Form Validation
Validate user's form entries.
{@a top}
Improve overall data quality by validating user input for accuracy and completeness.
This cookbook shows how to validate user input in the UI and display useful validation messages
using first the template-driven forms and then the reactive forms approach.
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
Read more about these choices in the [Forms](guide/forms)
and the [Reactive Forms](guide/reactive-forms) guides.
{@a toc}
## Contents
* [Simple template-driven forms](guide/form-validation#template1)
* [Template-driven forms with validation messages in code](guide/form-validation#template2)
- [Component Class](guide/form-validation#component-class)
- [The benefits of messages in code](guide/form-validation#improvement)
- [`FormModule` and template-driven forms](guide/form-validation#formmodule)
* [Reactive forms with validation in code](guide/form-validation#reactive)
- [Switch to the `ReactiveFormsModule`](guide/form-validation#reactive-forms-module)
- [Component template](guide/form-validation#reactive-component-template)
- [Component class](guide/form-validation#reactive-component-class)
- [`FormBuilder` declaration](guide/form-validation#formbuilder)
- [Committing hero value changes](guide/form-validation#committing-changes)
* [Custom validation](guide/form-validation#custom-validation)
- [Custom validation directive](guide/form-validation#custom-validation-directive)
* [Testing considerations](guide/form-validation#testing)
{@a live-example}
**Try the live example to see and download the full cookbook source code.**