/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import chai = require('chai'); import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import {assertFileEqual, unlinkRecursively} from './helpers'; const BINARY_PATH = require.resolve('../ts-api-guardian/bin/ts-api-guardian'); describe('cli: e2e test', () => { const outDir = path.join(process.env['TEST_TMPDIR'], 'tmp'); beforeEach(() => { if (!fs.existsSync(outDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(outDir); } }); afterEach(() => { unlinkRecursively(outDir); }); it('should print usage without any argument', () => { const {stderr} = execute([]); chai.assert.match(stderr, /Usage/); }); it('should show help message with --help', () => { const {stdout} = execute(['--help']); chai.assert.match(stdout, /Usage/); }); it('should generate golden file with --out', () => { const simpleFile = path.join(outDir, 'simple.d.ts'); const {status, stderr} = execute(['--out', simpleFile, 'test/fixtures/simple.d.ts']); chai.assert.equal(status, 0, stderr); assertFileEqual(simpleFile, 'test/fixtures/simple_expected.d.ts'); }); it('should verify golden file with --verify and exit cleanly on no difference', () => { const {stdout, status} = execute(['--verify', 'test/fixtures/simple_expected.d.ts', 'test/fixtures/simple.d.ts']); chai.assert.equal(stdout, ''); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); }); it('should verify golden file with --verify and exit with error on difference', () => { const {stdout, status} = execute( ['--verify', 'test/fixtures/verify_expected.d.ts', 'test/fixtures/verify_entrypoint.d.ts']); chai.assert.equal(stdout, fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/verify.patch').toString()); chai.assert.equal(status, 1); }); it('should generate multiple golden files with --outDir and --rootDir', () => { const {status} = execute([ '--outDir', outDir, '--rootDir', 'test/fixtures', 'test/fixtures/simple.d.ts', 'test/fixtures/sorting.d.ts' ]); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); assertFileEqual(path.join(outDir, 'simple.d.ts'), 'test/fixtures/simple_expected.d.ts'); assertFileEqual(path.join(outDir, 'sorting.d.ts'), 'test/fixtures/sorting_expected.d.ts'); }); it('should verify multiple golden files with --verifyDir and --rootDir', () => { copyFile('test/fixtures/simple_expected.d.ts', path.join(outDir, 'simple.d.ts')); copyFile('test/fixtures/sorting_expected.d.ts', path.join(outDir, 'sorting.d.ts')); const {stdout, status} = execute([ '--verifyDir', outDir, '--rootDir', 'test/fixtures', 'test/fixtures/simple.d.ts', 'test/fixtures/sorting.d.ts' ]); chai.assert.equal(stdout, ''); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); }); it('should generate respecting --stripExportPattern', () => { const {status} = execute([ '--out', path.join(outDir, 'underscored.d.ts'), '--stripExportPattern', '^__.*', 'test/fixtures/underscored.d.ts' ]); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); assertFileEqual( path.join(outDir, 'underscored.d.ts'), 'test/fixtures/underscored_expected.d.ts'); }); it('should not throw for aliased stripped exports', () => { const {status} = execute([ '--out', path.join(outDir, 'stripped_alias.d.ts'), '--stripExportPattern', '^__.*', 'test/fixtures/stripped_alias.d.ts' ]); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); assertFileEqual( path.join(outDir, 'stripped_alias.d.ts'), 'test/fixtures/stripped_alias_expected.d.ts'); }); it('should verify respecting --stripExportPattern', () => { const {stdout, status} = execute([ '--verify', 'test/fixtures/underscored_expected.d.ts', 'test/fixtures/underscored.d.ts', '--stripExportPattern', '^__.*' ]); chai.assert.equal(stdout, ''); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); }); it('should respect --allowModuleIdentifiers', () => { const {stdout, status} = execute([ '--verify', 'test/fixtures/module_identifier_expected.d.ts', '--allowModuleIdentifiers', 'foo', 'test/fixtures/module_identifier.d.ts' ]); chai.assert.equal(stdout, ''); chai.assert.equal(status, 0); }); }); function copyFile(sourceFile: string, targetFile: string) { fs.writeFileSync(targetFile, fs.readFileSync(sourceFile)); } function execute(args: string[]): {stdout: string, stderr: string, status: number} { // We need to determine the directory that includes the `ts-api-guardian` npm_package that // will be used to spawn the CLI binary. This is a workaround because technically we shouldn't // spawn a child process that doesn't have the custom NodeJS module resolution for Bazel. const nodePath = [ path.join(require.resolve('npm/node_modules/chalk/package.json'), '../../'), path.join(require.resolve('../lib/cli.js'), '../../'), ].join(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':'); const output = child_process.spawnSync(process.execPath, [BINARY_PATH, ...args], { env: { 'NODE_PATH': nodePath, } }); chai.assert(!output.error, 'Child process failed or timed out: ' + output.error); chai.assert(!output.signal, `Child process killed by signal ${output.signal}`); return { stdout: output.stdout.toString(), stderr: output.stderr.toString(), status: output.status }; }