/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ComponentFactoryResolver, OnDestroy, SimpleChanges, ViewContainerRef} from '../../src/core'; import {AttributeMarker, ComponentTemplate, LifecycleHooksFeature, NO_CHANGE, NgOnChangesFeature, defineComponent, defineDirective, injectComponentFactoryResolver} from '../../src/render3/index'; import {bind, container, containerRefreshEnd, containerRefreshStart, directiveInject, element, elementEnd, elementProperty, elementStart, embeddedViewEnd, embeddedViewStart, listener, markDirty, projection, projectionDef, store, template, text} from '../../src/render3/instructions'; import {RenderFlags} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/definition'; import {NgIf} from './common_with_def'; import {ComponentFixture, containerEl, createComponent, renderComponent, renderToHtml, requestAnimationFrame} from './render_util'; describe('lifecycles', () => { function getParentTemplate(name: string) { return (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, name); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }; } describe('onInit', () => { let events: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; }); let Comp = createOnInitComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); elementStart(0, 'div'); { projection(1); } elementEnd(); } }, 2); let Parent = createOnInitComponent('parent', getParentTemplate('comp'), 1, 1, [Comp]); let ProjectedComp = createOnInitComponent('projected', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { text(0, 'content'); } }, 1); function createOnInitComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { val: string = ''; ngOnInit() { if (!this.val) this.val = ''; events.push(`${name}${this.val}`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], consts: consts, vars: vars, factory: () => new Component(), inputs: {val: 'val'}, template, directives: directives }); }; } class Directive { ngOnInit() { events.push('dir'); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive()}); } const directives = [Comp, Parent, ProjectedComp, Directive, NgIf]; it('should call onInit method after inputs are set in creation mode (and not in update mode)', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }, 1, 1, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.val = '2'; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should be called on root component in creation mode', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should call parent onInit before child onInit', () => { /** * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['parent', 'comp']); }); it('should call all parent onInits across view before calling children onInits', () => { /** * * * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); element(1, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 2); } }, 2, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['parent1', 'parent2', 'comp1', 'comp2']); }); it('should call onInit every time a new view is created (if block)', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should call onInit every time a new view is created (ngIf)', () => { function IfTemplate(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } } /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { template(0, IfTemplate, 1, 0, '', ['ngIf', '']); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'ngIf', bind(ctx.showing)); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.showing = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.showing = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.showing = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should call onInit for children of dynamically created components', () => { let viewContainerComp !: ViewContainerComp; class ViewContainerComp { constructor(public vcr: ViewContainerRef, public cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: ViewContainerComp, selectors: [['view-container-comp']], factory: () => viewContainerComp = new ViewContainerComp( directiveInject(ViewContainerRef as any), injectComponentFactoryResolver()), consts: 0, vars: 0, template: (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: ViewContainerComp) => {} }); } const DynamicComp = createComponent('dynamic-comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } }, 1, 0, [Comp]); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(ViewContainerComp); expect(events).toEqual([]); viewContainerComp.vcr.createComponent( viewContainerComp.cfr.resolveComponentFactory(DynamicComp)); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should call onInit in hosts before their content children', () => { /** * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } }, 2, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'projected']); }); it('should call onInit in host and its content children before next host', () => { /** * * * * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'comp'); { elementStart(3, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 2); elementProperty(3, 'val', 2); } }, 4, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp1', 'projected1', 'comp2', 'projected2']); }); it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'dir']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'dir']); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /**
*/ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['dir']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['dir']); }); it('should call onInit properly in for loop', () => { /** * * % for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); container(1); element(2, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 5); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', j); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); // onInit is called top to bottom, so top level comps (1 and 5) are called // before the comps inside the for loop's embedded view (2, 3, and 4) expect(events).toEqual(['comp1', 'comp5', 'comp2', 'comp3', 'comp4']); }); it('should call onInit properly in for loop with children', () => { /** * * % for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); container(1); element(2, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 5); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', j); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); // onInit is called top to bottom, so top level comps (1 and 5) are called // before the comps inside the for loop's embedded view (2, 3, and 4) expect(events).toEqual([ 'parent1', 'parent5', 'parent2', 'comp2', 'parent3', 'comp3', 'parent4', 'comp4', 'comp1', 'comp5' ]); }); }); describe('doCheck', () => { let events: string[]; let allEvents: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; allEvents = []; }); let Comp = createDoCheckComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); let Parent = createDoCheckComponent('parent', getParentTemplate('comp'), 1, 1, [Comp]); function createDoCheckComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number = 0, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { ngDoCheck() { events.push(name); allEvents.push('check ' + name); } ngOnInit() { allEvents.push('init ' + name); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], factory: () => new Component(), template, consts: consts, vars: vars, directives: directives }); }; } class Directive { ngDoCheck() { events.push('dir'); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive()}); } const directives = [Comp, Parent, Directive]; it('should call doCheck on every refresh', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should be called on root component', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should call parent doCheck before child doCheck', () => { /** * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['parent', 'comp']); }); it('should call ngOnInit before ngDoCheck if creation mode', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['init comp', 'check comp']); fixture.update(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['init comp', 'check comp', 'check comp']); }); it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'dir']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'dir', 'comp', 'dir']); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /**
*/ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['dir']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['dir', 'dir']); }); }); describe('afterContentInit', () => { let events: string[]; let allEvents: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; allEvents = []; }); let Comp = createAfterContentInitComp('comp', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); projection(0); } }, 1); let Parent = createAfterContentInitComp('parent', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); elementStart(0, 'comp'); { projection(1); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }, 2, 1, [Comp]); let ProjectedComp = createAfterContentInitComp('projected', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); projection(0); } }, 1); function createAfterContentInitComp( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number = 0, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { val: string = ''; ngAfterContentInit() { events.push(`${name}${this.val}`); allEvents.push(`${name}${this.val} init`); } ngAfterContentChecked() { allEvents.push(`${name}${this.val} check`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], factory: () => new Component(), consts: consts, vars: vars, inputs: {val: 'val'}, template: template, directives: directives }); }; } class Directive { ngAfterContentInit() { events.push('init'); } ngAfterContentChecked() { events.push('check'); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive()}); } function ForLoopWithChildrenTemplate(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); container(2); elementStart(3, 'parent'); { text(4, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(3, 'val', 4); containerRefreshStart(2); { for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 2, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', i); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } } const directives = [Comp, Parent, ProjectedComp, Directive]; it('should be called only in creation mode', () => { /** content */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } }, 2, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should be called on root component in creation mode', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should be called on every init (if blocks)', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * content * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 2, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should be called in parents before children', () => { /** * content * * parent template: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } }, 2, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['parent', 'comp']); }); it('should be called breadth-first in entire parent subtree before any children', () => { /** * content * content * * parent template: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'parent'); { text(3, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 2); } }, 4, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['parent1', 'parent2', 'comp1', 'comp2']); }); it('should be called in projected components before their hosts', () => { /** * * content * * * parent template: * * * projected comp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); { text(2, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } elementEnd(); } }, 3, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['projected', 'parent', 'comp']); }); it('should be called in projected components and hosts before children', () => { /** * * content * * * * content * * * parent template: * * * projected comp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); { text(2, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } elementEnd(); elementStart(3, 'parent'); { elementStart(4, 'projected'); { text(5, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 1); elementProperty(3, 'val', 2); elementProperty(4, 'val', 2); } }, 6, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['projected1', 'parent1', 'projected2', 'parent2', 'comp1', 'comp2']); }); it('should be called in correct order in a for loop', () => { /** * content * % for(let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { * content * % } * content */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); container(2); elementStart(3, 'comp'); { text(4, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(3, 'val', 4); containerRefreshStart(2); { for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 2, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', i); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 5, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp3', 'comp1', 'comp4']); }); it('should be called in correct order in a for loop with children', () => { /** * content * % for(let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { * content * % } * content */ renderToHtml(ForLoopWithChildrenTemplate, {}, 5, 0, directives); expect(events).toEqual( ['parent2', 'comp2', 'parent3', 'comp3', 'parent1', 'parent4', 'comp1', 'comp4']); }); describe('ngAfterContentChecked', () => { it('should be called every change detection run after afterContentInit', () => { /** content */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { text(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } }, 2, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check']); fixture.update(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check', 'comp check']); }); it('should be called on root component', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check', 'comp check']); }); }); describe('directives', () => { it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'init', 'check']); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /**
*/ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, directives); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['init', 'check']); }); }); }); describe('afterViewInit', () => { let events: string[]; let allEvents: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; allEvents = []; }); let Comp = createAfterViewInitComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); elementStart(0, 'div'); { projection(1); } elementEnd(); } }, 2); let Parent = createAfterViewInitComponent('parent', getParentTemplate('comp'), 1, 1, [Comp]); let ProjectedComp = createAfterViewInitComponent('projected', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { text(0, 'content'); } }, 1); function createAfterViewInitComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { val: string = ''; ngAfterViewInit() { if (!this.val) this.val = ''; events.push(`${name}${this.val}`); allEvents.push(`${name}${this.val} init`); } ngAfterViewChecked() { allEvents.push(`${name}${this.val} check`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], consts: consts, vars: vars, factory: () => new Component(), inputs: {val: 'val'}, template: template, directives: directives }); }; } class Directive { ngAfterViewInit() { events.push('init'); } ngAfterViewChecked() { events.push('check'); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive()}); } const defs = [Comp, Parent, ProjectedComp, Directive]; it('should be called on init and not in update mode', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should be called on root component in creation mode', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should be called every time a view is initialized (if block)', () => { /* * % if (!skip) { * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); fixture.component.skip = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'comp']); }); it('should be called in children before parents', () => { /** * * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'parent']); }); it('should be called for entire subtree before being called in any parent view comps', () => { /** * * * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); element(1, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 2); } }, 2, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp1', 'comp2', 'parent1', 'parent2']); }); it('should be called in projected components before their hosts', () => { /** * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { element(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } }, 2, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['projected', 'comp']); }); it('should call afterViewInit in content children and host before next host', () => { /** * * * * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { element(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'comp'); { element(3, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 2); elementProperty(3, 'val', 2); } }, 4, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['projected1', 'comp1', 'projected2', 'comp2']); }); it('should call afterViewInit in content children and hosts before parents', () => { /* * * * */ const ParentComp = createAfterViewInitComponent('parent', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { element(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); elementProperty(1, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }, 2, 2, [Comp, ProjectedComp]); /** * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); element(1, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 2); } }, 2, 0, [ParentComp]); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['projected1', 'comp1', 'projected2', 'comp2', 'parent1', 'parent2']); }); it('should be called in correct order with for loops', () => { /** * * % for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); container(1); element(2, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 4); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', i); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp3', 'comp1', 'comp4']); }); it('should be called in correct order with for loops with children', () => { /** * * % for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); container(1); element(2, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 4); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', i); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual( ['comp2', 'parent2', 'comp3', 'parent3', 'comp1', 'comp4', 'parent1', 'parent4']); }); describe('ngAfterViewChecked', () => { it('should call ngAfterViewChecked every update', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check']); fixture.update(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check', 'comp check']); }); it('should be called on root component', () => { const comp = renderComponent(Comp, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]}); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check']); markDirty(comp); requestAnimationFrame.flush(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check', 'comp check']); }); it('should call ngAfterViewChecked with bindings', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.myVal)); } }, 1, 1, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check']); fixture.component.myVal = 2; fixture.update(); expect(allEvents).toEqual(['comp init', 'comp check', 'comp2 check']); }); it('should be called in correct order with for loops with children', () => { /** * * % for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); container(1); element(2, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 4); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', i); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(allEvents).toEqual([ 'comp2 init', 'comp2 check', 'parent2 init', 'parent2 check', 'comp3 init', 'comp3 check', 'parent3 init', 'parent3 check', 'comp1 init', 'comp1 check', 'comp4 init', 'comp4 check', 'parent1 init', 'parent1 check', 'parent4 init', 'parent4 check' ]); }); }); describe('directives', () => { it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'init', 'check']); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /**
*/ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['init', 'check']); }); }); }); describe('onDestroy', () => { let events: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; }); let Comp = createOnDestroyComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); projection(0); } }, 1); let Parent = createOnDestroyComponent('parent', getParentTemplate('comp'), 1, 1, [Comp]); function createOnDestroyComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number = 0, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { val: string = ''; ngOnDestroy() { events.push(`${name}${this.val}`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], factory: () => new Component(), consts: consts, vars: vars, inputs: {val: 'val'}, template: template, directives: directives }); }; } let Grandparent = createOnDestroyComponent('grandparent', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } }, 1, 0, [Parent]); const ProjectedComp = createOnDestroyComponent('projected', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); class Directive { ngOnDestroy() { events.push('dir'); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive()}); } const defs = [Comp, Parent, Grandparent, ProjectedComp, Directive]; it('should call destroy when view is removed', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); }); it('should call destroy when multiple views are removed', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 2, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); element(1, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind('1')); elementProperty(1, 'val', bind('2')); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp1', 'comp2']); }); it('should be called in child components before parent components', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * % } * * parent template: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'parent']); }); it('should be called bottom up with children nested 2 levels deep', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * % } * * grandparent template: * parent template: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'grandparent'); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'parent', 'grandparent']); }); it('should be called in projected components before their hosts', () => { /** * % if (!skip) { * * * * * * * } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (!ctx.skip) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 4, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { element(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'comp'); { element(3, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 1); elementProperty(2, 'val', 2); elementProperty(3, 'val', 2); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.skip = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['projected1', 'comp1', 'projected2', 'comp2']); }); it('should be called in consistent order if views are removed and re-added', () => { /** * % if (condition) { * * % if (condition2) { * * % } * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 3, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); container(1); element(2, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind('1')); elementProperty(2, 'val', bind('3')); containerRefreshStart(1); { if (ctx.condition2) { let rf2 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 1); if (rf2 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf2 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind('2')); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.condition2 = true; fixture.update(); // remove all views fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); /** * Current angular will process in this same order (root is the top-level removed view): * * root.child (comp1 view) onDestroy: null * root.child.next (container) -> embeddedView * embeddedView.child (comp2 view) onDestroy: null * embeddedView onDestroy: [comp2] * root.child.next.next (comp3 view) onDestroy: null * root onDestroy: [comp1, comp3] */ expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp1', 'comp3']); events = []; // remove inner view fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.condition2 = false; fixture.update(); // remove outer view fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp1', 'comp3']); events = []; // restore both views fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.condition2 = true; fixture.update(); // remove both views fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp1', 'comp3']); }); it('should be called in every iteration of a destroyed for loop', () => { /** * % if (condition) { * * % for (let i = 2; i < len; i++) { * * % } * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 3, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); container(1); element(2, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind('1')); elementProperty(2, 'val', bind('5')); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let j = 2; j < ctx.len; j++) { let rf2 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 1); if (rf2 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf2 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(j)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.len = 5; fixture.update(); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); /** * Current angular will process in this same order (root is the top-level removed view): * * root.child (comp1 view) onDestroy: null * root.child.next (container) -> embeddedView (children[0].data) * embeddedView.child (comp2 view) onDestroy: null * embeddedView onDestroy: [comp2] * embeddedView.next.child (comp3 view) onDestroy: null * embeddedView.next onDestroy: [comp3] * embeddedView.next.next.child (comp4 view) onDestroy: null * embeddedView.next.next onDestroy: [comp4] * embeddedView.next.next -> container -> root * root onDestroy: [comp1, comp5] */ expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp3', 'comp4', 'comp1', 'comp5']); events = []; fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.len = 4; fixture.update(); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp3', 'comp1', 'comp5']); events = []; fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.component.len = 5; fixture.update(); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp2', 'comp3', 'comp4', 'comp1', 'comp5']); }); it('should call destroy properly if view also has listeners', () => { /** * % if (condition) { * * * * % } */ function Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 5, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'button'); { listener('click', ctx.onClick.bind(ctx)); text(1, 'Click me'); } elementEnd(); element(2, 'comp'); elementStart(3, 'button'); { listener('click', ctx.onClick.bind(ctx)); text(4, 'Click me'); } elementEnd(); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } } class App { counter = 0; condition = true; onClick() { this.counter++; } } const ctx: {counter: number} = new App(); renderToHtml(Template, ctx, 1, 0, defs); const buttons = containerEl.querySelectorAll('button') !; buttons[0].click(); expect(ctx.counter).toEqual(1); buttons[1].click(); expect(ctx.counter).toEqual(2); renderToHtml(Template, {condition: false}, 1, 0, defs); buttons[0].click(); buttons[1].click(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp']); expect(ctx.counter).toEqual(2); }); it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** * % if (condition) { * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([]); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp', 'dir']); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /** * % if (condition) { *
* % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 0); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([]); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['dir']); }); }); describe('onChanges', () => { let events: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; }); const Comp = createOnChangesComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); elementStart(0, 'div'); { projection(1); } elementEnd(); } }, 2); const Parent = createOnChangesComponent('parent', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(ctx.a)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(ctx.b)); } }, 1, 2, [Comp]); const ProjectedComp = createOnChangesComponent('projected', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { text(0, 'content'); } }, 1); function createOnChangesComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number = 0, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { // @Input() val1: string; // @Input('publicName') val2: string; a: string = 'wasVal1BeforeMinification'; b: string = 'wasVal2BeforeMinification'; ngOnChanges(simpleChanges: SimpleChanges) { events.push( `comp=${name} val1=${this.a} val2=${this.b} - changed=[${Object.getOwnPropertyNames(simpleChanges).join(',')}]`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], factory: () => new Component(), features: [NgOnChangesFeature], consts: consts, vars: vars, inputs: {a: 'val1', b: ['publicName', 'val2']}, template, directives: directives }); }; } class Directive { // @Input() val1: string; // @Input('publicName') val2: string; a: string = 'wasVal1BeforeMinification'; b: string = 'wasVal2BeforeMinification'; ngOnChanges(simpleChanges: SimpleChanges) { events.push( `dir - val1=${this.a} val2=${this.b} - changed=[${Object.getOwnPropertyNames(simpleChanges).join(',')}]`); } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, selectors: [['', 'dir', '']], factory: () => new Directive(), features: [NgOnChangesFeature], inputs: {a: 'val1', b: ['publicName', 'val2']} }); } const defs = [Comp, Parent, Directive, ProjectedComp]; it('should call onChanges method after inputs are set in creation and update mode', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(ctx.val1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(ctx.val2)); } }, 1, 2, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); events = []; fixture.component.val1 = '1'; fixture.component.val2 = 'a'; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp=comp val1=1 val2=a - changed=[val1,val2]']); events = []; fixture.component.val1 = '2'; fixture.component.val2 = 'b'; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp=comp val1=2 val2=b - changed=[val1,val2]']); }); it('should call parent onChanges before child onChanges', () => { /** * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(ctx.val1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(ctx.val2)); } }, 1, 2, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); events = []; fixture.component.val1 = '1'; fixture.component.val2 = 'a'; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=parent val1=1 val2=a - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=a - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should call all parent onChanges across view before calling children onChanges', () => { /** * * * * parent temp: */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); element(1, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); elementProperty(1, 'val1', bind(2)); elementProperty(1, 'publicName', bind(2)); } }, 2, 4, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=parent val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=parent val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should call onChanges every time a new view is created (if block)', () => { /** * % if (condition) { * * % } */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.condition) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 1, 0, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]']); fixture.component.condition = false; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]']); fixture.component.condition = true; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should call onChanges in hosts before their content children', () => { /** * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); elementProperty(1, 'val1', bind(2)); elementProperty(1, 'publicName', bind(2)); } }, 2, 4, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=projected val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should call onChanges in host and its content children before next host', () => { /** * * * * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'comp'); { elementStart(1, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'comp'); { elementStart(3, 'projected'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); elementProperty(1, 'val1', bind(2)); elementProperty(1, 'publicName', bind(2)); elementProperty(2, 'val1', bind(3)); elementProperty(2, 'publicName', bind(3)); elementProperty(3, 'val1', bind(4)); elementProperty(3, 'publicName', bind(4)); } }, 4, 8, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=projected val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=3 val2=3 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=projected val1=4 val2=4 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should be called on directives after component', () => { /** */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp', ['dir', '']); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); } }, 1, 2, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'dir - val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'dir - val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should be called on directives on an element', () => { /**
*/ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'div', ['dir', '']); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); } }, 1, 2, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual(['dir - val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]']); fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual(['dir - val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]']); }); it('should call onChanges properly in for loop', () => { /** * * % for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); container(1); element(2, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); elementProperty(2, 'val1', bind(5)); elementProperty(2, 'publicName', bind(5)); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(j)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(j)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 4, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); // onChanges is called top to bottom, so top level comps (1 and 5) are called // before the comps inside the for loop's embedded view (2, 3, and 4) expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=5 val2=5 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=3 val2=3 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=4 val2=4 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); it('should call onChanges properly in for loop with children', () => { /** * * % for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { * * % } * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); container(1); element(2, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(1)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(1)); elementProperty(2, 'val1', bind(5)); elementProperty(2, 'publicName', bind(5)); containerRefreshStart(1); { for (let j = 2; j < 5; j++) { let rf1 = embeddedViewStart(0, 1, 2); if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); } if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val1', bind(j)); elementProperty(0, 'publicName', bind(j)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } }, 3, 4, defs); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); // onChanges is called top to bottom, so top level comps (1 and 5) are called // before the comps inside the for loop's embedded view (2, 3, and 4) expect(events).toEqual([ 'comp=parent val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=parent val1=5 val2=5 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=parent val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=2 val2=2 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=parent val1=3 val2=3 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=3 val2=3 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=parent val1=4 val2=4 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=4 val2=4 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=1 val2=1 - changed=[val1,val2]', 'comp=comp val1=5 val2=5 - changed=[val1,val2]' ]); }); }); describe('hook order', () => { let events: string[]; beforeEach(() => { events = []; }); function createAllHooksComponent( name: string, template: ComponentTemplate, consts: number = 0, vars: number = 0, directives: any[] = []) { return class Component { val: string = ''; ngOnChanges() { events.push(`changes ${name}${this.val}`); } ngOnInit() { events.push(`init ${name}${this.val}`); } ngDoCheck() { events.push(`check ${name}${this.val}`); } ngAfterContentInit() { events.push(`contentInit ${name}${this.val}`); } ngAfterContentChecked() { events.push(`contentCheck ${name}${this.val}`); } ngAfterViewInit() { events.push(`viewInit ${name}${this.val}`); } ngAfterViewChecked() { events.push(`viewCheck ${name}${this.val}`); } static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Component, selectors: [[name]], factory: () => new Component(), consts: consts, vars: vars, inputs: {val: 'val'}, template, features: [NgOnChangesFeature], directives: directives }); }; } it('should call all hooks in correct order', () => { const Comp = createAllHooksComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); /** * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); element(1, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 2); } }, 2, 0, [Comp]); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'changes comp1', 'init comp1', 'check comp1', 'changes comp2', 'init comp2', 'check comp2', 'contentInit comp1', 'contentCheck comp1', 'contentInit comp2', 'contentCheck comp2', 'viewInit comp1', 'viewCheck comp1', 'viewInit comp2', 'viewCheck comp2' ]); events = []; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'changes comp1', 'check comp1', 'changes comp2', 'check comp2', 'contentCheck comp1', 'contentCheck comp2', 'viewCheck comp1', 'viewCheck comp2' ]); }); it('should call all hooks in correct order with children', () => { const Comp = createAllHooksComponent('comp', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); /** */ const Parent = createAllHooksComponent('parent', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'comp'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }, 1, 1, [Comp]); /** * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { element(0, 'parent'); element(1, 'parent'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', 1); elementProperty(1, 'val', 2); } }, 2, 0, [Parent]); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'changes parent1', 'init parent1', 'check parent1', 'changes parent2', 'init parent2', 'check parent2', 'contentInit parent1', 'contentCheck parent1', 'contentInit parent2', 'contentCheck parent2', 'changes comp1', 'init comp1', 'check comp1', 'contentInit comp1', 'contentCheck comp1', 'viewInit comp1', 'viewCheck comp1', 'changes comp2', 'init comp2', 'check comp2', 'contentInit comp2', 'contentCheck comp2', 'viewInit comp2', 'viewCheck comp2', 'viewInit parent1', 'viewCheck parent1', 'viewInit parent2', 'viewCheck parent2' ]); events = []; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'changes parent1', 'check parent1', 'changes parent2', 'check parent2', 'contentCheck parent1', 'contentCheck parent2', 'check comp1', 'contentCheck comp1', 'viewCheck comp1', 'check comp2', 'contentCheck comp2', 'viewCheck comp2', 'viewCheck parent1', 'viewCheck parent2' ]); }); // Angular 5 reference: https://stackblitz.com/edit/lifecycle-hooks-ng it('should call all hooks in correct order with view and content', () => { const Content = createAllHooksComponent('content', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); const View = createAllHooksComponent('view', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {}); /** */ const Parent = createAllHooksComponent('parent', (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { projectionDef(); projection(0); element(1, 'view'); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(1, 'val', bind(ctx.val)); } }, 2, 1, [View]); /** * * * * * * */ const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'parent'); { element(1, 'content'); } elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'parent'); { element(3, 'content'); } elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'val', bind(1)); elementProperty(1, 'val', bind(1)); elementProperty(2, 'val', bind(2)); elementProperty(3, 'val', bind(2)); } }, 4, 4, [Parent, Content]); const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App); expect(events).toEqual([ 'changes parent1', 'init parent1', 'check parent1', 'changes content1', 'init content1', 'check content1', 'changes parent2', 'init parent2', 'check parent2', 'changes content2', 'init content2', 'check content2', 'contentInit content1', 'contentCheck content1', 'contentInit parent1', 'contentCheck parent1', 'contentInit content2', 'contentCheck content2', 'contentInit parent2', 'contentCheck parent2', 'changes view1', 'init view1', 'check view1', 'contentInit view1', 'contentCheck view1', 'viewInit view1', 'viewCheck view1', 'changes view2', 'init view2', 'check view2', 'contentInit view2', 'contentCheck view2', 'viewInit view2', 'viewCheck view2', 'viewInit content1', 'viewCheck content1', 'viewInit parent1', 'viewCheck parent1', 'viewInit content2', 'viewCheck content2', 'viewInit parent2', 'viewCheck parent2' ]); events = []; fixture.update(); expect(events).toEqual([ 'check parent1', 'check content1', 'check parent2', 'check content2', 'contentCheck content1', 'contentCheck parent1', 'contentCheck content2', 'contentCheck parent2', 'check view1', 'contentCheck view1', 'viewCheck view1', 'check view2', 'contentCheck view2', 'viewCheck view2', 'viewCheck content1', 'viewCheck parent1', 'viewCheck content2', 'viewCheck parent2' ]); }); }); describe('non-regression', () => { it('should call lifecycle hooks for directives active on ', () => { let destroyed = false; class OnDestroyDirective implements OnDestroy { ngOnDestroy() { destroyed = true; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: OnDestroyDirective, selectors: [['', 'onDestroyDirective', '']], factory: () => new OnDestroyDirective() }); } function conditionTpl(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: Cmpt) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { template(0, null, 0, 1, null, [AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'onDestroyDirective']); } } /** * * * */ function cmptTpl(rf: RenderFlags, cmpt: Cmpt) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { template(0, conditionTpl, 1, 1, null, [AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'ngIf']); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'ngIf', bind(cmpt.showing)); } } class Cmpt { showing = true; static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: Cmpt, factory: () => new Cmpt(), selectors: [['cmpt']], consts: 1, vars: 1, template: cmptTpl, directives: [NgIf, OnDestroyDirective] }); } const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Cmpt); expect(destroyed).toBeFalsy(); fixture.component.showing = false; fixture.update(); expect(destroyed).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });