This allows Angular to error on unknown properties, allowing applications that don’t use custom elements to get better error reporting. Part of #10043 BREAKING CHANGE: - By default, Angular will error during parsing on unknown properties, even if they are on elements with a `-` in their name (aka custom elements). If you application is using custom elements, fill the new parameter `@NgModule.schemas` with the value `[CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]`. E.g. for bootstrap: ``` bootstrap(MyComponent, {schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]}); ```
1728 lines
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1728 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from '@angular/compiler/src/compile_metadata';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler/src/schema/dom_element_schema_registry';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler/src/schema/element_schema_registry';
import {AttrAst, BoundDirectivePropertyAst, BoundElementPropertyAst, BoundEventAst, BoundTextAst, DirectiveAst, ElementAst, EmbeddedTemplateAst, NgContentAst, PropertyBindingType, ProviderAstType, ReferenceAst, TemplateAst, TemplateAstVisitor, TextAst, VariableAst, templateVisitAll} from '@angular/compiler/src/template_ast';
import {TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS, TemplateParser, splitClasses} from '@angular/compiler/src/template_parser';
import {MockSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler/testing';
import {SchemaMetadata, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {Console} from '@angular/core/src/console';
import {configureCompiler} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {afterEach, beforeEach, beforeEachProviders, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xit} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {Identifiers, identifierToken} from '../src/identifiers';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, InterpolationConfig} from '../src/interpolation_config';
import {unparse} from './expression_parser/unparser';
import {TEST_COMPILER_PROVIDERS} from './test_bindings';
var someModuleUrl = 'package:someModule';
provide: ElementSchemaRegistry,
useValue: new MockSchemaRegistry({'invalidProp': false}, {'mappedAttr': 'mappedProp'})
export function main() {
var ngIf: CompileDirectiveMetadata;
var parse:
(template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[], pipes?: CompilePipeMetadata[]) =>
var console: ArrayConsole;
function commonBeforeEach() {
beforeEach(() => {
console = new ArrayConsole();
configureCompiler({providers: [{provide: Console, useValue: console}]});
beforeEach(inject([TemplateParser], (parser: TemplateParser) => {
var component = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'root',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'Root'}),
isComponent: true
ngIf = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[ngIf]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'NgIf'}),
inputs: ['ngIf']
parse =
(template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[] = null, schemas: SchemaMetadata[] = []): TemplateAst[] => {
if (pipes === null) {
pipes = [];
return parser.parse(component, template, directives, pipes, schemas, 'TestComp');
describe('TemplateParser template transform', () => {
beforeEach(() => { configureCompiler({providers: TEST_COMPILER_PROVIDERS}); });
beforeEach(() => {
[{provide: TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS, useValue: new FooAstTransformer(), multi: true}]
describe('single', () => {
it('should transform TemplateAST', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div>', []))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'foo']]);
describe('multiple', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
[{provide: TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS, useValue: new BarAstTransformer(), multi: true}]
it('should compose transformers', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div>', []))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'bar']]);
describe('TemplateParser Security', () => {
// Semi-integration test to make sure TemplateParser properly sets the security context.
// Uses the actual DomElementSchemaRegistry.
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
{provide: ElementSchemaRegistry, useClass: DomElementSchemaRegistry}
describe('security context', () => {
function secContext(tpl: string): SecurityContext {
let ast = parse(tpl, []);
let propBinding = (<ElementAst>ast[0]).inputs[0];
return propBinding.securityContext;
it('should set for properties', () => {
expect(secContext('<div [title]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.NONE);
expect(secContext('<div [innerHTML]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.HTML);
it('should set for property value bindings',
() => { expect(secContext('<div innerHTML="{{v}}">')).toBe(SecurityContext.HTML); });
it('should set for attributes', () => {
expect(secContext('<a [attr.href]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.URL);
// NB: attributes below need to change case.
expect(secContext('<a [attr.innerHtml]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.HTML);
expect(secContext('<a [attr.formaction]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.URL);
it('should set for style', () => {
expect(secContext('<a [style.backgroundColor]="v">')).toBe(SecurityContext.STYLE);
describe('TemplateParser', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
configureCompiler({providers: [TEST_COMPILER_PROVIDERS, MOCK_SCHEMA_REGISTRY]});
describe('parse', () => {
describe('nodes without bindings', () => {
it('should parse text nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('a', []))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should parse elements with attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a=b>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', 'b']]);
it('should parse ngContent', () => {
var parsed = parse('<ng-content select="a">', []);
it('should parse ngContent regardless the namespace', () => {
var parsed = parse('<svg><ng-content></ng-content></svg>', []);
[ElementAst, ':svg:svg'],
it('should parse bound text nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('{{a}}', []))).toEqual([[BoundTextAst, '{{ a }}']]);
it('should parse with custom interpolation config',
inject([TemplateParser], (parser: TemplateParser) => {
const component = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'test',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'Test'}),
isComponent: true,
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({interpolation: ['{%', '%}']})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parser.parse(component, '{%a%}', [], [], [], 'TestComp'), {
start: '{%',
end: '%}'
})).toEqual([[BoundTextAst, '{% a %}']]);
describe('bound properties', () => {
it('should parse mixed case bound properties', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [someProp]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'someProp', 'v', null]
it('should parse dash case bound properties', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [some-prop]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'some-prop', 'v', null]
it('should normalize property names via the element schema', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [mappedAttr]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'mappedProp', 'v', null]
it('should parse mixed case bound attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [attr.someAttr]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Attribute, 'someAttr', 'v', null]
it('should parse and dash case bound classes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [class.some-class]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Class, 'some-class', 'v', null]
it('should parse mixed case bound classes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [class.someClass]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Class, 'someClass', 'v', null]
it('should parse mixed case bound styles', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [style.someStyle]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Style, 'someStyle', 'v', null]
it('should report invalid prefixes', () => {
expect(() => parse('<p []>', []))
`Template parse errors:\nInvalid property name '' ("<p [ERROR ->][]>"): TestComp@0:3`);
expect(() => parse('<p []>', []))
`Template parse errors:\nInvalid property name '' ("<p [ERROR ->][]>"): TestComp@0:3`);
expect(() => parse('<p []>', []))
`Template parse errors:\nInvalid property name '' ("<p [ERROR ->][]>"): TestComp@0:3`);
expect(() => parse('<p []>', []))
`Template parse errors:\nInvalid property name '' ("<p [ERROR ->][]>"): TestComp@0:3`);
it('should parse bound properties via [...] and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [prop]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v', null]
it('should parse bound properties via bind- and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div bind-prop="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v', null]
it('should parse bound properties via {{...}} and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div prop="{{v}}">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'prop', '{{ v }}', null]
it('should parse bound properties via animate- and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div animate-something="value2">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Animation, 'something', 'value2', null]
it('should parse bound properties via @ and not report them as attributes and also report a deprecation warning',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div @something="value2">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Animation, 'something', 'value2', null
'Template parse warnings:',
`Assigning animation triggers via @prop="exp" attributes with an expression is deprecated. Use [@prop]="exp" instead! ("<div [ERROR ->]@something="value2">"): TestComp@0:5`
it('should issue a warning when host attributes contain a non property-bound animation trigger',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
host: {'@prop': 'expr'}
humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]));
'Template parse warnings:',
`Assigning animation triggers within host data as attributes such as "@prop": "exp" is deprecated. Use "[@prop]": "exp" instead! ("[ERROR ->]<div></div>"): TestComp@0:0`
it('should not issue a warning when an animation property is bound without an expression',
() => {
humanizeTplAst(parse('<div @something>', []));
it('should parse bound properties via [@] and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [@something]="value2">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Animation, 'something', 'value2', null]
describe('events', () => {
it('should parse bound events with a target', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (window:event)="v">', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'event', 'window', 'v']]);
it('should parse bound events via (...) and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (event)="v">', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'event', null, 'v']]);
it('should parse event names case sensitive', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (some-event)="v">', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'some-event', null, 'v']]);
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (someEvent)="v">', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'someEvent', null, 'v']]);
it('should parse bound events via on- and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div on-event="v">', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'event', null, 'v']]);
it('should allow events on explicit embedded templates that are emitted by a directive',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'template',
outputs: ['e'],
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template (e)="f"></template>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[BoundEventAst, 'e', null, 'f'],
[DirectiveAst, dirA],
describe('bindon', () => {
it('should parse bound events and properties via [(...)] and not report them as attributes',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [(prop)]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v', null],
[BoundEventAst, 'propChange', null, 'v = $event']
it('should parse bound events and properties via bindon- and not report them as attributes',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div bindon-prop="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v', null],
[BoundEventAst, 'propChange', null, 'v = $event']
describe('directives', () => {
it('should order directives by the directives array in the View and match them only once',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB'})
var dirC = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[c]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirC'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a c b a b>', [dirA, dirB, dirC]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', ''], [AttrAst, 'c', ''], [AttrAst, 'b', ''],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''], [AttrAst, 'b', ''], [DirectiveAst, dirA], [DirectiveAst, dirB],
[DirectiveAst, dirC]
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [a]="b">', [dirA, dirB]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'a', 'b', null],
[DirectiveAst, dirA]
it('should locate directives in event bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (a)="b">', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'a', null, 'b'], [DirectiveAst, dirA]
it('should parse directive host properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
host: {'[a]': 'expr'}
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'a', 'expr', null]
it('should parse directive host listeners', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
host: {'(a)': 'expr'}
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA], [BoundEventAst, 'a', null, 'expr']
it('should parse directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['aProp']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [aProp]="expr"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'aProp', 'expr']
it('should parse renamed directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['b:a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [a]="expr"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA], [BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'b', 'expr']
it('should parse literal directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a="literal"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', 'literal'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'a', '"literal"']
it('should favor explicit bound properties over literal properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a="literal" [a]="\'literal2\'"></div>', [dirA])))
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', 'literal'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'a', '"literal2"']
it('should support optional directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA]
describe('providers', () => {
var nextProviderId: any /** TODO #9100 */;
function createToken(value: string): CompileTokenMetadata {
var token: any /** TODO #9100 */;
if (value.startsWith('type:')) {
token = new CompileTokenMetadata({
new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: value.substring(5)})
} else {
token = new CompileTokenMetadata({value: value});
return token;
function createDep(value: string): CompileDiDependencyMetadata {
var isOptional = false;
if (value.startsWith('optional:')) {
isOptional = true;
value = value.substring(9);
var isSelf = false;
if (value.startsWith('self:')) {
isSelf = true;
value = value.substring(5);
var isHost = false;
if (value.startsWith('host:')) {
isHost = true;
value = value.substring(5);
return new CompileDiDependencyMetadata(
{token: createToken(value), isOptional: isOptional, isSelf: isSelf, isHost: isHost});
function createProvider(
token: string, {multi = false, deps = /*@ts2dart_const*/[]}:
{multi?: boolean, deps?: string[]} = {}): CompileProviderMetadata {
return new CompileProviderMetadata({
token: createToken(token),
multi: multi,
useClass: new CompileTypeMetadata({name: `provider${nextProviderId++}`}),
function createDir(
selector: string, {providers = null, viewProviders = null, deps = /*@ts2dart_const*/[],
queries = /*@ts2dart_const*/[]}: {
providers?: CompileProviderMetadata[],
viewProviders?: CompileProviderMetadata[],
deps?: string[],
queries?: string[]
} = {}): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
var isComponent = !selector.startsWith('[');
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: selector, diDeps:}),
isComponent: isComponent,
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []}),
providers: providers,
viewProviders: viewProviders,
(value) => new CompileQueryMetadata({selectors: [createToken(value)]}))
beforeEach(() => { nextProviderId = 0; });
it('should provide a component', () => {
var comp = createDir('my-comp');
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp>', [comp])[0];
it('should provide a directive', () => {
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]');
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA>', [dirA])[0];
it('should use the public providers of a directive', () => {
var provider = createProvider('service');
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA>', [dirA])[0];
it('should use the private providers of a component', () => {
var provider = createProvider('service');
var comp = createDir('my-comp', {viewProviders: [provider]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp>', [comp])[0];
it('should support multi providers', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0', {multi: true});
var provider1 = createProvider('service1', {multi: true});
var provider2 = createProvider('service0', {multi: true});
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0, provider1]});
var dirB = createDir('[dirB]', {providers: [provider2]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA dirB>', [dirA, dirB])[0];
expect(elAst.providers[2].providers).toEqual([provider0, provider2]);
it('should overwrite non multi providers', () => {
var provider1 = createProvider('service0');
var provider2 = createProvider('service1');
var provider3 = createProvider('service0');
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider1, provider2]});
var dirB = createDir('[dirB]', {providers: [provider3]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA dirB>', [dirA, dirB])[0];
it('should overwrite component providers by directive providers', () => {
var compProvider = createProvider('service0');
var dirProvider = createProvider('service0');
var comp = createDir('my-comp', {providers: [compProvider]});
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [dirProvider]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp dirA>', [dirA, comp])[0];
it('should overwrite view providers by directive providers', () => {
var viewProvider = createProvider('service0');
var dirProvider = createProvider('service0');
var comp = createDir('my-comp', {viewProviders: [viewProvider]});
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [dirProvider]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp dirA>', [dirA, comp])[0];
it('should overwrite directives by providers', () => {
var dirProvider = createProvider('type:my-comp');
var comp = createDir('my-comp', {providers: [dirProvider]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp>', [comp])[0];
it('should throw if mixing multi and non multi providers', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0');
var provider1 = createProvider('service0', {multi: true});
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0]});
var dirB = createDir('[dirB]', {providers: [provider1]});
expect(() => parse('<div dirA dirB>', [dirA, dirB]))
`Template parse errors:\n` +
`Mixing multi and non multi provider is not possible for token service0 ("[ERROR ->]<div dirA dirB>"): TestComp@0:0`);
it('should sort providers by their DI order', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0', {deps: ['type:[dir2]']});
var provider1 = createProvider('service1');
var dir2 = createDir('[dir2]', {deps: ['service1']});
var comp = createDir('my-comp', {providers: [provider0, provider1]});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<my-comp dir2>', [comp, dir2])[0];
it('should sort directives by their DI order', () => {
var dir0 = createDir('[dir0]', {deps: ['type:my-comp']});
var dir1 = createDir('[dir1]', {deps: ['type:[dir0]']});
var dir2 = createDir('[dir2]', {deps: ['type:[dir1]']});
var comp = createDir('my-comp');
var elAst: ElementAst =
<ElementAst>parse('<my-comp dir2 dir0 dir1>', [comp, dir2, dir0, dir1])[0];
it('should mark directives and dependencies of directives as eager', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0');
var provider1 = createProvider('service1');
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0, provider1], deps: ['service0']});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA>', [dirA])[0];
it('should mark dependencies on parent elements as eager', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0');
var provider1 = createProvider('service1');
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0, provider1]});
var dirB = createDir('[dirB]', {deps: ['service0']});
var elAst: ElementAst =
<ElementAst>parse('<div dirA><div dirB></div></div>', [dirA, dirB])[0];
it('should mark queried providers as eager', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0');
var provider1 = createProvider('service1');
var dirA =
createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0, provider1], queries: ['service0']});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA></div>', [dirA])[0];
it('should not mark dependencies accross embedded views as eager', () => {
var provider0 = createProvider('service0');
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {providers: [provider0]});
var dirB = createDir('[dirB]', {deps: ['service0']});
var elAst: ElementAst =
<ElementAst>parse('<div dirA><div *ngIf dirB></div></div>', [dirA, dirB])[0];
it('should report missing @Self() deps as errors', () => {
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {deps: ['self:provider0']});
expect(() => parse('<div dirA></div>', [dirA]))
'Template parse errors:\nNo provider for provider0 ("[ERROR ->]<div dirA></div>"): TestComp@0:0');
it('should change missing @Self() that are optional to nulls', () => {
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {deps: ['optional:self:provider0']});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA></div>', [dirA])[0];
it('should report missing @Host() deps as errors', () => {
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {deps: ['host:provider0']});
expect(() => parse('<div dirA></div>', [dirA]))
'Template parse errors:\nNo provider for provider0 ("[ERROR ->]<div dirA></div>"): TestComp@0:0');
it('should change missing @Host() that are optional to nulls', () => {
var dirA = createDir('[dirA]', {deps: ['optional:host:provider0']});
var elAst: ElementAst = <ElementAst>parse('<div dirA></div>', [dirA])[0];
describe('references', () => {
it('should parse references via #... and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div #a>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]]);
it('should parse references via ref-... and not report them as attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-a>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]]);
it('should parse references via var-... and report them as deprecated', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div var-a>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]]);
'Template parse warnings:',
'"var-" on non <template> elements is deprecated. Use "ref-" instead! ("<div [ERROR ->]var-a>"): TestComp@0:5'
it('should parse camel case references', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-someA>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'someA', null]]);
it('should assign references with empty value to the element', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div #a></div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]]);
it('should assign references to directives via exportAs', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
exportAs: 'dirA'
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a #a="dirA"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''],
[ReferenceAst, 'a', identifierToken(dirA.type)],
[DirectiveAst, dirA],
it('should report references with values that dont match a directive as errors', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a="dirA"></div>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "dirA" ("<div [ERROR ->]#a="dirA"></div>"): TestComp@0:5`);
it('should report invalid reference names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a-b></div>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
"-" is not allowed in reference names ("<div [ERROR ->]#a-b></div>"): TestComp@0:5`);
it('should report variables as errors', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div let-a></div>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
"let-" is only supported on template elements. ("<div [ERROR ->]let-a></div>"): TestComp@0:5`);
it('should report duplicate reference names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a></div><div #a></div>', []))
.toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>"): TestComp@0:19`);
it('should not throw error when there is same reference name in different templates',
() => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a><template #a><span>OK</span></template></div>', []))
it('should assign references with empty value to components', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
exportAs: 'dirA',
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a #a></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''],
[ReferenceAst, 'a', identifierToken(dirA.type)],
[DirectiveAst, dirA],
it('should not locate directives in references', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-a>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]
describe('explicit templates', () => {
it('should create embedded templates for <template> elements', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template></template>', [
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<TEMPLATE></TEMPLATE>', [
it('should create embedded templates for <template> elements regardless the namespace',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<svg><template></template></svg>', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, ':svg:svg'],
it('should support references via #...', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template #a>', []))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [ReferenceAst, 'a', identifierToken(Identifiers.TemplateRef)]
it('should support references via ref-...', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template ref-a>', []))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [ReferenceAst, 'a', identifierToken(Identifiers.TemplateRef)]
it('should parse variables via let-...', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template let-a="b">', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b']]);
it('should parse variables via var-... and report them as deprecated', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template var-a="b">', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b']]);
'Template parse warnings:',
'"var-" on <template> elements is deprecated. Use "let-" instead! ("<template [ERROR ->]var-a="b">"): TestComp@0:10'
it('should not locate directives in variables', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template let-a="b"></template>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b']
describe('inline templates', () => {
it('should wrap the element into an EmbeddedTemplateAST', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template>', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [ElementAst, 'div']]);
it('should wrap the element with data-template attribute into an EmbeddedTemplateAST ',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div data-template>', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [ElementAst, 'div']]);
it('should parse bound properties', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template="ngIf test">', [ngIf]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [DirectiveAst, ngIf],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'ngIf', 'test'], [ElementAst, 'div']
it('should parse variables via #... and report them as deprecated', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div *ngIf="#a=b">', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div']]);
'Template parse warnings:',
'"#" inside of expressions is deprecated. Use "let" instead! ("<div [ERROR ->]*ngIf="#a=b">"): TestComp@0:5'
it('should parse variables via var ... and report them as deprecated', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div *ngIf="var a=b">', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div']]);
'Template parse warnings:',
'"var" inside of expressions is deprecated. Use "let" instead! ("<div [ERROR ->]*ngIf="var a=b">"): TestComp@0:5'
it('should parse variables via let ...', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div *ngIf="let a=b">', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div']]);
describe('directives', () => {
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template="a b" b>', [dirA, dirB]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [DirectiveAst, dirA], [BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'a', 'b'],
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'b', ''], [DirectiveAst, dirB]
it('should not locate directives in variables', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template="let a=b">', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div']
it('should not locate directives in references', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-a>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]
it('should work with *... and use the attribute name as property binding name', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div *ngIf="test">', [ngIf]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [DirectiveAst, ngIf],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'ngIf', 'test'], [ElementAst, 'div']
it('should work with *... and empty value', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div *ngIf>', [ngIf]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [DirectiveAst, ngIf],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'ngIf', 'null'], [ElementAst, 'div']
describe('content projection', () => {
var compCounter: any /** TODO #9100 */;
beforeEach(() => { compCounter = 0; });
function createComp(
selector: string, ngContentSelectors: string[]): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
isComponent: true,
new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: `SomeComp${compCounter++}`}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: ngContentSelectors})
function createDir(selector: string): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: `SomeDir${compCounter++}`})
describe('project text nodes', () => {
it('should project text nodes with wildcard selector', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div>hello</div>', [createComp('div', ['*'])])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['#text(hello)', 0]]);
describe('project elements', () => {
it('should project elements with wildcard selector', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><span></span></div>', [
createComp('div', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['span', 0]]);
it('should project elements with css selector', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><a x></a><b></b></div>', [
createComp('div', ['a[x]'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['a', 0], ['b', null]]);
describe('embedded templates', () => {
it('should project embedded templates with wildcard selector', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><template></template></div>', [
createComp('div', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['template', 0]]);
it('should project embedded templates with css selector', () => {
'<div><template x></template><template></template></div>',
[createComp('div', ['template[x]'])])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['template', 0], ['template', null]]);
describe('ng-content', () => {
it('should project ng-content with wildcard selector', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><ng-content></ng-content></div>', [
createComp('div', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['ng-content', 0]]);
it('should project ng-content with css selector', () => {
'<div><ng-content x></ng-content><ng-content></ng-content></div>',
[createComp('div', ['ng-content[x]'])])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['ng-content', 0], ['ng-content', null]]);
it('should project into the first matching ng-content', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div>hello<b></b><a></a></div>', [
createComp('div', ['a', 'b', '*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['#text(hello)', 2], ['b', 1], ['a', 0]]);
it('should project into wildcard ng-content last', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div>hello<a></a></div>', [
createComp('div', ['*', 'a'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['#text(hello)', 0], ['a', 1]]);
it('should only project direct child nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><span><a></a></span><a></a></div>', [
createComp('div', ['a'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['span', null], ['a', null], ['a', 0]]);
it('should project nodes of nested components', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<a><b>hello</b></a>', [
createComp('a', ['*']), createComp('b', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['a', null], ['b', 0], ['#text(hello)', 0]]);
it('should project children of components with ngNonBindable', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div ngNonBindable>{{hello}}<span></span></div>', [
createComp('div', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['#text({{hello}})', 0], ['span', 0]]);
it('should match the element when there is an inline template', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><b *ngIf="cond"></b></div>', [
createComp('div', ['a', 'b']), ngIf
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['template', 1], ['b', null]]);
describe('ngProjectAs', () => {
it('should override elements', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div><a ngProjectAs="b"></a></div>', [
createComp('div', ['a', 'b'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['a', 1]]);
it('should override <ng-content>', () => {
'<div><ng-content ngProjectAs="b"></ng-content></div>',
[createComp('div', ['ng-content', 'b'])])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['ng-content', 1]]);
it('should override <template>', () => {
'<div><template ngProjectAs="b"></template></div>',
[createComp('div', ['template', 'b'])])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['template', 1]]);
it('should override inline templates', () => {
'<div><a *ngIf="cond" ngProjectAs="b"></a></div>',
[createComp('div', ['a', 'b']), ngIf])))
.toEqual([['div', null], ['template', 1], ['a', null]]);
it('should support other directives before the component', () => {
expect(humanizeContentProjection(parse('<div>hello</div>', [
createDir('div'), createComp('div', ['*'])
]))).toEqual([['div', null], ['#text(hello)', 0]]);
describe('splitClasses', () => {
it('should keep an empty class', () => { expect(splitClasses('a')).toEqual(['a']); });
it('should split 2 classes', () => { expect(splitClasses('a b')).toEqual(['a', 'b']); });
it('should trim classes', () => { expect(splitClasses(' a b ')).toEqual(['a', 'b']); });
describe('error cases', () => {
it('should report when ng-content has content', () => {
expect(() => parse('<ng-content>content</ng-content>', []))
.toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
<ng-content> element cannot have content. <ng-content> must be immediately followed by </ng-content> ("[ERROR ->]<ng-content>content</ng-content>"): TestComp@0:0`);
it('should treat *attr on a template element as valid',
() => { expect(() => parse('<template *ngIf>', [])).not.toThrowError(); });
it('should treat template attribute on a template element as valid',
() => { expect(() => parse('<template template="ngIf">', [])).not.toThrowError(); });
it('should report when mutliple *attrs are used on the same element', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div *ngIf *ngFor>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute named 'template' or prefixed with * ("<div *ngIf [ERROR ->]*ngFor>"): TestComp@0:11`);
it('should report when mix of template and *attrs are used on the same element', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div template="ngIf" *ngFor>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute named 'template' or prefixed with * ("<div template="ngIf" [ERROR ->]*ngFor>"): TestComp@0:21`);
it('should report invalid property names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div [invalidProp]></div>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'invalidProp' since it isn't a known native property ("<div [ERROR ->][invalidProp]></div>"): TestComp@0:5`);
it('should report errors in expressions', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div [prop]="a b"></div>', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Parser Error: Unexpected token 'b' at column 3 in [a b] in TestComp@0:5 ("<div [ERROR ->][prop]="a b"></div>"): TestComp@0:5`);
it('should not throw on invalid property names if the property is used by a directive',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['invalidProp']
expect(() => parse('<div [invalid-prop]></div>', [dirA])).not.toThrow();
it('should not allow more than 1 component per element', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<div>', [dirB, dirA])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
More than one component: DirB,DirA ("[ERROR ->]<div>"): TestComp@0:0`);
it('should not allow components or element bindings nor dom events on explicit embedded templates',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<template [a]="b" (e)="f"></template>', [dirA]))
.toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Event binding e not emitted by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the event name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("<template [a]="b" [ERROR ->](e)="f"></template>"): TestComp@0:18
Components on an embedded template: DirA ("[ERROR ->]<template [a]="b" (e)="f"></template>"): TestComp@0:0
Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("[ERROR ->]<template [a]="b" (e)="f"></template>"): TestComp@0:0`);
it('should not allow components or element bindings on inline embedded templates', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<div *a="b"></div>', [dirA])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Components on an embedded template: DirA ("[ERROR ->]<div *a="b"></div>"): TestComp@0:0
Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("[ERROR ->]<div *a="b"></div>"): TestComp@0:0`);
describe('ignore elements', () => {
it('should ignore <script> elements', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<script></script>a', []))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore <style> elements', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<style></style>a', []))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
describe('<link rel="stylesheet">', () => {
it('should keep <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have an absolute non package: url',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://someurl">a', [])))
[ElementAst, 'link'], [AttrAst, 'rel', 'stylesheet'],
[AttrAst, 'href', 'http://someurl'], [TextAst, 'a']
it('should keep <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have no uri', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link rel="stylesheet">a', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'link'], [AttrAst, 'rel', 'stylesheet'], [TextAst, 'a']]);
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link REL="stylesheet">a', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'link'], [AttrAst, 'REL', 'stylesheet'], [TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have a relative uri', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link rel="stylesheet" href="./other.css">a', [
]))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link rel="stylesheet" HREF="./other.css">a', [
]))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have a package: uri', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<link rel="stylesheet" href="package:somePackage">a', [
]))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore bindings on children of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable>{{b}}</div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [TextAst, '{{b}}']]);
it('should keep nested children of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable><span>{{b}}</span></div>', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [ElementAst, 'span'],
[TextAst, '{{b}}']
it('should ignore <script> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable><script></script>a</div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore <style> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable><style></style>a</div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should ignore <link rel="stylesheet"> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable><link rel="stylesheet">a</div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [TextAst, 'a']]);
it('should convert <ng-content> elements into regular elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable',
() => {
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ngNonBindable><ng-content></ng-content>a</div>', [])))
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'ngNonBindable', ''], [ElementAst, 'ng-content'],
[TextAst, 'a']
describe('source spans', () => {
it('should support ng-content', () => {
var parsed = parse('<ng-content select="a">', []);
[NgContentAst, '<ng-content select="a">']
it('should support embedded template', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<template></template>', [
]))).toEqual([[EmbeddedTemplateAst, '<template>']]);
it('should support element and attributes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div key=value>', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div key=value>'], [AttrAst, 'key', 'value', 'key=value']
it('should support references', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div #a></div>', [
]))).toEqual([[ElementAst, 'div', '<div #a>'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null, '#a']]);
it('should support variables', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<template let-a="b"></template>', []))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst, '<template let-a="b">'], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b', 'let-a="b"']
it('should support events', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div (window:event)="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div (window:event)="v">'],
[BoundEventAst, 'event', 'window', 'v', '(window:event)="v"']
it('should support element property', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div [someProp]="v">', []))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div [someProp]="v">'],
BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'someProp', 'v', null,
it('should support bound text', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('{{a}}', [
]))).toEqual([[BoundTextAst, '{{ a }}', '{{a}}']]);
it('should support text nodes', () => {
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('a', []))).toEqual([[TextAst, 'a', 'a']]);
it('should support directive', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
var comp = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'ZComp'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div a>', [dirA, comp]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div a>'], [AttrAst, 'a', '', 'a'], [DirectiveAst, dirA, '<div a>'],
[DirectiveAst, comp, '<div a>']
it('should support directive in namespace', () => {
var tagSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'circle',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'elDir'})
var attrSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[href]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'attrDir'})
parse('<svg><circle /><use xlink:href="Port" /></svg>', [tagSel, attrSel])))
[ElementAst, ':svg:svg', '<svg>'],
[ElementAst, ':svg:circle', '<circle />'],
[DirectiveAst, tagSel, '<circle />'],
[ElementAst, ':svg:use', '<use xlink:href="Port" />'],
[AttrAst, ':xlink:href', 'Port', 'xlink:href="Port"'],
[DirectiveAst, attrSel, '<use xlink:href="Port" />'],
it('should support directive property', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'}),
inputs: ['aProp']
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div [aProp]="foo"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div [aProp]="foo">'], [DirectiveAst, dirA, '<div [aProp]="foo">'],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'aProp', 'foo', '[aProp]="foo"']
describe('pipes', () => {
it('should allow pipes that have been defined as dependencies', () => {
var testPipe = new CompilePipeMetadata({
name: 'test',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA'})
expect(() => parse('{{a | test}}', [], [testPipe])).not.toThrow();
it('should report pipes as error that have not been defined as dependencies', () => {
expect(() => parse('{{a | test}}', [])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
The pipe 'test' could not be found ("[ERROR ->]{{a | test}}"): TestComp@0:0`);
describe('ICU messages', () => {
it('should expand plural messages', () => {
const shortForm = '{ count, plural, =0 {small} many {big} }';
const expandedForm = '<ng-container [ngPlural]="count">' +
'<template ngPluralCase="=0">small</template>' +
'<template ngPluralCase="many">big</template>' +
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse(shortForm, []))).toEqual(humanizeTplAst(parse(expandedForm, [
it('should expand other messages', () => {
const shortForm = '{ sex, gender, =f {foo} other {bar} }';
const expandedForm = '<ng-container [ngSwitch]="sex">' +
'<template ngSwitchCase="=f">foo</template>' +
'<template ngSwitchCase="other">bar</template>' +
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse(shortForm, []))).toEqual(humanizeTplAst(parse(expandedForm, [
it('should be possible to escape ICU messages', () => {
const escapedForm = 'escaped {{ "{" }} }';
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse(escapedForm, []))).toEqual([
[BoundTextAst, 'escaped {{ "{" }} }'],
function humanizeTplAst(
templateAsts: TemplateAst[], interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): any[] {
const humanizer = new TemplateHumanizer(false, interpolationConfig);
templateVisitAll(humanizer, templateAsts);
return humanizer.result;
function humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(
templateAsts: TemplateAst[], interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): any[] {
const humanizer = new TemplateHumanizer(true, interpolationConfig);
templateVisitAll(humanizer, templateAsts);
return humanizer.result;
class TemplateHumanizer implements TemplateAstVisitor {
result: any[] = [];
private includeSourceSpan: boolean,
private interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG){};
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst, context: any): any {
var res = [NgContentAst];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any {
var res = [EmbeddedTemplateAst];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
templateVisitAll(this, ast.attrs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.outputs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.references);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.variables);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.directives);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
var res = [ElementAst,];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
templateVisitAll(this, ast.attrs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.inputs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.outputs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.references);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.directives);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitReference(ast: ReferenceAst, context: any): any {
var res = [ReferenceAst,, ast.value];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst, context: any): any {
var res = [VariableAst,, ast.value];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst, context: any): any {
var res = [BoundEventAst,,, unparse(ast.handler, this.interpolationConfig)];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitElementProperty(ast: BoundElementPropertyAst, context: any): any {
var res = [
BoundElementPropertyAst, ast.type,, unparse(ast.value, this.interpolationConfig),
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst, context: any): any {
var res = [AttrAst,, ast.value];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst, context: any): any {
var res = [BoundTextAst, unparse(ast.value, this.interpolationConfig)];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitText(ast: TextAst, context: any): any {
var res = [TextAst, ast.value];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any {
var res = [DirectiveAst, ast.directive];
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
templateVisitAll(this, ast.inputs);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.hostProperties);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.hostEvents);
return null;
visitDirectiveProperty(ast: BoundDirectivePropertyAst, context: any): any {
var res = [
BoundDirectivePropertyAst, ast.directiveName, unparse(ast.value, this.interpolationConfig)
this.result.push(this._appendContext(ast, res));
return null;
private _appendContext(ast: TemplateAst, input: any[]): any[] {
if (!this.includeSourceSpan) return input;
return input;
function sourceInfo(ast: TemplateAst): string {
return `${ast.sourceSpan}: ${ast.sourceSpan.start}`;
function humanizeContentProjection(templateAsts: TemplateAst[]): any[] {
var humanizer = new TemplateContentProjectionHumanizer();
templateVisitAll(humanizer, templateAsts);
return humanizer.result;
class TemplateContentProjectionHumanizer implements TemplateAstVisitor {
result: any[] = [];
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst, context: any): any {
this.result.push(['ng-content', ast.ngContentIndex]);
return null;
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any {
this.result.push(['template', ast.ngContentIndex]);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
this.result.push([, ast.ngContentIndex]);
templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
return null;
visitReference(ast: ReferenceAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitElementProperty(ast: BoundElementPropertyAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst, context: any): any {
this.result.push([`#text(${unparse(ast.value)})`, ast.ngContentIndex]);
return null;
visitText(ast: TextAst, context: any): any {
this.result.push([`#text(${ast.value})`, ast.ngContentIndex]);
return null;
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitDirectiveProperty(ast: BoundDirectivePropertyAst, context: any): any { return null; }
class FooAstTransformer implements TemplateAstVisitor {
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
if ( != 'div') return ast;
return new ElementAst(
'foo', [], [], [], [], [], [], false, [], ast.ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan);
visitReference(ast: ReferenceAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitElementProperty(ast: BoundElementPropertyAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitText(ast: TextAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any { throw 'not implemented'; }
visitDirectiveProperty(ast: BoundDirectivePropertyAst, context: any): any {
throw 'not implemented';
class BarAstTransformer extends FooAstTransformer {
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
if ( != 'foo') return ast;
return new ElementAst(
'bar', [], [], [], [], [], [], false, [], ast.ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan);
class ArrayConsole implements Console {
logs: string[] = [];
warnings: string[] = [];
log(msg: string) { this.logs.push(msg); }
warn(msg: string) { this.warnings.push(msg); }