/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {stringifyElement} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util'; import {CreateComponentOptions} from '../../src/render3/component'; import {ComponentTemplate, ComponentType, DirectiveType, PublicFeature, defineComponent, defineDirective, renderComponent as _renderComponent, tick} from '../../src/render3/index'; import {NG_HOST_SYMBOL, createLNode, createLView, renderTemplate} from '../../src/render3/instructions'; import {DirectiveDefArgs} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/definition'; import {LElementNode, LNodeFlags} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/node'; import {RElement, RText, Renderer3, RendererFactory3, domRendererFactory3} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/renderer'; import {getRendererFactory2} from './imported_renderer2'; export abstract class BaseFixture { hostElement: HTMLElement; constructor() { this.hostElement = document.createElement('div'); this.hostElement.setAttribute('fixture', 'mark'); } /** * Current state of rendered HTML. */ get html(): string { return (this.hostElement as any as Element) .innerHTML.replace(/ style=""/g, '') .replace(/ class=""/g, ''); } } function noop() {} /** * Fixture for testing template functions in a convenient way. * * This fixture allows: * - specifying the creation block and update block as two separate functions, * - maintaining the template state between invocations, * - access to the render `html`. */ export class TemplateFixture extends BaseFixture { hostNode: LElementNode; /** * * @param createBlock Instructions which go into the creation block: * `if (creationMode) { __here__ }`. * @param updateBlock Optional instructions which go after the creation block: * `if (creationMode) { ... } __here__`. */ constructor(private createBlock: () => void, private updateBlock: () => void = noop) { super(); this.updateBlock = updateBlock || function() {}; this.hostNode = renderTemplate(this.hostElement, (ctx: any, cm: boolean) => { if (cm) { this.createBlock(); } this.updateBlock(); }, null !, domRendererFactory3, null); } /** * Update the existing template * * @param updateBlock Optional update block. */ update(updateBlock?: () => void): void { renderTemplate( this.hostNode.native, updateBlock || this.updateBlock, null !, domRendererFactory3, this.hostNode); } } /** * Fixture for testing Components in a convenient way. */ export class ComponentFixture extends BaseFixture { component: T; requestAnimationFrame: {(fn: () => void): void; flush(): void; queue: (() => void)[];}; constructor(private componentType: ComponentType) { super(); this.requestAnimationFrame = function(fn: () => void) { requestAnimationFrame.queue.push(fn); } as any; this.requestAnimationFrame.queue = []; this.requestAnimationFrame.flush = function() { while (requestAnimationFrame.queue.length) { requestAnimationFrame.queue.shift() !(); } }; this.component = _renderComponent(componentType, { host: this.hostElement, scheduler: this.requestAnimationFrame, }); } update(): void { tick(this.component); this.requestAnimationFrame.flush(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The methods below use global state and we should stop using them. // Fixtures above are preferred way of testing Components and Templates /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// export const document = ((global || window) as any).document; export let containerEl: HTMLElement = null !; let host: LElementNode|null; const isRenderer2 = typeof process == 'object' && process.argv[3] && process.argv[3] === '--r=renderer2'; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log(`Running tests with ${!isRenderer2 ? 'document' : 'Renderer2'} renderer...`); const testRendererFactory: RendererFactory3 = isRenderer2 ? getRendererFactory2(document) : domRendererFactory3; export const requestAnimationFrame: {(fn: () => void): void; flush(): void; queue: (() => void)[];} = function(fn: () => void) { requestAnimationFrame.queue.push(fn); } as any; requestAnimationFrame.flush = function() { while (requestAnimationFrame.queue.length) { requestAnimationFrame.queue.shift() !(); } }; export function resetDOM() { requestAnimationFrame.queue = []; if (containerEl) { try { document.body.removeChild(containerEl); } catch (e) { } } containerEl = document.createElement('div'); containerEl.setAttribute('host', ''); document.body.appendChild(containerEl); host = null; // TODO: assert that the global state is clean (e.g. ngData, previousOrParentNode, etc) } /** * @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture` */ export function renderToHtml( template: ComponentTemplate, ctx: any, providedRendererFactory?: RendererFactory3) { host = renderTemplate( containerEl, template, ctx, providedRendererFactory || testRendererFactory, host); return toHtml(containerEl); } beforeEach(resetDOM); /** * @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture` */ export function renderComponent(type: ComponentType, opts?: CreateComponentOptions): T { return _renderComponent(type, { rendererFactory: opts && opts.rendererFactory || testRendererFactory, host: containerEl, scheduler: requestAnimationFrame, hostFeatures: opts && opts.hostFeatures }); } /** * @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture` */ export function toHtml(componentOrElement: T | RElement): string { const node = (componentOrElement as any)[NG_HOST_SYMBOL] as LElementNode; if (node) { return toHtml(node.native); } else { return stringifyElement(componentOrElement) .replace(/^
/, '') .replace(/<\/div>$/, '') .replace(' style=""', '') .replace(//g, ''); } } export function createComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate): ComponentType { return class Component { value: any; static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, tag: name, factory: () => new Component, template: template, features: [PublicFeature] }); }; } export function createDirective({exportAs}: {exportAs?: string} = {}): DirectiveType { return class Directive { static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, factory: () => new Directive(), features: [PublicFeature], exportAs: exportAs, }); }; } // Verify that DOM is a type of render. This is here for error checking only and has no use. export const renderer: Renderer3 = null as any as Document; export const element: RElement = null as any as HTMLElement; export const text: RText = null as any as Text;