/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as os from 'os'; import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, getFileSystem} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {MockLogger} from '../../src/ngtsc/logging/testing'; import {clearTsConfigCache, getMaxNumberOfWorkers, getSharedSetup, NgccOptions} from '../src/ngcc_options'; runInEachFileSystem(() => { let fs: FileSystem; let _abs: typeof absoluteFrom; let projectPath: AbsoluteFsPath; beforeEach(() => { fs = getFileSystem(); _abs = absoluteFrom; projectPath = _abs('/project'); }); describe('getSharedSetup()', () => { let pathToProjectTsConfig: AbsoluteFsPath; let pathToCustomTsConfig: AbsoluteFsPath; beforeEach(() => { clearTsConfigCache(); pathToProjectTsConfig = fs.resolve(projectPath, 'tsconfig.json'); fs.ensureDir(fs.dirname(pathToProjectTsConfig)); fs.writeFile(pathToProjectTsConfig, '{"files": ["src/index.ts"]}'); pathToCustomTsConfig = _abs('/path/to/tsconfig.json'); fs.ensureDir(fs.dirname(pathToCustomTsConfig)); fs.writeFile(pathToCustomTsConfig, '{"files": ["custom/index.ts"]}'); }); it('should load the tsconfig.json at the project root if tsConfigPath is `undefined`', () => { const setup = getSharedSetup({...createOptions()}); expect(setup.tsConfigPath).toBeUndefined(); expect(setup.tsConfig?.rootNames).toEqual([fs.resolve(projectPath, 'src/index.ts')]); }); it('should load a specific tsconfig.json if tsConfigPath is a string', () => { const setup = getSharedSetup({...createOptions(), tsConfigPath: pathToCustomTsConfig}); expect(setup.tsConfigPath).toEqual(pathToCustomTsConfig); expect(setup.tsConfig?.rootNames).toEqual([_abs('/path/to/custom/index.ts')]); }); it('should not load a tsconfig.json if tsConfigPath is `null`', () => { const setup = getSharedSetup({...createOptions(), tsConfigPath: null}); expect(setup.tsConfigPath).toBe(null); expect(setup.tsConfig).toBe(null); }); it('should warn about a solution-style tsconfig if the tsConfigPath is inferred', () => { fs.writeFile(fs.resolve(projectPath, 'tsconfig.app.json'), '{"files": ["src/index.ts"]}'); fs.writeFile(fs.resolve(projectPath, 'tsconfig.test.json'), '{"files": ["src/test.ts"]}'); fs.writeFile(pathToProjectTsConfig, JSON.stringify({ 'files': [], 'references': [ {'path': 'tsconfig.app.json'}, {'path': 'tsconfig.test.json'}, ] })); const setup = getSharedSetup({...createOptions()}); expect(setup.tsConfigPath).toBeUndefined(); expect(setup.tsConfig?.rootNames).toEqual([]); expect((setup.logger as MockLogger).logs.warn).toEqual([[ `The inferred tsconfig file "${ pathToProjectTsConfig}" appears to be "solution-style" since it contains no root files but does contain project references.\n` + `This is probably not wanted, since ngcc is unable to infer settings like "paths" mappings from such a file.\n` + `Perhaps you should have explicitly specified one of the referenced projects using the --tsconfig option. For example:\n\n` + ` ngcc ... --tsconfig "tsconfig.app.json"\n` + ` ngcc ... --tsconfig "tsconfig.test.json"\n` + `\nFind out more about solution-style tsconfig at https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-9/#solution-style-tsconfig.\n` + `If you did intend to use this file, then you can hide this warning by providing it explicitly:\n\n` + ` ngcc ... --tsconfig "tsconfig.json"` ]]); }); it('should not warn about a solution-style tsconfig if the tsConfigPath is explicit', () => { fs.writeFile(fs.resolve(projectPath, 'tsconfig.app.json'), '{"files": ["src/index.ts"]}'); fs.writeFile(fs.resolve(projectPath, 'tsconfig.test.json'), '{"files": ["src/test.ts"]}'); fs.writeFile(pathToProjectTsConfig, JSON.stringify({ 'files': [], 'references': [ {'path': 'tsconfig.app.json'}, {'path': 'tsconfig.test.json'}, ] })); const setup = getSharedSetup({...createOptions(), tsConfigPath: pathToProjectTsConfig}); expect(setup.tsConfigPath).toEqual(pathToProjectTsConfig); expect(setup.tsConfig?.rootNames).toEqual([]); expect((setup.logger as MockLogger).logs.warn).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('getMaxNumberOfWorkers', () => { let processEnv: NodeJS.ProcessEnv; let cpuSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { processEnv = process.env; process.env = {...process.env}; cpuSpy = spyOn(os, 'cpus'); }); afterEach(() => { process.env = processEnv; }); it('should use NGCC_MAX_WORKERS environment variable if set', () => { process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '16'; expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(16); process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '8'; expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(8); process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = ' 8 '; expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(8); }); it('should throw an error if NGCC_MAX_WORKERS is less than 1', () => { process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '0'; expect(() => getMaxNumberOfWorkers()) .toThrow(new Error('NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be at least 1.')); process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '-1'; expect(() => getMaxNumberOfWorkers()) .toThrow(new Error('NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be at least 1.')); }); it('should throw an error if NGCC_MAX_WORKERS is not an integer', () => { process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = 'a'; expect(() => getMaxNumberOfWorkers()) .toThrow(new Error('NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be an integer.')); process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '1.5'; expect(() => getMaxNumberOfWorkers()) .toThrow(new Error('NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be an integer.')); process.env.NGCC_MAX_WORKERS = '-'; expect(() => getMaxNumberOfWorkers()) .toThrow(new Error('NGCC_MAX_WORKERS should be an integer.')); }); it('should fallback to the number of cpus, minus one (for the master process), with a maximum of 4 workers', () => { simulateNumberOfCpus(1); expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(1); simulateNumberOfCpus(2); expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(1); simulateNumberOfCpus(4); expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(3); simulateNumberOfCpus(6); expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(4); simulateNumberOfCpus(8); expect(getMaxNumberOfWorkers()).toBe(4); }); function simulateNumberOfCpus(cpus: number): void { cpuSpy.and.returnValue(new Array(cpus).fill({model: 'Mock CPU'} as any)); } }); /** * This function creates an object that contains the minimal required properties for NgccOptions. */ function createOptions(): NgccOptions { return { async: false, basePath: fs.resolve(projectPath, 'node_modules'), propertiesToConsider: ['es2015'], compileAllFormats: false, createNewEntryPointFormats: false, logger: new MockLogger(), fileSystem: getFileSystem(), errorOnFailedEntryPoint: true, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat: true, invalidateEntryPointManifest: false, }; } });