/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Location} from '@angular/common'; import {inject, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {RouterTestingModule} from '@angular/router/testing'; import {of} from 'rxjs'; import {Routes} from '../src/config'; import {ChildActivationStart} from '../src/events'; import {checkGuards as checkGuardsOperator} from '../src/operators/check_guards'; import {resolveData as resolveDataOperator} from '../src/operators/resolve_data'; import {NavigationTransition, Router} from '../src/router'; import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from '../src/router_outlet_context'; import {createEmptyStateSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot} from '../src/router_state'; import {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlTree} from '../src/url_tree'; import {getAllRouteGuards} from '../src/utils/preactivation'; import {TreeNode} from '../src/utils/tree'; import {createActivatedRouteSnapshot, Logger, provideTokenLogger} from './helpers'; describe('Router', () => { describe('resetConfig', () => { class TestComponent {} beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [RouterTestingModule]}); }); it('should copy config to avoid mutations of user-provided objects', () => { const r: Router = TestBed.inject(Router); const configs: Routes = [{ path: 'a', component: TestComponent, children: [{path: 'b', component: TestComponent}, {path: 'c', component: TestComponent}] }]; const children = configs[0].children!; r.resetConfig(configs); const rConfigs = r.config; const rChildren = rConfigs[0].children!; // routes array and shallow copy expect(configs).not.toBe(rConfigs); expect(configs[0]).not.toBe(rConfigs[0]); expect(configs[0].path).toBe(rConfigs[0].path); expect(configs[0].component).toBe(rConfigs[0].component); // children should be new array and routes shallow copied expect(children).not.toBe(rChildren); expect(children[0]).not.toBe(rChildren[0]); expect(children[0].path).toBe(rChildren[0].path); expect(children[1]).not.toBe(rChildren[1]); expect(children[1].path).toBe(rChildren[1].path); }); }); describe('resetRootComponentType', () => { class NewRootComponent {} beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [RouterTestingModule]}); }); it('should not change root route when updating the root component', () => { const r: Router = TestBed.inject(Router); const root = r.routerState.root; (r as any).resetRootComponentType(NewRootComponent); expect(r.routerState.root).toBe(root); }); }); describe('setUpLocationChangeListener', () => { beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [RouterTestingModule]}); }); it('should be idempotent', inject([Router, Location], (r: Router, location: Location) => { r.setUpLocationChangeListener(); const a = (r).locationSubscription; r.setUpLocationChangeListener(); const b = (r).locationSubscription; expect(a).toBe(b); r.dispose(); r.setUpLocationChangeListener(); const c = (r).locationSubscription; expect(c).not.toBe(b); })); }); describe('PreActivation', () => { const serializer = new DefaultUrlSerializer(); const inj = {get: (token: any) => () => `${token}_value`}; let empty: RouterStateSnapshot; let logger: Logger; let events: any[]; const CA_CHILD = 'canActivate_child'; const CA_CHILD_FALSE = 'canActivate_child_false'; const CA_CHILD_REDIRECT = 'canActivate_child_redirect'; const CAC_CHILD = 'canActivateChild_child'; const CAC_CHILD_FALSE = 'canActivateChild_child_false'; const CAC_CHILD_REDIRECT = 'canActivateChild_child_redirect'; const CA_GRANDCHILD = 'canActivate_grandchild'; const CA_GRANDCHILD_FALSE = 'canActivate_grandchild_false'; const CA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT = 'canActivate_grandchild_redirect'; const CDA_CHILD = 'canDeactivate_child'; const CDA_CHILD_FALSE = 'canDeactivate_child_false'; const CDA_CHILD_REDIRECT = 'canDeactivate_child_redirect'; const CDA_GRANDCHILD = 'canDeactivate_grandchild'; const CDA_GRANDCHILD_FALSE = 'canDeactivate_grandchild_false'; const CDA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT = 'canDeactivate_grandchild_redirect'; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [RouterTestingModule], providers: [ Logger, provideTokenLogger(CA_CHILD), provideTokenLogger(CA_CHILD_FALSE, false), provideTokenLogger(CA_CHILD_REDIRECT, serializer.parse('/canActivate_child_redirect')), provideTokenLogger(CAC_CHILD), provideTokenLogger(CAC_CHILD_FALSE, false), provideTokenLogger( CAC_CHILD_REDIRECT, serializer.parse('/canActivateChild_child_redirect')), provideTokenLogger(CA_GRANDCHILD), provideTokenLogger(CA_GRANDCHILD_FALSE, false), provideTokenLogger( CA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT, serializer.parse('/canActivate_grandchild_redirect')), provideTokenLogger(CDA_CHILD), provideTokenLogger(CDA_CHILD_FALSE, false), provideTokenLogger(CDA_CHILD_REDIRECT, serializer.parse('/canDeactivate_child_redirect')), provideTokenLogger(CDA_GRANDCHILD), provideTokenLogger(CDA_GRANDCHILD_FALSE, false), provideTokenLogger( CDA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT, serializer.parse('/canDeactivate_grandchild_redirect')) ] }); }); beforeEach(inject([Logger], (_logger: Logger) => { empty = createEmptyStateSnapshot(serializer.parse('/'), null!); logger = _logger; events = []; })); describe('ChildActivation', () => { it('should run', () => { /** * R --> R (ChildActivationStart) * \ * child */ let result = false; const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'child', routeConfig: {path: 'child'}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [])])); // Since we only test the guards, we don't need to provide a full navigation // transition object with all properties set. const testTransition = { guards: getAllRouteGuards(futureState, empty, new ChildrenOutletContexts()) } as NavigationTransition; of(testTransition) .pipe(checkGuardsOperator( TestBed, (evt) => { events.push(evt); })) .subscribe((x) => result = !!x.guardsResult, (e) => { throw e; }); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(events.length).toEqual(2); expect(events[0].snapshot).toBe(events[0].snapshot.root); expect(events[1].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('child'); }); it('should run from top to bottom', () => { /** * R --> R (ChildActivationStart) * \ * child (ChildActivationStart) * \ * grandchild (ChildActivationStart) * \ * great grandchild */ let result = false; const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'child', routeConfig: {path: 'child'}}); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'grandchild'}}); const greatGrandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'great-grandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'great-grandchild'}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [ new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [new TreeNode(greatGrandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])])); // Since we only test the guards, we don't need to provide a full navigation // transition object with all properties set. const testTransition = { guards: getAllRouteGuards(futureState, empty, new ChildrenOutletContexts()) } as NavigationTransition; of(testTransition) .pipe(checkGuardsOperator( TestBed, (evt) => { events.push(evt); })) .subscribe((x) => result = !!x.guardsResult, (e) => { throw e; }); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(events.length).toEqual(6); expect(events[0].snapshot).toBe(events[0].snapshot.root); expect(events[2].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('child'); expect(events[4].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('grandchild'); expect(events[5].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('great-grandchild'); }); it('should not run for unchanged routes', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * child child (ChildActivationStart) * \ * grandchild */ let result = false; const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'child', routeConfig: {path: 'child'}}); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'grandchild'}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [])])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); // Since we only test the guards, we don't need to provide a full navigation // transition object with all properties set. const testTransition = { guards: getAllRouteGuards(futureState, currentState, new ChildrenOutletContexts()) } as NavigationTransition; of(testTransition) .pipe(checkGuardsOperator( TestBed, (evt) => { events.push(evt); })) .subscribe((x) => result = !!x.guardsResult, (e) => { throw e; }); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(events.length).toEqual(2); expect(events[0].snapshot).not.toBe(events[0].snapshot.root); expect(events[0].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('child'); }); it('should skip multiple unchanged routes but fire for all changed routes', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * child child * / \ * grandchild grandchild (ChildActivationStart) * \ * greatgrandchild (ChildActivationStart) * \ * great-greatgrandchild */ let result = false; const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'child', routeConfig: {path: 'child'}}); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'grandchild'}}); const greatGrandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'greatgrandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'greatgrandchild'}}); const greatGreatGrandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'great-greatgrandchild', routeConfig: {path: 'great-greatgrandchild'}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode( childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [ new TreeNode( greatGrandchildSnapshot, [new TreeNode(greatGreatGrandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])])])); // Since we only test the guards, we don't need to provide a full navigation // transition object with all properties set. const testTransition = { guards: getAllRouteGuards(futureState, currentState, new ChildrenOutletContexts()) } as NavigationTransition; of(testTransition) .pipe(checkGuardsOperator( TestBed, (evt) => { events.push(evt); })) .subscribe((x) => result = !!x.guardsResult, (e) => { throw e; }); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(events.length).toEqual(4); expect(events[0] instanceof ChildActivationStart).toBe(true); expect(events[0].snapshot).not.toBe(events[0].snapshot.root); expect(events[0].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('grandchild'); expect(events[2].snapshot.routeConfig.path).toBe('greatgrandchild'); }); }); describe('guards', () => { it('should run CanActivate checks', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CA, CAC) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: { canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD] } }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(true); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CA_CHILD, CAC_CHILD, CA_GRANDCHILD]); }); }); it('should not run grandchild guards if child fails', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CA: x, CAC) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD_FALSE], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(false); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CA_CHILD_FALSE]); }); }); it('should not run grandchild guards if child canActivateChild fails', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CA, CAC: x) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD_FALSE]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(false); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CA_CHILD, CAC_CHILD_FALSE]); }); }); it('should run deactivate guards before activate guards', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * prev (CDA) child (CA) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const prevSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'prev', routeConfig: {canDeactivate: [CDA_CHILD]}}); const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'prev', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(prevSnapshot, [])])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, currentState, TestBed, (result) => { expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CDA_CHILD, CA_CHILD, CAC_CHILD, CA_GRANDCHILD]); }); }); it('should not run activate if deactivate fails guards', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * prev (CDA: x) child (CA) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const prevSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'prev', routeConfig: {canDeactivate: [CDA_CHILD_FALSE]}}); const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'prev', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(prevSnapshot, [])])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, currentState, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(false); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CDA_CHILD_FALSE]); }); }); it('should deactivate from bottom up, then activate top down', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * prevChild (CDA) child (CA) * / \ * prevGrandchild(CDA) grandchild (CA) */ const prevChildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'prev_child', routeConfig: {canDeactivate: [CDA_CHILD]}}); const prevGrandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'prev_grandchild', routeConfig: {canDeactivate: [CDA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'prev', new TreeNode(empty.root, [ new TreeNode(prevChildSnapshot, [new TreeNode(prevGrandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode( empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])])])); checkGuards(futureState, currentState, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(true); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([ CDA_GRANDCHILD, CDA_CHILD, CA_CHILD, CAC_CHILD, CA_GRANDCHILD ]); }); logger.empty(); checkGuards(currentState, futureState, TestBed, (result) => { expect(result).toBe(true); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('UrlTree', () => { it('should allow return of UrlTree from CanActivate', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CA: redirect) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: { canActivate: [CA_CHILD_REDIRECT] } }); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [])])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(serializer.serialize(result as UrlTree)).toBe('/' + CA_CHILD_REDIRECT); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CA_CHILD_REDIRECT]); }); }); it('should allow return of UrlTree from CanActivateChild', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CAC: redirect) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD_REDIRECT]}}); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [ new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(serializer.serialize(result as UrlTree)).toBe('/' + CAC_CHILD_REDIRECT); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CAC_CHILD_REDIRECT]); }); }); it('should allow return of UrlTree from a child CanActivate', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * child (CAC) * \ * grandchild (CA: redirect) */ const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]}}); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT]}}); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [ new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])); checkGuards(futureState, empty, TestBed, (result) => { expect(serializer.serialize(result as UrlTree)).toBe('/' + CA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CAC_CHILD, CA_GRANDCHILD_REDIRECT]); }); }); it('should allow return of UrlTree from a child CanDeactivate', () => { /** * R --> R * / \ * prev (CDA: redirect) child (CA) * \ * grandchild (CA) */ const prevSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'prev', routeConfig: {canDeactivate: [CDA_CHILD_REDIRECT]}}); const childSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({ component: 'child', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_CHILD], canActivateChild: [CAC_CHILD]} }); const grandchildSnapshot = createActivatedRouteSnapshot( {component: 'grandchild', routeConfig: {canActivate: [CA_GRANDCHILD]}}); const currentState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'prev', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(prevSnapshot, [])])); const futureState = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [ new TreeNode(childSnapshot, [new TreeNode(grandchildSnapshot, [])]) ])); checkGuards(futureState, currentState, TestBed, (result) => { expect(serializer.serialize(result as UrlTree)).toBe('/' + CDA_CHILD_REDIRECT); expect(logger.logs).toEqual([CDA_CHILD_REDIRECT]); }); }); }); }); describe('resolve', () => { it('should resolve data', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * a */ const r = {data: 'resolver'}; const n = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'a', resolve: r}); const s = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(n, [])])); checkResolveData(s, empty, inj, () => { expect(s.root.firstChild!.data).toEqual({data: 'resolver_value'}); }); }); it('should wait for the parent resolve to complete', () => { /** * R --> R * \ * null (resolve: parentResolve) * \ * b (resolve: childResolve) */ const parentResolve = {data: 'resolver'}; const childResolve = {}; const parent = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: null!, resolve: parentResolve}); const child = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'b', resolve: childResolve}); const s = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(parent, [new TreeNode(child, [])])])); const inj = {get: (token: any) => () => Promise.resolve(`${token}_value`)}; checkResolveData(s, empty, inj, () => { expect(s.root.firstChild!.firstChild!.data).toEqual({data: 'resolver_value'}); }); }); it('should copy over data when creating a snapshot', () => { /** * R --> R --> R * \ \ * n1 (resolve: r1) n21 (resolve: r1) * \ * n22 (resolve: r2) */ const r1 = {data: 'resolver1'}; const r2 = {data: 'resolver2'}; const n1 = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'a', resolve: r1}); const s1 = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(n1, [])])); checkResolveData(s1, empty, inj, () => {}); const n21 = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'a', resolve: r1}); const n22 = createActivatedRouteSnapshot({component: 'b', resolve: r2}); const s2 = new (RouterStateSnapshot as any)( 'url', new TreeNode(empty.root, [new TreeNode(n21, [new TreeNode(n22, [])])])); checkResolveData(s2, s1, inj, () => { expect(s2.root.firstChild!.data).toEqual({data: 'resolver1_value'}); expect(s2.root.firstChild!.firstChild!.data).toEqual({data: 'resolver2_value'}); }); }); }); }); }); function checkResolveData( future: RouterStateSnapshot, curr: RouterStateSnapshot, injector: any, check: any): void { // Since we only test the guards and their resolve data function, we don't need to provide // a full navigation transition object with all properties set. of({guards: getAllRouteGuards(future, curr, new ChildrenOutletContexts())} as NavigationTransition) .pipe(resolveDataOperator('emptyOnly', injector)) .subscribe(check, (e) => { throw e; }); } function checkGuards( future: RouterStateSnapshot, curr: RouterStateSnapshot, injector: any, check: (result: boolean|UrlTree) => void): void { // Since we only test the guards, we don't need to provide a full navigation // transition object with all properties set. of({guards: getAllRouteGuards(future, curr, new ChildrenOutletContexts())} as NavigationTransition) .pipe(checkGuardsOperator(injector)) .subscribe({ next(t) { if (t.guardsResult === null) throw new Error('Guard result expected'); return check(t.guardsResult); }, error(e) { throw e; } }); }