/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {AsyncTestCompleter, SpyObject, afterEach, beforeEach, beforeEachProviders, describe, expect, inject, it} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {BrowserXhr} from '@angular/http/src/backends/browser_xhr'; import {CookieXSRFStrategy, XHRBackend, XHRConnection} from '@angular/http/src/backends/xhr_backend'; import {BaseRequestOptions, RequestOptions} from '@angular/http/src/base_request_options'; import {BaseResponseOptions, ResponseOptions} from '@angular/http/src/base_response_options'; import {ResponseContentType, ResponseType} from '@angular/http/src/enums'; import {Headers} from '@angular/http/src/headers'; import {XSRFStrategy} from '@angular/http/src/interfaces'; import {Request} from '@angular/http/src/static_request'; import {Response} from '@angular/http/src/static_response'; import {URLSearchParams} from '@angular/http/src/url_search_params'; import {ɵgetDOM as getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser'; let abortSpy: any; let sendSpy: any; let openSpy: any; let setRequestHeaderSpy: any; let existingXHRs: MockBrowserXHR[] = []; class MockBrowserXHR extends BrowserXhr { abort: any; send: any; open: any; response: any; responseType: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. responseText !: string; setRequestHeader: any; callbacks = new Map(); // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. status !: number; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. responseHeaders !: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. responseURL !: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. statusText !: string; // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. withCredentials !: boolean; constructor() { super(); const spy = new SpyObject(); this.abort = abortSpy = spy.spy('abort'); this.send = sendSpy = spy.spy('send'); this.open = openSpy = spy.spy('open'); this.setRequestHeader = setRequestHeaderSpy = spy.spy('setRequestHeader'); // If responseType is supported by the browser, then it should be set to an empty string. // (https://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#the-responsetype-attribute) this.responseType = ''; } setStatusCode(status: number) { this.status = status; } setStatusText(statusText: string) { this.statusText = statusText; } setResponse(value: string) { this.response = value; } setResponseText(value: string) { this.responseText = value; } setResponseURL(value: string) { this.responseURL = value; } setResponseHeaders(value: string) { this.responseHeaders = value; } getAllResponseHeaders() { return this.responseHeaders || ''; } getResponseHeader(key: string) { return Headers.fromResponseHeaderString(this.responseHeaders).get(key); } addEventListener(type: string, cb: Function) { this.callbacks.set(type, cb); } removeEventListener(type: string, cb: Function) { this.callbacks.delete(type); } dispatchEvent(type: string) { this.callbacks.get(type) !({}); } build() { const xhr = new MockBrowserXHR(); existingXHRs.push(xhr); return xhr; } } { describe('XHRBackend', () => { let backend: XHRBackend; let sampleRequest: Request; beforeEachProviders( () => [{provide: ResponseOptions, useClass: BaseResponseOptions}, {provide: BrowserXhr, useClass: MockBrowserXHR}, XHRBackend, {provide: XSRFStrategy, useValue: new CookieXSRFStrategy()}, ]); beforeEach(inject([XHRBackend], (be: XHRBackend) => { backend = be; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); sampleRequest = new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({url: 'https://google.com'})) as any); })); afterEach(() => { existingXHRs = []; }); describe('creating a connection', () => { @Injectable() class NoopXsrfStrategy implements XSRFStrategy { configureRequest(req: Request) {} } beforeEachProviders(() => [{provide: XSRFStrategy, useClass: NoopXsrfStrategy}]); it('succeeds', () => { expect(() => backend.createConnection(sampleRequest)).not.toThrow(); }); }); if (getDOM().supportsCookies()) { describe('XSRF support', () => { it('sets an XSRF header by default', () => { getDOM().setCookie('XSRF-TOKEN', 'magic XSRF value'); backend.createConnection(sampleRequest); expect(sampleRequest.headers.get('X-XSRF-TOKEN')).toBe('magic XSRF value'); }); it('should allow overwriting of existing headers', () => { getDOM().setCookie('XSRF-TOKEN', 'magic XSRF value'); sampleRequest.headers.set('X-XSRF-TOKEN', 'already set'); backend.createConnection(sampleRequest); expect(sampleRequest.headers.get('X-XSRF-TOKEN')).toBe('magic XSRF value'); }); describe('configuration', () => { beforeEachProviders(() => [{ provide: XSRFStrategy, useValue: new CookieXSRFStrategy('my cookie', 'X-MY-HEADER') }]); it('uses the configured names', () => { getDOM().setCookie('my cookie', 'XSRF value'); backend.createConnection(sampleRequest); expect(sampleRequest.headers.get('X-MY-HEADER')).toBe('XSRF value'); }); }); }); } describe('XHRConnection', () => { it('should use the injected BaseResponseOptions to create the response', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({type: ResponseType.Error})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.type).toBe(ResponseType.Error); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should complete a request', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({type: ResponseType.Error})); connection.response.subscribe( (res: Response) => { expect(res.type).toBe(ResponseType.Error); }, null !, () => { async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should call abort when disposed', () => { const connection = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR()); const request = connection.response.subscribe(); request.unsubscribe(); expect(abortSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should create an error Response on error', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({type: ResponseType.Error})); connection.response.subscribe(null !, (res: Response) => { expect(res.type).toBe(ResponseType.Error); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('error'); })); it('should set the status text and status code on error', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({type: ResponseType.Error})); connection.response.subscribe(null !, (res: Response) => { expect(res.type).toBe(ResponseType.Error); expect(res.status).toEqual(0); expect(res.statusText).toEqual(''); async.done(); }); const xhr = existingXHRs[0]; // status=0 with a text='' is common for CORS errors xhr.setStatusCode(0); xhr.setStatusText(''); xhr.dispatchEvent('error'); })); it('should call open with method and url when subscribed to', () => { const connection = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR()); expect(openSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('GET', sampleRequest.url); }); it('should call send on the backend with request body when subscribed to', () => { const body = 'Some body to love'; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); expect(sendSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); }); it('should attach headers to the request', () => { const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Breaking-Bad': '<3', 'X-Multi': ['a', 'b']}); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({headers: headers})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Breaking-Bad', '<3'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('X-Multi', 'a,b'); }); it('should attach default Accept header', () => { const headers = new Headers(); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({headers})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy) .toHaveBeenCalledWith('Accept', 'application/json, text/plain, */*'); }); it('should not override user provided Accept header', () => { const headers = new Headers({'Accept': 'text/xml'}); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({headers})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Accept', 'text/xml'); }); it('should skip content type detection if custom content type header is set', () => { const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); const body = {test: 'val'}; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body, headers: headers})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content-Type', 'application/json'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('content-type', 'application/json'); }); it('should use object body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = {test: 'val'}; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2)); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('content-type', 'application/json'); }); it('should use number body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = 23; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('23'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('content-type', 'text/plain'); }); it('should use string body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = 'some string'; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('content-type', 'text/plain'); }); it('should use URLSearchParams body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = new URLSearchParams(); body.set('test1', 'val1'); body.set('test2', 'val2'); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test1=val1&test2=val2'); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy) .toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); }); if ((global as any /** TODO #9100 */)['Blob']) { // `new Blob(...)` throws an 'Illegal constructor' exception in Android browser <= 4.3, // but a BlobBuilder can be used instead const createBlob = (data: Array, datatype: string) => { let newBlob: Blob; try { newBlob = new Blob(data || [], datatype ? {type: datatype} : {}); } catch (e) { const BlobBuilder = (global).BlobBuilder || (global).WebKitBlobBuilder || (global).MozBlobBuilder || (global).MSBlobBuilder; const builder = new BlobBuilder(); builder.append(data); newBlob = builder.getBlob(datatype); } return newBlob; }; it('should use FormData body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = new FormData(); body.append('test1', 'val1'); body.append('test2', '123456'); const blob = createBlob(['body { color: red; }'], 'text/css'); body.append('userfile', blob); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it('should use blob body and detect content type header to the request', () => { const body = createBlob(['body { color: red; }'], 'text/css'); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body})) as any), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('content-type', 'text/css'); }); it('should use blob body without type to the request', () => { const body = createBlob(['body { color: red; }'], null !); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it('should use blob body without type with custom content type header to the request', () => { const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/css'}); const body = createBlob(['body { color: red; }'], null !); const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body, headers: headers}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content-Type', 'text/css'); }); it('should use array buffer body to the request', () => { const body = new ArrayBuffer(512); const longInt8View = new Uint8Array(body); for (let i = 0; i < longInt8View.length; i++) { longInt8View[i] = i % 255; } const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it('should use array buffer body without type with custom content type header to the request', () => { const headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/css'}); const body = new ArrayBuffer(512); const longInt8View = new Uint8Array(body); for (let i = 0; i < longInt8View.length; i++) { longInt8View[i] = i % 255; } const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request(base.merge(new RequestOptions({body: body, headers: headers}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe(); expect(sendSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body); expect(setRequestHeaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content-Type', 'text/css'); }); } it('should return the correct status code', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 418; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe( (res: Response) => { }, (errRes: Response) => { expect(errRes.status).toBe(statusCode); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should call next and complete on 200 codes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { let nextCalled = false; let errorCalled = false; const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe( (res: Response) => { nextCalled = true; expect(res.status).toBe(statusCode); }, (errRes: Response) => { errorCalled = true; }, () => { expect(nextCalled).toBe(true); expect(errorCalled).toBe(false); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set ok to true on 200 return', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.ok).toBe(true); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set ok to false on 300 return', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 300; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe( (res: Response) => { throw 'should not be called'; }, (errRes: Response) => { expect(errRes.ok).toBe(false); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should call error and not complete on 300+ codes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { let nextCalled = false; const errorCalled = false; const statusCode = 301; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe( (res: Response) => { nextCalled = true; }, (errRes: Response) => { expect(errRes.status).toBe(statusCode); expect(nextCalled).toBe(false); async.done(); }, () => { throw 'should not be called'; }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should normalize IE\'s 1223 status code into 204', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 1223; const normalizedCode = 204; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.status).toBe(normalizedCode); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should ignore response body for 204 status code', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 204; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe(''); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].setResponseText('Doge'); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should normalize responseText and response', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const responseBody = 'Doge'; const connection1 = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions()); const connection2 = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions()); connection1.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe(responseBody); connection2.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe(responseBody); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[1].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[1].setResponse(responseBody); existingXHRs[1].dispatchEvent('load'); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].setResponseText(responseBody); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should strip XSSI prefixes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const conn = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions()); conn.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe('{json: "object"}'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].setResponseText(')]}\'\n{json: "object"}'); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should strip XSSI prefixes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const conn = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions()); conn.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe('{json: "object"}'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].setResponseText(')]}\',\n{json: "object"}'); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should strip XSSI prefix from errors', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const conn = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions()); conn.response.subscribe(null !, (res: Response) => { expect(res.text()).toBe('{json: "object"}'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(404); existingXHRs[0].setResponseText(')]}\'\n{json: "object"}'); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should parse response headers and add them to the response', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); const responseHeaderString = `Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 01:45:26 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive`; connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.headers !.get('Date')).toEqual('Fri, 20 Nov 2015 01:45:26 GMT'); expect(res.headers !.get('Content-Type')).toEqual('application/json; charset=utf-8'); expect(res.headers !.get('Transfer-Encoding')).toEqual('chunked'); expect(res.headers !.get('Connection')).toEqual('keep-alive'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setResponseHeaders(responseHeaderString); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should add the responseURL to the response', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.url).toEqual('http://google.com'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setResponseURL('http://google.com'); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should add use the X-Request-URL in CORS situations', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); const responseHeaders = `X-Request-URL: http://somedomain.com Foo: Bar`; connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.url).toEqual('http://somedomain.com'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should return request url if it cannot be retrieved from response', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const connection = new XHRConnection( sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR(), new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.url).toEqual('https://google.com'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set the status text property from the XMLHttpRequest instance if present', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusText = 'test'; const connection = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.statusText).toBe(statusText); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusText(statusText); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set status text to "OK" if it is not present in XMLHttpRequest instance', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const connection = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.statusText).toBe('OK'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(200); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set withCredentials to true when defined in request options for CORS situations', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; sampleRequest.withCredentials = true; const mockXhr = new MockBrowserXHR(); const connection = new XHRConnection(sampleRequest, mockXhr, new ResponseOptions({status: statusCode})); const responseHeaders = `X-Request-URL: http://somedomain.com Foo: Bar`; connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.url).toEqual('http://somedomain.com'); expect(existingXHRs[0].withCredentials).toBeTruthy(); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should set the responseType attribute to blob when the corresponding response content type is present', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const statusCode = 200; const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request( base.merge(new RequestOptions({responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(existingXHRs[0].responseType).toBe('blob'); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(statusCode); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); it('should not throw invalidStateError if response without body and responseType not equal to text', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => { const base = new BaseRequestOptions(); const connection = new XHRConnection( new Request( base.merge(new RequestOptions({responseType: ResponseContentType.Json}))), new MockBrowserXHR()); connection.response.subscribe((res: Response) => { expect(res.json()).toBe(null); async.done(); }); existingXHRs[0].setStatusCode(204); existingXHRs[0].dispatchEvent('load'); })); }); }); }