# VM Setup - Set up secrets ## Overview Necessary secrets: 1. `GITHUB_TOKEN` - Used for: - Retrieving open PRs without rate-limiting. - Retrieving PR author. - Retrieving members of the trusted GitHub teams. - Posting comments with preview links on PRs. 2. `CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN` - Used for: - Retrieving build information. - Downloading build artifacts. ## Create secrets 1. `GITHUB_TOKEN` - Visit https://github.com/settings/tokens. - Generate new token with the `public_repo` scope. 2. `CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN` - Visit https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/edit#api - Create an API token with `Build Artifacts` scope ## Save secrets on the VM - `sudo mkdir /aio-secrets` - `sudo touch /aio-secrets/GITHUB_TOKEN` - Insert `` into `/aio-secrets/GITHUB_TOKEN`. - `sudo touch /aio-secrets/CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN` - Insert `` into `/aio-secrets/CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN`. - `sudo chmod 400 /aio-secrets/*`