* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
const domino = require('domino');
import {ɵBrowserDomAdapter as BrowserDomAdapter, ɵsetRootDomAdapter as setRootDomAdapter} from '@angular/platform-browser';
function _notImplemented(methodName: string) {
return new Error('This method is not implemented in DominoAdapter: ' + methodName);
function setDomTypes() {
// Make all Domino types available as types in the global env.
Object.assign(global, domino.impl);
(global as any)['KeyboardEvent'] = domino.impl.Event;
* Parses a document string to a Document object.
export function parseDocument(html: string, url = '/') {
let window = domino.createWindow(html, url);
let doc = window.document;
return doc;
* Serializes a document to string.
export function serializeDocument(doc: Document): string {
return (doc as any).serialize();
* DOM Adapter for the server platform based on https://github.com/fgnass/domino.
export class DominoAdapter extends BrowserDomAdapter {
static makeCurrent() {
setRootDomAdapter(new DominoAdapter());
private static defaultDoc: Document;
logError(error: string) { console.error(error); }
log(error: string) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
logGroup(error: string) { console.error(error); }
logGroupEnd() {}
supportsDOMEvents(): boolean { return false; }
supportsNativeShadowDOM(): boolean { return false; }
contains(nodeA: any, nodeB: any): boolean {
let inner = nodeB;
while (inner) {
if (inner === nodeA) return true;
inner = inner.parent;
return false;
createHtmlDocument(): HTMLDocument {
return parseDocument('
getDefaultDocument(): Document {
if (!DominoAdapter.defaultDoc) {
DominoAdapter.defaultDoc = domino.createDocument();
return DominoAdapter.defaultDoc;
createShadowRoot(el: any, doc: Document = document): DocumentFragment {
el.shadowRoot = doc.createDocumentFragment();
el.shadowRoot.parent = el;
return el.shadowRoot;
getShadowRoot(el: any): DocumentFragment { return el.shadowRoot; }
isTextNode(node: any): boolean { return node.nodeType === DominoAdapter.defaultDoc.TEXT_NODE; }
isCommentNode(node: any): boolean {
return node.nodeType === DominoAdapter.defaultDoc.COMMENT_NODE;
isElementNode(node: any): boolean {
return node ? node.nodeType === DominoAdapter.defaultDoc.ELEMENT_NODE : false;
hasShadowRoot(node: any): boolean { return node.shadowRoot != null; }
isShadowRoot(node: any): boolean { return this.getShadowRoot(node) == node; }
getProperty(el: Element, name: string): any {
if (name === 'href') {
// Domino tries tp resolve href-s which we do not want. Just return the
// attribute value.
return this.getAttribute(el, 'href');
} else if (name === 'innerText') {
// Domino does not support innerText. Just map it to textContent.
return el.textContent;
return (el)[name];
setProperty(el: Element, name: string, value: any) {
if (name === 'href') {
// Even though the server renderer reflects any properties to attributes
// map 'href' to attribute just to handle when setProperty is directly called.
this.setAttribute(el, 'href', value);
} else if (name === 'innerText') {
// Domino does not support innerText. Just map it to textContent.
el.textContent = value;
(el)[name] = value;
getGlobalEventTarget(doc: Document, target: string): EventTarget|null {
if (target === 'window') {
return doc.defaultView;
if (target === 'document') {
return doc;
if (target === 'body') {
return doc.body;
return null;
getBaseHref(doc: Document): string {
const base = this.querySelector(doc.documentElement !, 'base');
let href = '';
if (base) {
href = this.getHref(base);
// TODO(alxhub): Need relative path logic from BrowserDomAdapter here?
return href;
/** @internal */
_readStyleAttribute(element: any): {[name: string]: string} {
const styleMap: {[name: string]: string} = {};
const styleAttribute = element.getAttribute('style');
if (styleAttribute) {
const styleList = styleAttribute.split(/;+/g);
for (let i = 0; i < styleList.length; i++) {
const style = styleList[i].trim();
if (style.length > 0) {
const colonIndex = style.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex === -1) {
throw new Error(`Invalid CSS style: ${style}`);
const name = style.substr(0, colonIndex).trim();
styleMap[name] = style.substr(colonIndex + 1).trim();
return styleMap;
/** @internal */
_writeStyleAttribute(element: any, styleMap: {[name: string]: string}) {
let styleAttrValue = '';
for (const key in styleMap) {
const newValue = styleMap[key];
if (newValue) {
styleAttrValue += key + ':' + styleMap[key] + ';';
element.setAttribute('style', styleAttrValue);
setStyle(element: any, styleName: string, styleValue?: string|null) {
styleName = styleName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
const styleMap = this._readStyleAttribute(element);
styleMap[styleName] = styleValue || '';
this._writeStyleAttribute(element, styleMap);
removeStyle(element: any, styleName: string) {
// IE requires '' instead of null
// see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/7916
this.setStyle(element, styleName, '');
getStyle(element: any, styleName: string): string {
const styleMap = this._readStyleAttribute(element);
return styleMap[styleName] || '';
hasStyle(element: any, styleName: string, styleValue?: string): boolean {
const value = this.getStyle(element, styleName);
return styleValue ? value == styleValue : value.length > 0;
dispatchEvent(el: Node, evt: any) {
// Dispatch the event to the window also.
const doc = el.ownerDocument || el;
const win = (doc as any).defaultView;
if (win) {
getHistory(): History { throw _notImplemented('getHistory'); }
getLocation(): Location { throw _notImplemented('getLocation'); }
getUserAgent(): string { return 'Fake user agent'; }
supportsWebAnimation(): boolean { return false; }
performanceNow(): number { return Date.now(); }
getAnimationPrefix(): string { return ''; }
getTransitionEnd(): string { return 'transitionend'; }
supportsAnimation(): boolean { return true; }
getDistributedNodes(el: any): Node[] { throw _notImplemented('getDistributedNodes'); }
supportsCookies(): boolean { return false; }
getCookie(name: string): string { throw _notImplemented('getCookie'); }
setCookie(name: string, value: string) { throw _notImplemented('setCookie'); }