Chuck Jazdzewski ce47d33cd9 fix(compiler): ignore calls to unresolved symbols in metadata ()
This only shows up in the language service. Calls to symbols
that are not resolve resulted in null instead of being resolved
causing the language service to see exceptions when the null
was not expected such as in the animations array.

2017-04-14 09:02:32 -07:00

1372 lines
49 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StaticReflector, StaticSymbol, StaticSymbolCache, StaticSymbolResolver, StaticSymbolResolverHost} from '@angular/compiler';
import {HostListener, Inject, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/core';
import {CollectorOptions} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import {MockStaticSymbolResolverHost, MockSummaryResolver} from './static_symbol_resolver_spec';
describe('StaticReflector', () => {
let noContext: StaticSymbol;
let host: StaticSymbolResolverHost;
let symbolResolver: StaticSymbolResolver;
let reflector: StaticReflector;
function init(
testData: {[key: string]: any} = DEFAULT_TEST_DATA,
decorators: {name: string, filePath: string, ctor: any}[] = [],
errorRecorder?: (error: any, fileName: string) => void, collectorOptions?: CollectorOptions) {
const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
host = new MockStaticSymbolResolverHost(testData, collectorOptions);
const summaryResolver = new MockSummaryResolver([]);
spyOn(summaryResolver, 'isLibraryFile').and.returnValue(false);
symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, summaryResolver, errorRecorder);
reflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver, decorators, [], errorRecorder);
noContext = reflector.getStaticSymbol('', '');
beforeEach(() => init());
function simplify(context: StaticSymbol, value: any) {
return reflector.simplify(context, value);
it('should get annotations for NgFor', () => {
const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(NgFor);
const annotation = annotations[0];
expect(annotation.inputs).toEqual(['ngForTrackBy', 'ngForOf', 'ngForTemplate']);
it('should get constructor for NgFor', () => {
const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const ViewContainerRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'ViewContainerRef');
const TemplateRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'TemplateRef');
const IterableDiffers = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'IterableDiffers');
const ChangeDetectorRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'ChangeDetectorRef');
const parameters = reflector.parameters(NgFor);
[ViewContainerRef], [TemplateRef], [IterableDiffers], [ChangeDetectorRef]
it('should get annotations for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
const HeroDetailComponent =
reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(HeroDetailComponent);
const annotation = annotations[0];
expect(annotation.animations).toEqual([trigger('myAnimation', [
state('state1', style({'background': 'white'})),
'* => *',
'1s 0.5s',
keyframes([style({'background': 'blue'}), style({'background': 'red'})]))])]))
it('should get and empty annotation list for an unknown class', () => {
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(UnknownClass);
it('should get and empty annotation list for a symbol with null value', () => {
'/tmp/test.ts': `
export var x = null;
const annotations = reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/test.ts', 'x'));
it('should get propMetadata for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
const HeroDetailComponent =
reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
const props = reflector.propMetadata(HeroDetailComponent);
expect(props['onMouseOver']).toEqual([new HostListener('mouseover', ['$event'])]);
it('should get an empty object from propMetadata for an unknown class', () => {
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const properties = reflector.propMetadata(UnknownClass);
it('should get empty parameters list for an unknown class ', () => {
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const parameters = reflector.parameters(UnknownClass);
it('should provide context for errors reported by the collector', () => {
const SomeClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/error-reporting', 'SomeClass');
expect(() => reflector.annotations(SomeClass))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. A reasonable error message (position 13:34 in the original .ts file), resolving symbol ErrorSym in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link2 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link1 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts'));
it('should simplify primitive into itself', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, 1)).toBe(1);
expect(simplify(noContext, true)).toBe(true);
expect(simplify(noContext, 'some value')).toBe('some value');
it('should simplify a static symbol into itself', () => {
const staticSymbol = reflector.getStaticSymbol('', '');
expect(simplify(noContext, staticSymbol)).toBe(staticSymbol);
it('should simplify an array into a copy of the array', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);
it('should simplify an object to a copy of the object', () => {
const expr = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toEqual(expr);
it('should simplify &&', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: true})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: false})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: true})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: false})))
it('should simplify ||', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: true})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: false})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: true})))
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: false})))
it('should simplify &', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F})))
.toBe(0x22 & 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 & 0xF0);
it('should simplify |', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F})))
.toBe(0x22 | 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 | 0xF0);
it('should simplify ^', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F})))
.toBe(0x22 | 0x0F);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 | 0xF0);
it('should simplify ==', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22})))
.toBe(0x22 == 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 as any == 0xF0);
it('should simplify !=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0x22})))
.toBe(0x22 != 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 as any != 0xF0);
it('should simplify ===', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0x22})))
.toBe(0x22 === 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 as any === 0xF0);
it('should simplify !==', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22})))
.toBe(0x22 !== 0x22);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0})))
.toBe(0x22 as any !== 0xF0);
it('should simplify >', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 1})))
.toBe(1 > 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 0})))
.toBe(1 > 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 0, right: 1})))
.toBe(0 > 1);
it('should simplify >=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 1})))
.toBe(1 >= 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 0})))
.toBe(1 >= 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 0, right: 1})))
.toBe(0 >= 1);
it('should simplify <=', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 1})))
.toBe(1 <= 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 0})))
.toBe(1 <= 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 0, right: 1})))
.toBe(0 <= 1);
it('should simplify <', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 1})))
.toBe(1 < 1);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 0})))
.toBe(1 < 0);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 0, right: 1})))
.toBe(0 < 1);
it('should simplify <<', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<<', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 << 2);
it('should simplify >>', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>>', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 >> 2);
it('should simplify +', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '+', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 + 2);
it('should simplify -', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '-', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 - 2);
it('should simplify *', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '*', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 * 2);
it('should simplify /', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '/', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 / 2);
it('should simplify %', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '%', left: 0x55, right: 2})))
.toBe(0x55 % 2);
it('should simplify prefix -', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '-', operand: 2}))).toBe(-2);
it('should simplify prefix ~', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '~', operand: 2}))).toBe(~2);
it('should simplify prefix !', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: true}))).toBe(!true);
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: false}))).toBe(!false);
it('should simplify an array index', () => {
expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'index', expression: [1, 2, 3], index: 2}))).toBe(3);
it('should simplify an object index', () => {
const expr = {__symbolic: 'select', expression: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, member: 'b'};
expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toBe(2);
it('should simplify a file reference', () => {
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 's')))
it('should simplify a non existing reference as a static symbol', () => {
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting')))
.toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'));
it('should simplify a function reference as a static symbol', () => {
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'),
({__symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: []})))
.toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'));
it('should simplify values initialized with a function call', () => {
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'one')))
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'three')))
it('should error on direct recursive calls', () => {
() => simplify(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'recursion')))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Recursion not supported, resolving symbol recursive in /tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts, resolving symbol recursion in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts, resolving symbol in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts'));
it('should throw a SyntaxError without stack trace when the required resource cannot be resolved',
() => {
() => simplify(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'AppModule'), ({
__symbolic: 'error',
'Could not resolve ./does-not-exist.component relative to /tmp/src/function-reference.ts'
'Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Could not resolve ./does-not-exist.component relative to /tmp/src/function-reference.ts, resolving symbol AppModule in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts');
it('should record data about the error in the exception', () => {
let threw = false;
try {
const metadata = host.getMetadataFor('/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts') !;
const moduleMetadata: any = metadata[0]['metadata'];
const classData: any = moduleMetadata['InvalidMetadata'];
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts', ''), classData.decorators[0]);
} catch (e) {
threw = true;
it('should error on indirect recursive calls', () => {
() => simplify(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'indirectRecursion')))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Recursion not supported, resolving symbol indirectRecursion2 in /tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts, resolving symbol indirectRecursion1 in /tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts, resolving symbol indirectRecursion in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts, resolving symbol in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts'));
it('should simplify a spread expression', () => {
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/spread.ts', ''),
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/spread.ts', 'spread')))
.toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a custom decorator', () => {
const props = reflector.propMetadata(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
expect(props).toEqual({foo: []});
it('should read ctor parameters with forwardRef', () => {
const src = '/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts';
const dep = reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Dep');
const props = reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Forward'));
expect(props).toEqual([[dep, new Inject(dep)]]);
it('should report an error for invalid function calls', () => {
() => reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts', 'MyComponent')))
.toThrow(new Error(
`Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Calling function 'someFunction', function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function, resolving symbol MyComponent in /tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts, resolving symbol MyComponent in /tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts`));
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static method call', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyComponent'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual({provider: 'a', useValue: 100});
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static field reference', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([{provider: 'a', useValue: 'Some string'}]);
it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with a conditional expression',
() => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyCondComponent'));
[{provider: 'a', useValue: '1'}], [{provider: 'a', useValue: '2'}]
it('should be able to get metadata for a class with nested method calls', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyFactoryComponent'));
provide: 'c',
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method.ts', 'AnotherModule', ['someFactory'])
it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with default parameters',
() => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyDefaultsComponent'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([['a', true, false]]);
it('should be able to get metadata with a reference to a static method', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts', 'MethodReference'));
// #13605
it('should not throw on unknown decorators', () => {
const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA);
const file = '/tmp/src/app.component.ts';
data[file] = `
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
export const enum TypeEnum {
export function MyValidationDecorator(p1: any, p2: any): any {
return null;
export function ValidationFunction(a1: any): any {
return null;
selector: 'my-app',
template: "<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>",
export class AppComponent {
name = 'Angular';
@MyValidationDecorator( TypeEnum.type, ValidationFunction({option: 'value'}))
myClassProp: number;
const appComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'AppComponent');
expect(() => reflector.propMetadata(appComponent)).not.toThrow();
it('should not throw with an invalid extends', () => {
const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA);
const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts';
data[file] = `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
function InvalidParent() {
return InvalidParent;
selector: 'tmp',
template: '',
export class BadComponent extends InvalidParent() {
const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent');
expect(reflector.hasLifecycleHook(badComponent, 'onDestroy')).toEqual(false);
it('should produce a annotation even if it contains errors', () => {
const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA);
const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts';
data[file] = `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'tmp',
template: () => {},
providers: [1, 2, (() => {}), 3, !(() => {}), 4, 5, (() => {}) + (() => {}), 6, 7]
export class BadComponent {
init(data, [], () => {}, {verboseInvalidExpression: true});
const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(badComponent);
const annotation = annotations[0];
expect(annotation.providers).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
it('should ignore unresolved calls', () => {
const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA);
const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts';
data[file] = `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {unknown} from 'unresolved';
selector: 'tmp',
template: () => {},
providers: [triggers()]
export class BadComponent {
init(data, [], () => {}, {verboseInvalidExpression: true});
const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(badComponent);
const annotation = annotations[0];
describe('inheritance', () => {
class ClassDecorator {
constructor(public value: any) {}
class ParamDecorator {
constructor(public value: any) {}
class PropDecorator {
constructor(public value: any) {}
function initWithDecorator(testData: {[key: string]: any}) {
testData['/tmp/src/decorator.ts'] = `
export function ClassDecorator(): any {}
export function ParamDecorator(): any {}
export function PropDecorator(): any {}
init(testData, [
{filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'ClassDecorator', ctor: ClassDecorator},
{filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'ParamDecorator', ctor: ParamDecorator},
{filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'PropDecorator', ctor: PropDecorator}
it('should inherit annotations', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
import {ClassDecorator} from './decorator';
export class Parent {}
export class Child extends Parent {}
export class ChildNoDecorators extends Parent {}
export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {}
// Check that metadata for Parent was not changed!
expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent')))
.toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent')]);
expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child')))
.toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent'), new ClassDecorator('child')]);
reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildNoDecorators')))
.toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent')]);
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent')))
it('should inherit parameters', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
import {ParamDecorator} from './decorator';
export class A {}
export class B {}
export class C {}
export class Parent {
constructor(@ParamDecorator('a') a: A, @ParamDecorator('b') b: B) {}
export class Child extends Parent {}
export class ChildWithCtor extends Parent {
constructor(@ParamDecorator('c') c: C) {}
export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {}
// Check that metadata for Parent was not changed!
expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent')))
[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'A'), new ParamDecorator('a')],
[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'B'), new ParamDecorator('b')]
expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))).toEqual([
[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'A'), new ParamDecorator('a')],
[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'B'), new ParamDecorator('b')]
expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildWithCtor')))
.toEqual([[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'C'), new ParamDecorator('c')]]);
reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent')))
it('should inherit property metadata', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
import {PropDecorator} from './decorator';
export class A {}
export class B {}
export class C {}
export class Parent {
a: A;
b: B;
export class Child extends Parent {
b: B;
c: C;
export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {}
// Check that metadata for Parent was not changed!
expect(reflector.propMetadata(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent')))
'a': [new PropDecorator('a')],
'b': [new PropDecorator('b1')],
expect(reflector.propMetadata(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child')))
'a': [new PropDecorator('a')],
'b': [new PropDecorator('b1'), new PropDecorator('b2')],
'c': [new PropDecorator('c')]
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent')))
it('should inherit lifecycle hooks', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
export class Parent {
hook1() {}
hook2() {}
export class Child extends Parent {
hook2() {}
hook3() {}
export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {}
function hooks(symbol: StaticSymbol, names: string[]): boolean[] {
return => reflector.hasLifecycleHook(symbol, name));
// Check that metadata for Parent was not changed!
expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent'), [
'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3'
])).toEqual([true, true, false]);
expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'), [
'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3'
])).toEqual([true, true, true]);
expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent'), [
'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3'
])).toEqual([false, false, false]);
it('should allow inheritance from expressions', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
export function metaClass() { return null; };
export class Child extends metaClass() {}
expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child')))
it('should allow inheritance from functions', () => {
'/tmp/src/main.ts': `
export let ctor: {new(): T} = function() { return null; }
export class Child extends ctor {}
expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child')))
it('should support constructor parameters with @Inject and an interface type', () => {
const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA);
const file = '/tmp/src/inject_interface.ts';
data[file] = `
import {Injectable, Inject} from '@angular/core';
import {F} from './f';
export interface InjectedInterface {
export class Token {}
export class SomeClass {
constructor (@Inject(Token) injected: InjectedInterface, t: Token, @Inject(Token) f: F) {}
expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'SomeClass'))[0].length)
const DEFAULT_TEST_DATA: {[key: string]: any} = {
'/tmp/@angular/common/src/forms-deprecated/directives.d.ts': [{
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 3,
'metadata': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'NgFor',
'module': '@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for'
'/tmp/@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for.d.ts': {
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 3,
'metadata': {
'NgFor': {
'__symbolic': 'class',
'decorators': [
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Directive',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
'selector': '[ngFor][ngForOf]',
'inputs': ['ngForTrackBy', 'ngForOf', 'ngForTemplate']
'members': {
'__ctor__': [
'__symbolic': 'constructor',
'parameters': [
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '@angular/core',
'name': 'ViewContainerRef'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '@angular/core',
'name': 'TemplateRef'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '@angular/core',
'name': 'IterableDiffers'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '@angular/core',
'name': 'ChangeDetectorRef'
{version: 3, 'metadata': {'ViewContainerRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 3, 'module': './template_ref', 'metadata': {'TemplateRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 3, 'metadata': {'IterableDiffers': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 3, 'metadata': {'ChangeDetectorRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
'/tmp/src/app/hero-detail.component.d.ts': {
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 3,
'metadata': {
'HeroDetailComponent': {
'__symbolic': 'class',
'decorators': [
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Component',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
'selector': 'my-hero-detail',
'\n <div *ngIf="hero">\n <h2>{{}} details!</h2>\n <div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>\n <div>\n <label>name: </label>\n <input [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="name"/>\n </div>\n </div>\n',
'animations': [{
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'trigger',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
[{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'state',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'style',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
{ 'background':'white' }
}, {
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments': [
'* => *',
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments':[[{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'1s 0.5s',
{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments':[[{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments':[ { 'background': 'blue'} ]
}, {
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': '@angular/core'
'arguments':[ { 'background': 'red'} ]
'members': {
'hero': [
'__symbolic': 'property',
'decorators': [
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Input',
'module': '@angular/core'
'onMouseOver': [
'__symbolic': 'method',
'decorators': [
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '@angular/core',
'name': 'HostListener'
'arguments': [
'/src/extern.d.ts': {'__symbolic': 'module', 'version': 3, metadata: {s: 's'}},
'/tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 3,
metadata: {
SomeClass: {
__symbolic: 'class',
decorators: [
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'Component',
module: '@angular/core'
arguments: [
entryComponents: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: 'src/error-references',
name: 'Link1',
'/tmp/src/error-references.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 3,
metadata: {
Link1: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: 'src/error-references',
name: 'Link2'
Link2: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: 'src/error-references',
name: 'ErrorSym'
ErrorSym: {
__symbolic: 'error',
message: 'A reasonable error message',
line: 12,
character: 33
'/tmp/src/function-declaration.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 3,
metadata: {
one: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: [
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}
add: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a','b'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'binop',
operator: '+',
left: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'},
right: {
__symbolic: 'binop',
operator: '+',
left: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'},
right: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'oneLiteral'}
oneLiteral: 1
'/tmp/src/function-reference.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 3,
metadata: {
one: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-declaration',
name: 'one'
arguments: ['some-value']
three: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-declaration',
name: 'add'
arguments: [1, 1]
recursion: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'recursive'
arguments: [1]
indirectRecursion: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion1'
arguments: [1]
'/tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'modules',
version: 3,
metadata: {
recursive: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'recursive',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
indirectRecursion1: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion2',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
indirectRecursion2: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion1',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
'/tmp/src/spread.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 3,
metadata: {
spread: [0, {__symbolic: 'spread', expression: [1, 2, 3, 4]}, 5]
'/tmp/src/custom-decorator.ts': `
export function CustomDecorator(): any {
return () => {};
'/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts': `
import {CustomDecorator} from './custom-decorator';
export class Foo {
@CustomDecorator() get foo(): string { return ''; }
'/tmp/src/invalid-calll-definitions.ts': `
export function someFunction(a: any) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
return a;
return undefined;
'/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts': `
import {someFunction} from './nvalid-calll-definitions.ts';
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NgIf} from '@angular/common';
selector: 'my-component',
entryComponents: [someFunction([NgIf])]
export class MyComponent {}
selector: 'my-component',
entryComponents: [NgIf]
export class MyOtherComponent { }
'/tmp/src/static-method.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
selector: 'stub'
export class MyModule {
static with(data: any) {
return { provider: 'a', useValue: data }
static condMethod(cond: boolean) {
return [{ provider: 'a', useValue: cond ? '1' : '2'}];
static defaultsMethod(a, b = true, c = false) {
return [a, b, c];
static withFactory() {
return { provide: 'c', useFactory: AnotherModule.someFactory };
export class AnotherModule {
static someFactory() {
return 'e';
'/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {MyModule} from './static-method';
providers: MyModule.with(100)
export class MyComponent { }
providers: [MyModule.condMethod(true), MyModule.condMethod(false)]
export class MyCondComponent { }
providers: [MyModule.defaultsMethod('a')]
export class MyDefaultsComponent { }
providers: MyModule.withFactory()
export class MyFactoryComponent { }
'/tmp/src/static-field.ts': `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class MyModule {
static VALUE = 'Some string';
'/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {MyModule} from './static-field';
providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: MyModule.VALUE } ]
export class Foo { }
'/tmp/src/static-method-def.ts': `
export class ClassWithStatics {
static staticMethod() {}
'/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {ClassWithStatics} from './static-method-def';
providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: ClassWithStatics.staticMethod}]
export class MethodReference {
'/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: (() => 1)() }]
export class InvalidMetadata {}
'/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts': `
import {forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Inject} from '@angular/core';
export class Forward {
constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => Dep)) d: Dep) {}
export class Dep {
@Input f: Forward;