)))).toEqual('var a = null;'); }); describe('source maps', () => { function emitStmt(stmt: o.Statement|o.Statement[], preamble?: string): string { const stmts = Array.isArray(stmt) ? stmt : [stmt]; const program = ts.createProgram( [someGenFileName], { module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017, sourceMap: true, inlineSourceMap: true, inlineSources: true, }, host); const moduleSourceFile = program.getSourceFile(someGenFileName); const transformers: ts.CustomTransformers = { before: [context => { return sourceFile => { const [newSourceFile] = emitter.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, stmts, preamble); return newSourceFile; }; }] }; let result: string = ''; const emitResult = program.emit( moduleSourceFile, (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) => { if (fileName.startsWith(someGenFilePath)) { result = data; } }, undefined, undefined, transformers); return result; } function mappingItemsOf(text: string) { // find the source map: const sourceMapMatch = /sourceMappingURL\=data\:application\/json;base64,(.*)$/.exec(text); const sourceMapBase64 = sourceMapMatch![1]; const sourceMapBuffer = Buffer.from(sourceMapBase64, 'base64'); const sourceMapText = sourceMapBuffer.toString('utf8'); const sourceMapParsed = JSON.parse(sourceMapText); const consumer = new sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(sourceMapParsed); const mappings: any[] = []; consumer.eachMapping((mapping: any) => { mappings.push(mapping); }); return mappings; } it('should produce a source map that maps back to the source', () => { const statement = someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(); const text = ' a = 1 '; const sourceName = '/some/file.html'; const sourceUrl = '../some/file.html'; const file = new ParseSourceFile(text, sourceName); const start = new ParseLocation(file, 0, 0, 0); const end = new ParseLocation(file, text.length, 0, text.length); statement.sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(start, end); const result = emitStmt(statement); const mappings = mappingItemsOf(result); expect(mappings).toEqual([ { source: sourceUrl, generatedLine: 3, generatedColumn: 0, originalLine: 1, originalColumn: 0, name: null! // TODO: Review use of `!` here (#19904) }, { source: sourceUrl, generatedLine: 3, generatedColumn: 16, originalLine: 1, originalColumn: 26, name: null! // TODO: Review use of `!` here (#19904) } ]); }); it('should produce a mapping per range instead of a mapping per node', () => { const text = ' a = 1 '; const sourceName = '/some/file.html'; const sourceUrl = '../some/file.html'; const file = new ParseSourceFile(text, sourceName); const start = new ParseLocation(file, 0, 0, 0); const end = new ParseLocation(file, text.length, 0, text.length); const stmt = (loc: number) => { const start = new ParseLocation(file, loc, 0, loc); const end = new ParseLocation(file, loc + 1, 0, loc + 1); const span = new ParseSourceSpan(start, end); return someVar .set(new o.BinaryOperatorExpr( o.BinaryOperator.Plus, o.literal(loc, null, span), o.literal(loc, null, span), null, span)) .toDeclStmt(); }; const stmts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(stmt); const result = emitStmt(stmts); const mappings = mappingItemsOf(result); // The span is used in three different nodes but should only be emitted at most twice // (once for the start and once for the end of a span). const maxDup = Math.max( ...Array.from(countsOfDuplicatesMap(mappings.map(m => m.originalColumn)).values())); expect(maxDup <= 2).toBeTruthy('A redundant range was emitted'); }); }); }); function countsOfDuplicatesMap(a: T[]): Map { const result = new Map(); for (const item of a) { result.set(item, (result.get(item) || 0) + 1); } return result; } const FILES: Directory = { somePackage: {'someGenFile.ts': `export var a: number;`} }; const enum Format { Raw, Flat } function normalizeResult(result: string, format: Format): string { // Remove TypeScript prefixes let res = result.replace('"use strict";', ' ') .replace('exports.__esModule = true;', ' ') .replace('Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });', ' '); // Remove hoisted initial export assignments. These were added in TS 3.9: // https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/commit/c6c2c4c8d5aa0947de16f484b8c16fb0eab1c48f res = res.replace(/^exports\.\S+ = void 0;$/gm, ''); // Remove new lines // Squish adjacent spaces if (format === Format.Flat) { return res.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/^ /g, '').replace(/ $/g, ''); } // Remove prefix and postfix spaces return res.trim(); }