This improves upon changes made in 28a805733f6bd8b3a3394ea29c828c17b391c855 as part of #277
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129 lines
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var Package = require('dgeni').Package;
var jsdocPackage = require('dgeni-packages/jsdoc');
var nunjucksPackage = require('dgeni-packages/nunjucks');
var typescriptPackage = require('../typescript-package');
var linksPackage = require('../links-package');
var gitPackage = require('dgeni-packages/git');
var path = require('canonical-path');
var fs = require('fs');
// Define the dgeni package for generating the docs
module.exports = new Package('angular-v2-docs', [jsdocPackage, nunjucksPackage, typescriptPackage, linksPackage, gitPackage])
// Register the services and file readers
// Register the processors
// Configure the log service
.config(function(log) {
log.level = 'info';
.config(function(parseTagsProcessor) {
parseTagsProcessor.tagDefinitions.push({ name: 'internal', transforms: function() { return true; } });
.config(function(renderDocsProcessor, versionInfo) {
renderDocsProcessor.extraData.versionInfo = versionInfo;
// Configure file reading
.config(function(readFilesProcessor, ngdocFileReader, readTypeScriptModules) {
readFilesProcessor.fileReaders = [ngdocFileReader];
// set the readFilesProcessor base path to point to angular repo.
var angular_repo_path = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../../angular');
// confirm that the angular repo is actually there.
if (!fs.existsSync(angular_repo_path)) {
throw new Error('build-api-docs task requires the angular2 repo to be at ' + angular_repo_path);
readFilesProcessor.basePath = angular_repo_path;
readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = [
{ include: 'modules/*/docs/**/*.md', basePath: 'modules' },
{ include: 'docs/content/**/*.md', basePath: 'docs/content' }
readTypeScriptModules.sourceFiles = [
readTypeScriptModules.basePath = path.resolve(readFilesProcessor.basePath, 'modules');
.config(function(parseTagsProcessor, getInjectables) {
// We actually don't want to parse param docs in this package as we are getting the data out using TS
parseTagsProcessor.tagDefinitions.forEach(function(tagDef) {
if ( === 'param') {
tagDef.docProperty = 'paramData';
tagDef.transforms = [];
// Configure links
.config(function(getLinkInfo) {
getLinkInfo.useFirstAmbiguousLink = true;
// Configure file writing
.config(function(writeFilesProcessor) {
writeFilesProcessor.outputFolder = 'dist/docs';
// Configure rendering
.config(function(templateFinder, templateEngine) {
// Nunjucks and Angular conflict in their template bindings so change Nunjucks
templateEngine.config.tags = {
variableStart: '{$',
variableEnd: '$}'
.unshift(path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates'));
templateFinder.templatePatterns = [
'${ doc.template }',
'${ }.${ doc.docType }.template.html',
'${ }.template.html',
'${ doc.docType }.template.html',
// Configure ids and paths
.config(function(computeIdsProcessor, computePathsProcessor) {
docTypes: ['guide'],
getId: function(doc) {
return doc.fileInfo.relativePath
// path should be relative to `modules` folder
.replace(/.*\/?modules\//, '')
// path should not include `/docs/`
.replace(/\/docs\//, '/')
// path should not have a suffix
.replace(/\.\w*$/, '');
getAliases: function(doc) { return []; }
docTypes: ['guide'],
pathTemplate: '/${id}',
outputPathTemplate: 'partials/guides/${id}.html'