2016-05-02 08:15:10 -07:00

84 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex -o pipefail
echo 'travis_fold:start:INSTALL'
# Setup environment
cd `dirname $0`
source ./env.sh
cd ../..
mkdir -p ${LOGS_DIR}
# TODO: install nvm?? it's already on travis so we don't need it
#curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash
# Install node
#nvm install ${NODE_VERSION}
# Install version of npm that we are locked against
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.npm'
npm install -g npm@${NPM_VERSION}
echo 'travis_fold:end:install-npm'
# Install all npm dependencies according to shrinkwrap.json
# note: package.json contain preinstall and postintall hooks that can short-circuit
# the installation if node_modules is up to date
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.node_modules'
if [[ ${TRAVIS} ]]; then
node tools/npm/check-node-modules --purge
npm install
echo 'travis_fold:end:install.node_modules'
# Install Chromium
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.chromium'
if [[ ${CI_MODE} == "js" || ${CI_MODE} == "e2e" ]]; then
echo 'travis_fold:end:install-chromium'
# Install Sauce Connect
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.sauceConnect'
if [[ ${TRAVIS} && ${CI_MODE} == "saucelabs_required" ]]; then
echo 'travis_fold:end:install.sauceConnect'
# Install BrowserStack Tunnel
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.browserstack'
if [[ ${TRAVIS} && ${CI_MODE} == "browserstack_required" ]]; then
echo 'travis_fold:end:install.browserstack'
# Install external typings via tsd
echo 'travis_fold:start:install.typings'
if [[ ${TRAVIS} ]]; then
echo ${TSDRC} > ~/.tsdrc
$(npm bin)/tsd reinstall --overwrite --clean --config modules/@angular/tsd.json
$(npm bin)/tsd reinstall --overwrite --clean --config tools/tsd.json
$(npm bin)/tsd reinstall --overwrite --config modules/angular1_router/tsd.json
echo 'travis_fold:end:install.typings'
# node tools/chromedriverpatch.js
$(npm bin)/webdriver-manager update
# TODO: install bower packages
# bower install
# TODO: install dart packages
echo 'travis_fold:end:INSTALL'