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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AST, BindingPipe, EmptyExpr, ImplicitReceiver, LiteralPrimitive, MethodCall, ParseSourceSpan, PropertyRead, PropertyWrite, SafeMethodCall, SafePropertyRead, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstReference, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstTextAttribute, TmplAstVariable} from '@angular/compiler';
import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core';
import {CompletionKind, DirectiveInScope, TemplateDeclarationSymbol} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import {BoundEvent} from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {addAttributeCompletionEntries, AttributeCompletionKind, buildAttributeCompletionTable, getAttributeCompletionSymbol} from './attribute_completions';
import {DisplayInfo, DisplayInfoKind, getDirectiveDisplayInfo, getSymbolDisplayInfo, getTsSymbolDisplayInfo, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind} from './display_parts';
import {filterAliasImports} from './utils';
type PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder =
type ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder =
type PipeCompletionBuilder = CompletionBuilder<BindingPipe>;
export enum CompletionNodeContext {
* Performs autocompletion operations on a given node in the template.
* This class acts as a closure around all of the context required to perform the 3 autocompletion
* operations (completions, get details, and get symbol) at a specific node.
* The generic `N` type for the template node is narrowed internally for certain operations, as the
* compiler operations required to implement completion may be different for different node types.
* @param N type of the template node in question, narrowed accordingly.
export class CompletionBuilder<N extends TmplAstNode|AST> {
private readonly typeChecker = this.compiler.getNextProgram().getTypeChecker();
private readonly templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
private readonly tsLS: ts.LanguageService, private readonly compiler: NgCompiler,
private readonly component: ts.ClassDeclaration, private readonly node: N,
private readonly nodeContext: CompletionNodeContext,
private readonly nodeParent: TmplAstNode|AST|null,
private readonly template: TmplAstTemplate|null) {}
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionsAtPosition`.
getCompletionsAtPosition(options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletion(options);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletion();
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletions();
} else if (this.isPipeCompletion()) {
return this.getPipeCompletions();
} else {
return undefined;
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionEntryDetails`.
entryName: string, formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(entryName, formatOptions, preferences);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletionDetails(entryName);
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletionDetails(entryName);
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionEntrySymbol`.
getCompletionEntrySymbol(name: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(name);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletionSymbol(name);
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletionSymbol(name);
} else {
return undefined;
* Determine if the current node is the completion of a property expression, and narrow the type
* of `this.node` if so.
* This narrowing gives access to additional methods related to completion of property
* expressions.
private isPropertyExpressionCompletion(this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstNode|AST>):
this is PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder {
return this.node instanceof PropertyRead || this.node instanceof MethodCall ||
this.node instanceof SafePropertyRead || this.node instanceof SafeMethodCall ||
this.node instanceof PropertyWrite || this.node instanceof EmptyExpr ||
// BoundEvent nodes only count as property completions if in an EventValue context.
(this.node instanceof BoundEvent && this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.EventValue);
* Get completions for property expressions.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletion(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder,
options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof BoundEvent ||
this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
return this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletion(options);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
const tsResults = this.tsLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, options);
if (tsResults === undefined) {
return undefined;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
let ngResults: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const result of tsResults.entries) {
return {
entries: ngResults,
* Get the details of a specific completion for a property expression.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string,
formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
let details: ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined = undefined;
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof BoundEvent ||
this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
details =
this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(entryName, formatOptions, preferences);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
details = this.tsLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, entryName, formatOptions,
/* source */ undefined, preferences);
if (details !== undefined) {
details.displayParts = filterAliasImports(details.displayParts);
return details;
* Get the `ts.Symbol` for a specific completion for a property expression.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, name: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof LiteralPrimitive ||
this.node instanceof BoundEvent || this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
return this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(name);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntrySymbol(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, name, /* source */ undefined);
* Get completions for a property expression in a global context (e.g. `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletion(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder,
options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
// Merge TS completion results with results from the template scope.
let entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
const tsLsCompletions = this.tsLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, options);
if (tsLsCompletions !== undefined) {
for (const tsCompletion of tsLsCompletions.entries) {
// Skip completions that are shadowed by a template entity definition.
if (templateContext.has( {
// Substitute the TS completion's `replacementSpan` (which uses offsets within the TCB)
// with the `replacementSpan` within the template source.
for (const [name, entity] of templateContext) {
sortText: name,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(
entity.kind === CompletionKind.Reference ? DisplayInfoKind.REFERENCE :
return {
// Although this completion is "global" in the sense of an Angular expression (there is no
// explicit receiver), it is not "global" in a TypeScript sense since Angular expressions have
// the component as an implicit receiver.
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: true,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
* Get the details of a specific completion for a property expression in a global context (e.g.
* `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string,
formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
if (templateContext.has(entryName)) {
const entry = templateContext.get(entryName)!;
// Entries that reference a symbol in the template context refer either to local references or
// variables.
const symbol = this.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(entry.node, this.component) as
TemplateDeclarationSymbol |
if (symbol === null) {
return undefined;
const {kind, displayParts, documentation} =
getSymbolDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, this.typeChecker, symbol);
return {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind),
name: entryName,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
} else {
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, entryName, formatOptions,
/* source */ undefined, preferences);
* Get the `ts.Symbol` of a specific completion for a property expression in a global context
* (e.g.
* `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
if (templateContext.has(entryName)) {
const node: TmplAstReference|TmplAstVariable = templateContext.get(entryName)!.node;
const symbol = this.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(node, this.component) as
TemplateDeclarationSymbol |
if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null) {
return undefined;
return symbol.tsSymbol;
} else {
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntrySymbol(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, entryName,
/* source */ undefined);
private isElementTagCompletion(): this is CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement> {
return this.node instanceof TmplAstElement &&
this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.ElementTag;
private getElementTagCompletion(this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement>):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
// The replacementSpan is the tag name.
const replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan = {
start: this.node.sourceSpan.start.offset + 1, // account for leading '<'
const entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] =
.map(([tag, directive]) => ({
kind: tagCompletionKind(directive),
name: tag,
sortText: tag,
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
private getElementTagCompletionDetails(
this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement>, entryName: string): ts.CompletionEntryDetails
|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
const tagMap = templateTypeChecker.getPotentialElementTags(this.component);
if (!tagMap.has(entryName)) {
return undefined;
const directive = tagMap.get(entryName)!;
let displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[];
let documentation: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]|undefined = undefined;
if (directive === null) {
displayParts = [];
} else {
const displayInfo = getDirectiveDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, directive);
displayParts = displayInfo.displayParts;
documentation = displayInfo.documentation;
return {
kind: tagCompletionKind(directive),
name: entryName,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
private getElementTagCompletionSymbol(this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement>, entryName: string):
ts.Symbol|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
const tagMap = templateTypeChecker.getPotentialElementTags(this.component);
if (!tagMap.has(entryName)) {
return undefined;
const directive = tagMap.get(entryName)!;
return directive?.tsSymbol;
private isElementAttributeCompletion(): this is ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder {
return (this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey ||
this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding) &&
(this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent);
private getElementAttributeCompletions(this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
let replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan|undefined = undefined;
if ((this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) &&
this.node.keySpan !== undefined) {
replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromParseSourceSpan(this.node.keySpan);
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
let entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const completion of attrTable.values()) {
// First, filter out completions that don't make sense for the current node. For example, if
// the user is completing on a property binding `[foo|]`, don't offer output event
// completions.
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
if (!completion.twoWayBindingSupported &&
this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
// Is the completion in an attribute context (instead of a property context)?
const isAttributeContext =
(this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute);
// Is the completion for an element (not an <ng-template>)?
const isElementContext =
this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement;
entries, completion, isAttributeContext, isElementContext, replacementSpan);
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
private getElementAttributeCompletionDetails(
this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder, entryName: string): ts.CompletionEntryDetails
|undefined {
// `entryName` here may be `foo` or `[foo]`, depending on which suggested completion the user
// chose. Strip off any binding syntax to get the real attribute name.
const {name, kind} = stripBindingSugar(entryName);
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
if (!attrTable.has(name)) {
return undefined;
const completion = attrTable.get(name)!;
let displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[];
let documentation: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]|undefined = undefined;
let info: DisplayInfo|null;
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
// TODO(alxhub): ideally we would show the same documentation as quick info here. However,
// since these bindings don't exist in the TCB, there is no straightforward way to retrieve
// a `ts.Symbol` for the field in the TS DOM definition.
displayParts = [];
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
info = getDirectiveDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, completion.directive);
displayParts = info.displayParts;
documentation = info.documentation;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
const propertySymbol = getAttributeCompletionSymbol(completion, this.typeChecker);
if (propertySymbol === null) {
return undefined;
info = getTsSymbolDisplayInfo(
this.tsLS, this.typeChecker, propertySymbol,
completion.kind === AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput ? DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY :
if (info === null) {
return undefined;
displayParts = info.displayParts;
documentation = info.documentation;
return {
name: entryName,
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind),
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
displayParts: [],
private getElementAttributeCompletionSymbol(
this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder, attribute: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
const {name} = stripBindingSugar(attribute);
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
if (!attrTable.has(name)) {
return undefined;
const completion = attrTable.get(name)!;
return getAttributeCompletionSymbol(completion, this.typeChecker) ?? undefined;
private isPipeCompletion(): this is PipeCompletionBuilder {
return this.node instanceof BindingPipe;
private getPipeCompletions(this: PipeCompletionBuilder):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const pipes = this.templateTypeChecker.getPipesInScope(this.component);
if (pipes === null) {
return undefined;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
const entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] = => ({
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PIPE),
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
function makeReplacementSpanFromParseSourceSpan(span: ParseSourceSpan): ts.TextSpan {
return {
start: span.start.offset,
length: span.end.offset - span.start.offset,
function makeReplacementSpanFromAst(node: PropertyRead|PropertyWrite|MethodCall|SafePropertyRead|
BoundEvent): ts.TextSpan|undefined {
if ((node instanceof EmptyExpr || node instanceof LiteralPrimitive ||
node instanceof BoundEvent)) {
// empty nodes do not replace any existing text
return undefined;
return {
start: node.nameSpan.start,
length: node.nameSpan.end - node.nameSpan.start,
function tagCompletionKind(directive: DirectiveInScope|null): ts.ScriptElementKind {
let kind: DisplayInfoKind;
if (directive === null) {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.ELEMENT;
} else if (directive.isComponent) {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.COMPONENT;
} else {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE;
return unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind);
const BINDING_SUGAR = /[\[\(\)\]]/g;
function stripBindingSugar(binding: string): {name: string, kind: DisplayInfoKind} {
const name = binding.replace(BINDING_SUGAR, '');
if (binding.startsWith('[')) {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY};
} else if (binding.startsWith('(')) {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.EVENT};
} else {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE};