workspace(name = "angular") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") # Uncomment for local bazel rules development #local_repository( # name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs", # path = "../rules_nodejs", #) #local_repository( # name = "npm_bazel_typescript", # path = "../rules_typescript", #) # Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs", sha256 = "1db950bbd27fb2581866e307c0130983471d4c3cd49c46063a2503ca7b6770a4", urls = [""], ) # Check the bazel version and download npm dependencies load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "check_bazel_version", "check_rules_nodejs_version", "node_repositories", "yarn_install") # Bazel version must be at least v0.21.0 because: # - 0.21.0 Using --incompatible_strict_action_env flag fixes cache when running `yarn bazel` # (see check_bazel_version( message = """ You no longer need to install Bazel on your machine. Angular has a dependency on the @bazel/bazel package which supplies it. Try running `yarn bazel` instead. (If you did run that, check that you've got a fresh `yarn install`) """, minimum_bazel_version = "0.21.0", ) # The NodeJS rules version must be at least v0.15.3 because: # - 0.15.2 Re-introduced the prod_only attribute on yarn_install # - 0.15.3 Includes a fix for the `jasmine_node_test` rule ignoring target tags # - 0.16.8 Supports npm installed bazel workspaces # - 0.26.0 Fix for data files in yarn_install and npm_install # - 0.27.12 Adds NodeModuleSources provider for transtive npm deps support check_rules_nodejs_version("0.27.12") # Setup the Node.js toolchain node_repositories( node_version = "10.9.0", package_json = ["//:package.json"], preserve_symlinks = True, # yarn 1.13.0 under Bazel has a regression on Windows that causes build errors on rebuilds: # ``` # ERROR: Source forest creation failed: C:/.../fyuc5c3n/execroot/angular/external (Directory not empty) # ``` # See for more information. # It possible that versions of yarn past 1.13.0 do not have this issue, however, before # advancing this version we need to test manually on Windows that the above error does not # happen as the issue is not caught by CI. yarn_version = "1.12.1", ) yarn_install( name = "npm", data = [ "//:tools/npm/@angular_bazel/index.js", "//:tools/npm/@angular_bazel/package.json", "//:tools/postinstall-patches.js", "//:tools/yarn/check-yarn.js", ], package_json = "//:package.json", # Don't install devDependencies, they are large and not used under Bazel prod_only = True, yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock", ) # Install all bazel dependencies of the @npm npm packages load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies") install_bazel_dependencies() # Load angular dependencies load("//packages/bazel:package.bzl", "rules_angular_dev_dependencies") rules_angular_dev_dependencies() # Load karma dependencies load("@npm_bazel_karma//:package.bzl", "rules_karma_dependencies") rules_karma_dependencies() # Setup the rules_webtesting toolchain load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories") web_test_repositories() # Temporary work-around for # TODO(gregmagolan): go back to @io_bazel_rules_webtesting browser_repositories load("//:browser_repositories.bzl", "browser_repositories") browser_repositories() # Setup the rules_typescript tooolchain load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_setup_workspace") ts_setup_workspace() # Setup the rules_sass toolchain load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//sass:sass_repositories.bzl", "sass_repositories") sass_repositories() # Setup the skydoc toolchain load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skydoc_repositories") skydoc_repositories() load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:environments.bzl", "clang_env") load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:rbe_repo.bzl", "rbe_autoconfig") rbe_autoconfig( name = "rbe_ubuntu1604_angular", # The sha256 of container that is # used by rbe_autoconfig() to pair toolchain configs in the @bazel_toolchains repo. base_container_digest = "sha256:677c1317f14c6fd5eba2fd8ec645bfdc5119f64b3e5e944e13c89e0525cc8ad1", # Note that if you change the `digest`, you might also need to update the # `base_container_digest` to make sure<digest> # and<base_container_digest> have # the same Clang and JDK installed. # Clang is needed because of the dependency on @com_google_protobuf. # Java is needed for the Bazel's test executor Java tool. digest = "sha256:74a8e9dca4781d5f277a7bd8e7ea7ed0f5906c79c9cd996205b6d32f090c62f3", env = clang_env(), registry = "", repository = "google/rbe-ubuntu16-04-webtest", )