# Use the a previous image as source. # gcr.io/internal-200822 is the Google Cloud container registry for Angular tooling. FROM gcr.io/internal-200822/angular-windows:master WORKDIR /src # Copy package.json and yarn.lock before the other files. # This allows docker to cache these steps even if source files change. COPY ./package.json /src/package.json COPY ./yarn.lock /src/yarn.lock RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive --network-timeout 100000 # Update image git repo. ARG COMMIT_SHA RUN git fetch -v origin %COMMIT_SHA% RUN git checkout -f %COMMIT_SHA% # Setup. COPY .circleci/bazel.rc /etc/bazel.bazelrc # Run tests. RUN yarn bazel test //tools/ts-api-guardian:all --noshow_progress