import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {isBlank, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import { DEFAULT, ON_PUSH, BindingRecord, ChangeDetectorDefinition, DirectiveIndex, DirectiveRecord, Lexer, Locals, Parser } from 'angular2/src/change_detection/change_detection'; import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection'; import {ReflectionCapabilities} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities'; /* * This file defines `ChangeDetectorDefinition` objects which are used in the tests defined in * the change_detector_spec library. Please see that library for more information. */ var _parser = new Parser(new Lexer()); function _getParser() { reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities(); return _parser; } function _createBindingRecords(expression: string): List { var ast = _getParser().parseBinding(expression, 'location'); return [BindingRecord.createForElementProperty(ast, 0, PROP_NAME)]; } function _convertLocalsToVariableBindings(locals: Locals): List { var variableBindings = []; var loc = locals; while (isPresent(loc) && isPresent(loc.current)) { MapWrapper.forEach(loc.current, (v, k) => variableBindings.push(k)); loc = loc.parent; } return variableBindings; } export var PROP_NAME = 'propName'; /** * In this case, we expect `id` and `expression` to be the same string. */ export function getDefinition(id: string): TestDefinition { var testDef = null; if (StringMapWrapper.contains(_ExpressionWithLocals.availableDefinitions, id)) { let val = StringMapWrapper.get(_ExpressionWithLocals.availableDefinitions, id); let cdDef = val.createChangeDetectorDefinition(); = id; testDef = new TestDefinition(id, cdDef, val.locals); } else if (StringMapWrapper.contains(_ExpressionWithMode.availableDefinitions, id)) { let val = StringMapWrapper.get(_ExpressionWithMode.availableDefinitions, id); let cdDef = val.createChangeDetectorDefinition(); = id; testDef = new TestDefinition(id, cdDef, null); } else if (StringMapWrapper.contains(_DirectiveUpdating.availableDefinitions, id)) { let val = StringMapWrapper.get(_DirectiveUpdating.availableDefinitions, id); let cdDef = val.createChangeDetectorDefinition(); = id; testDef = new TestDefinition(id, cdDef, null); } else if (ListWrapper.indexOf(_availableDefinitions, id) >= 0) { var strategy = null; var variableBindings = []; var bindingRecords = _createBindingRecords(id); var directiveRecords = []; let cdDef = new ChangeDetectorDefinition(id, strategy, variableBindings, bindingRecords, directiveRecords, true); testDef = new TestDefinition(id, cdDef, null); } if (isBlank(testDef)) { throw `No ChangeDetectorDefinition for ${id} available. Please modify this file if necessary.`; } return testDef; } export class TestDefinition { constructor(public id: string, public cdDef: ChangeDetectorDefinition, public locals: Locals) {} } /** * Get all available ChangeDetectorDefinition objects. Used to pre-generate Dart * `ChangeDetector` classes. */ export function getAllDefinitions(): List { var allDefs = _availableDefinitions; allDefs = ListWrapper.concat(allDefs, StringMapWrapper.keys(_ExpressionWithLocals.availableDefinitions)); allDefs = ListWrapper.concat(allDefs, StringMapWrapper.keys(_ExpressionWithMode.availableDefinitions)); allDefs = ListWrapper.concat(allDefs, StringMapWrapper.keys(_DirectiveUpdating.availableDefinitions)); return, (id) => getDefinition(id)); } class _ExpressionWithLocals { constructor(private _expression: string, public locals: Locals) {} createChangeDetectorDefinition(): ChangeDetectorDefinition { var strategy = null; var variableBindings = _convertLocalsToVariableBindings(this.locals); var bindingRecords = _createBindingRecords(this._expression); var directiveRecords = []; return new ChangeDetectorDefinition('(empty id)', strategy, variableBindings, bindingRecords, directiveRecords, true); } /** * Map from test id to _ExpressionWithLocals. * Tests in this map define an expression and local values which those expressions refer to. */ static availableDefinitions: StringMap = { 'valueFromLocals': new _ExpressionWithLocals( 'key', new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['key', 'value']]))), 'functionFromLocals': new _ExpressionWithLocals( 'key()', new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['key', () => 'value']]))), 'nestedLocals': new _ExpressionWithLocals( 'key', new Locals(new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['key', 'value']])), new Map())), 'fallbackLocals': new _ExpressionWithLocals( 'name', new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['key', 'value']]))), 'contextNestedPropertyWithLocals': new _ExpressionWithLocals( '', new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['city', 'MTV']]))), 'localPropertyWithSimilarContext': new _ExpressionWithLocals( 'city', new Locals(null, MapWrapper.createFromPairs([['city', 'MTV']]))) }; } class _ExpressionWithMode { constructor(private _strategy: string, private _withRecords: boolean) {} createChangeDetectorDefinition(): ChangeDetectorDefinition { var variableBindings = []; var bindingRecords = null; var directiveRecords = null; if (this._withRecords) { var dirRecordWithOnPush = new DirectiveRecord({directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 0), changeDetection: ON_PUSH}); var updateDirWithOnPushRecord = BindingRecord.createForDirective(_getParser().parseBinding('42', 'location'), 'a', (o, v) => (o).a = v, dirRecordWithOnPush); bindingRecords = [updateDirWithOnPushRecord]; directiveRecords = [dirRecordWithOnPush]; } else { bindingRecords = []; directiveRecords = []; } return new ChangeDetectorDefinition('(empty id)', this._strategy, variableBindings, bindingRecords, directiveRecords, true); } /** * Map from test id to _ExpressionWithMode. * Definitions in this map define conditions which allow testing various change detector modes. */ static availableDefinitions: StringMap = { 'emptyUsingDefaultStrategy': new _ExpressionWithMode(DEFAULT, false), 'emptyUsingOnPushStrategy': new _ExpressionWithMode(ON_PUSH, false), 'onPushRecordsUsingDefaultStrategy': new _ExpressionWithMode(DEFAULT, true) }; } class _DirectiveUpdating { constructor(private _bindingRecords: List, private _directiveRecords: List) {} createChangeDetectorDefinition(): ChangeDetectorDefinition { var strategy = null; var variableBindings = []; return new ChangeDetectorDefinition('(empty id)', strategy, variableBindings, this._bindingRecords, this._directiveRecords, true); } static updateA(expression: string, dirRecord): BindingRecord { return BindingRecord.createForDirective(_getParser().parseBinding(expression, 'location'), 'a', (o, v) => (o).a = v, dirRecord); } static updateB(expression: string, dirRecord): BindingRecord { return BindingRecord.createForDirective(_getParser().parseBinding(expression, 'location'), 'b', (o, v) => (o).b = v, dirRecord); } static basicRecords: List = [ new DirectiveRecord({ directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 0), callOnChange: true, callOnCheck: true, callOnAllChangesDone: true }), new DirectiveRecord({ directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 1), callOnChange: true, callOnCheck: true, callOnAllChangesDone: true }) ]; static recordNoCallbacks = new DirectiveRecord({ directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 0), callOnChange: false, callOnCheck: false, callOnAllChangesDone: false }); /** * Map from test id to _DirectiveUpdating. * Definitions in this map define definitions which allow testing directive updating. */ static availableDefinitions: StringMap = { 'directNoDispatcher': new _DirectiveUpdating( [_DirectiveUpdating.updateA('42', _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0])], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]]), 'groupChanges': new _DirectiveUpdating( [ _DirectiveUpdating.updateA('1', _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]), _DirectiveUpdating.updateB('2', _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]), BindingRecord.createDirectiveOnChange(_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]), _DirectiveUpdating.updateA('3', _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[1]), BindingRecord.createDirectiveOnChange(_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[1]) ], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0], _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[1]]), 'directiveOnCheck': new _DirectiveUpdating( [BindingRecord.createDirectiveOnCheck(_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0])], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]]), 'directiveOnInit': new _DirectiveUpdating( [BindingRecord.createDirectiveOnInit(_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0])], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]]), 'emptyWithDirectiveRecords': new _DirectiveUpdating( [], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0], _DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[1]]), 'noCallbacks': new _DirectiveUpdating( [_DirectiveUpdating.updateA('1', _DirectiveUpdating.recordNoCallbacks)], [_DirectiveUpdating.recordNoCallbacks]), 'readingDirectives': new _DirectiveUpdating( [ BindingRecord.createForHostProperty(new DirectiveIndex(0, 0), _getParser().parseBinding('a', 'location'), PROP_NAME) ], [_DirectiveUpdating.basicRecords[0]]), 'interpolation': new _DirectiveUpdating( [ BindingRecord.createForElementProperty( _getParser().parseInterpolation('B{{a}}A', 'location'), 0, PROP_NAME) ], []) }; } /** * The list of all test definitions this config supplies. * Items in this list that do not appear in other structures define tests with expressions * equivalent to their ids. */ var _availableDefinitions = [ '"$"', '10', '"str"', '"a\n\nb"', '10 + 2', '10 - 2', '10 * 2', '10 / 2', '11 % 2', '1 == 1', '1 != 1', '1 == true', '1 === 1', '1 !== 1', '1 === true', '1 < 2', '2 < 1', '1 > 2', '2 > 1', '1 <= 2', '2 <= 2', '2 <= 1', '2 >= 1', '2 >= 2', '1 >= 2', 'true && true', 'true && false', 'true || false', 'false || false', '!true', '!!true', '1 < 2 ? 1 : 2', '1 > 2 ? 1 : 2', '["foo", "bar"][0]', '{"foo": "bar"}["foo"]', 'name', '[1, 2]', '[1, a]', '{z: 1}', '{z: a}', 'name | pipe', "name | pipe:'one'", 'value', 'a', '', 'address?.city', 'address?.toString()', 'sayHi("Jim")', 'a()(99)', 'a.sayHi("Jim")', 'passThrough([12])', 'invalidFn(1)' ];