var testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); var Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('getExampleRegion', () => { var dgeni, injector, getExampleRegion, collectExamples, exampleMap; beforeEach(function() { dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('examples-package', true)]); injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); getExampleRegion = injector.get('getExampleRegion'); collectExamples = injector.get('collectExamples'); exampleMap = injector.get('exampleMap'); collectExamples.exampleFolders = ['examples']; exampleMap['examples'] = { 'test/url': { regions: { '': { renderedContent: 'whole file' }, 'region-1': { renderedContent: 'region 1 contents' } } } }; }); it('should contain the whole contents from the example file if no region is specified', () => { expect(getExampleRegion({}, 'test/url')).toEqual('whole file'); }); it('should contain the region contents from the example file if a region is specified', () => { expect(getExampleRegion({}, 'test/url', 'region-1')).toEqual('region 1 contents'); }); it('should throw an error if an example doesn\'t exist', function() { expect(function() { getExampleRegion({}, 'missing/file', 'region-1'); }).toThrowError(); expect(function() { getExampleRegion({}, 'test/url', 'missing-region'); }).toThrowError(); }); });