Currently HttpClient sends requests for JSON data with the XMLHttpRequest.responseType set to 'json'. With this flag, the browser will attempt to parse the response as JSON, but will return 'null' on any errors. If the JSON response contains an XSSI-prevention prefix, this will cause the browser's parsing to fail, which is unrecoverable. The only compelling reason to use the responseType 'json' is for performance (especially if the browser offloads JSON parsing to a separate thread). I'm not aware of any browser which does this currently, nor of any plans to do so. JSON.parse and responseType 'json' both end up using the same V8 code path in Chrome to implement the parse. Thus, this change switches all JSON parsing in HttpClient to use JSON.parse directly. Fixes #18396, #18453. PR Close #18466
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import {HttpHeaders} from '../src/headers';
import {XhrFactory} from '../src/xhr';
export class MockXhrFactory implements XhrFactory {
mock: MockXMLHttpRequest;
build(): XMLHttpRequest { return (this.mock = new MockXMLHttpRequest()) as any; }
export class MockXMLHttpRequestUpload {
constructor(private mock: MockXMLHttpRequest) {}
addEventListener(event: 'progress', handler: Function) {
this.mock.addEventListener('uploadProgress', handler);
removeEventListener(event: 'progress', handler: Function) {
export class MockXMLHttpRequest {
// Set by method calls.
body: any;
method: string;
url: string;
mockHeaders: {[key: string]: string} = {};
mockAborted: boolean = false;
// Directly settable interface.
withCredentials: boolean = false;
responseType: string = 'text';
// Mocked response interface.
response: any|undefined = undefined;
responseText: string|undefined = undefined;
responseURL: string|null = null;
status: number = 0;
statusText: string = '';
mockResponseHeaders: string = '';
listeners: {
error?: (event: ErrorEvent) => void,
load?: () => void,
progress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void,
uploadProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void,
} = {};
upload = new MockXMLHttpRequestUpload(this);
open(method: string, url: string): void {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
send(body: any): void { this.body = body; }
addEventListener(event: 'error'|'load'|'progress'|'uploadProgress', handler: Function): void {
this.listeners[event] = handler as any;
removeEventListener(event: 'error'|'load'|'progress'|'uploadProgress'): void {
delete this.listeners[event];
setRequestHeader(name: string, value: string): void { this.mockHeaders[name] = value; }
getAllResponseHeaders(): string { return this.mockResponseHeaders; }
getResponseHeader(header: string): string|null {
return new HttpHeaders(this.mockResponseHeaders).get(header);
mockFlush(status: number, statusText: string, body?: string) {
if (typeof body === 'string') {
this.responseText = body;
} else {
this.response = body;
this.status = status;
this.statusText = statusText;
mockDownloadProgressEvent(loaded: number, total?: number): void {
if (this.listeners.progress) {
this.listeners.progress({ lengthComputable: total !== undefined, loaded, total } as any);
mockUploadProgressEvent(loaded: number, total?: number) {
if (this.listeners.uploadProgress) {
{ lengthComputable: total !== undefined, loaded, total, } as any);
mockLoadEvent(): void {
if (this.listeners.load) {
mockErrorEvent(error: any): void {
if (this.listeners.error) {
abort() { this.mockAborted = true; }
} |