/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ApplicationRef, Compiler, Component, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, Injector, NgModule, Testability, TestabilityRegistry} from '@angular/core'; import {TestBed, getTestBed, inject} from '@angular/core/testing'; import * as angular from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/angular1'; import {DowngradeComponentAdapter, groupNodesBySelector} from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/downgrade_component_adapter'; import {nodes} from './test_helpers'; export function main() { describe('DowngradeComponentAdapter', () => { describe('groupNodesBySelector', () => { it('should return an array of node collections for each selector', () => { const contentNodes = nodes( '
div-1 content
' + '' + '' + 'span content' + '
div-2 content
'); const selectors = ['input[type=date]', 'span', '.x']; const projectableNodes = groupNodesBySelector(selectors, contentNodes); expect(projectableNodes[0]).toEqual(nodes('')); expect(projectableNodes[1]).toEqual(nodes('span content')); expect(projectableNodes[2]) .toEqual(nodes( '
div-1 content
' + '
div-2 content
')); }); it('should collect up unmatched nodes for the wildcard selector', () => { const contentNodes = nodes( '
div-1 content
' + '' + '' + 'span content' + '
div-2 content
'); const selectors = ['.x', '*', 'input[type=date]']; const projectableNodes = groupNodesBySelector(selectors, contentNodes); expect(projectableNodes[0]) .toEqual(nodes( '
div-1 content
' + '
div-2 content
')); expect(projectableNodes[1]) .toEqual(nodes( '' + 'span content')); expect(projectableNodes[2]).toEqual(nodes('')); }); it('should return an array of empty arrays if there are no nodes passed in', () => { const selectors = ['.x', '*', 'input[type=date]']; const projectableNodes = groupNodesBySelector(selectors, []); expect(projectableNodes).toEqual([[], [], []]); }); it('should return an empty array for each selector that does not match', () => { const contentNodes = nodes( '
div-1 content
' + '' + '' + 'span content' + '
div-2 content
'); const projectableNodes = groupNodesBySelector([], contentNodes); expect(projectableNodes).toEqual([]); const noMatchSelectorNodes = groupNodesBySelector(['.not-there'], contentNodes); expect(noMatchSelectorNodes).toEqual([[]]); }); }); describe('testability', () => { let adapter: DowngradeComponentAdapter; let content: string; let compiler: Compiler; let element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery; class mockScope implements angular.IScope { $new() { return this; } $watch(exp: angular.Ng1Expression, fn?: (a1?: any, a2?: any) => void) { return () => {}; } $on(event: string, fn?: (event?: any, ...args: any[]) => void) { return () => {}; } $destroy() { return () => {}; } $apply(exp?: angular.Ng1Expression) { return () => {}; } $digest() { return () => {}; } $evalAsync(exp: angular.Ng1Expression, locals?: any) { return () => {}; } $$childTail: angular.IScope; $$childHead: angular.IScope; $$nextSibling: angular.IScope; [key: string]: any; $id = 'mockScope'; $parent: angular.IScope; $root: angular.IScope; } function getAdaptor(): DowngradeComponentAdapter { let attrs = undefined as any; let scope: angular.IScope; // mock let ngModel = undefined as any; let parentInjector: Injector; // testbed let $injector = undefined as any; let $compile = undefined as any; let $parse = undefined as any; let componentFactory: ComponentFactory; // testbed let wrapCallback = undefined as any; content = `

new component

a great component
`; element = angular.element(content); scope = new mockScope(); @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '', }) class NewComponent { } @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: 'hello', useValue: 'component'}], declarations: [NewComponent], entryComponents: [NewComponent], }) class NewModule { } const modFactory = compiler.compileModuleSync(NewModule); const module = modFactory.create(TestBed); componentFactory = module.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(NewComponent) !; parentInjector = TestBed; return new DowngradeComponentAdapter( element, attrs, scope, ngModel, parentInjector, $injector, $compile, $parse, componentFactory, wrapCallback); } beforeEach((inject([Compiler], (inject_compiler: Compiler) => { compiler = inject_compiler; adapter = getAdaptor(); }))); afterEach(() => { let registry = TestBed.get(TestabilityRegistry); registry.unregisterAllApplications(); }); it('should add testabilities hook when creating components', () => { let registry = TestBed.get(TestabilityRegistry); adapter.createComponent([]); expect(registry.getAllTestabilities().length).toEqual(1); adapter = getAdaptor(); // get a new adaptor to creat a new component adapter.createComponent([]); expect(registry.getAllTestabilities().length).toEqual(2); }); it('should remove the testability hook when destroy a component', () => { const registry = TestBed.get(TestabilityRegistry); expect(registry.getAllTestabilities().length).toEqual(0); adapter.createComponent([]); expect(registry.getAllTestabilities().length).toEqual(1); adapter.registerCleanup(true); element.remove !(); expect(registry.getAllTestabilities().length).toEqual(0); }); }); }); }