import { afterEach, AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, dispatchEvent, el, expect, iit, inject, it, xit } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter'; import {Inject} from 'angular2/di'; import {Component, Decorator} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/annotations'; import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/view'; import {TestBed} from 'angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed'; import {ControlGroupDirective, ControlDirective, Control, ControlGroup, RequiredValidatorDirective, CheckboxControlValueAccessor, DefaultValueAccessor, Validators} from 'angular2/forms'; export function main() { describe("integration tests", () => { it("should initialize DOM elements with the given form object", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("loginValue") })); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input"); expect(input.value).toEqual("loginValue"); async.done(); }); })); it("should update the control group values on DOM change", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("oldValue") }); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input"); input.value = "updatedValue"; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(form.value).toEqual({"login": "updatedValue"}); async.done(); }); })); it("should work with single controls", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var control = new Control("loginValue"); var ctx = new MyComp(control); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("loginValue"); input.value = "updatedValue"; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(control.value).toEqual("updatedValue"); async.done(); }); })); it("should update DOM elements when rebinding the control group", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("oldValue") }); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); ctx.form = new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("newValue") }); view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("newValue"); async.done(); }); })); it("should update DOM element when rebinding the control name", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({ "one": new Control("one"), "two": new Control("two") }), "one"); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("one"); = "two"; view.detectChanges(); expect(input.value).toEqual("two"); async.done(); }); })); describe("different control types", () => { it("should support ", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({"text": new Control("old")})); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("old"); input.value = "new"; dispatchEvent(input, "input"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"text": "new"}); async.done(); }); })); it("should support without type", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({"text": new Control("old")})); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("old"); input.value = "new"; dispatchEvent(input, "input"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"text": "new"}); async.done(); }); })); it("should support `; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var textarea = view.querySelector("textarea") expect(textarea.value).toEqual("old"); textarea.value = "new"; dispatchEvent(textarea, "input"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"text": 'new'}); async.done(); }); })); it("should support ", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({"checkbox": new Control(true)})); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.checked).toBe(true); input.checked = false; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"checkbox": false}); async.done(); }); })); it("should support `; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var select = view.querySelector("select") var sfOption = view.querySelector("option") expect(select.value).toEqual('SF'); if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) { expect(sfOption.selected).toBe(true); } select.value = 'NYC'; dispatchEvent(select, "change"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"city": 'NYC'}); if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) { expect(sfOption.selected).toBe(false); } async.done(); }); })); it("should support custom value accessors", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({"name": new Control("aa")})); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("!aa!"); input.value = "!bb!"; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(ctx.form.value).toEqual({"name": "bb"}); async.done(); }); })); }); describe("validations", () => { it("should use validators defined in html", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({"login": new Control("aa")}); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); var input = view.querySelector("input"); input.value = ""; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(form.valid).toEqual(false); async.done(); }); })); it("should use validators defined in the model", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({"login": new Control("aa", Validators.required)}); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); expect(form.valid).toEqual(true); var input = view.querySelector("input"); input.value = ""; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(form.valid).toEqual(false); async.done(); }); })); }); describe("nested forms", () => { it("should init DOM with the given form object", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({ "nested": new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("value") }) }); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") expect(input.value).toEqual("value"); async.done(); }); })); it("should update the control group values on DOM change", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => { var form = new ControlGroup({ "nested": new ControlGroup({ "login": new Control("value") }) }); var ctx = new MyComp(form); var t = `
`; tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx, html: t}).then((view) => { view.detectChanges(); var input = view.querySelector("input") input.value = "updatedValue"; dispatchEvent(input, "change"); expect(form.value).toEqual({"nested": {"login": "updatedValue"}}); async.done(); }); })); }); }); } @Component({selector: "my-comp"}) @View({directives: [ ControlGroupDirective, ControlDirective, WrappedValue, RequiredValidatorDirective, DefaultValueAccessor, CheckboxControlValueAccessor]}) class MyComp { form:any; name:string; constructor(@Inject('form') form = null, @Inject('name') name = null) { this.form = form; = name; } } @Decorator({ selector:'[wrapped-value]', hostListeners: { 'change' : 'handleOnChange($' }, hostProperties: { 'value' : 'value' } }) class WrappedValue { value; onChange:Function; constructor(cd:ControlDirective) { cd.valueAccessor = this; } writeValue(value) { this.value = `!${value}!`; } handleOnChange(value) { this.onChange(value.substring(1, value.length - 1)); } }