Tobias Bosch df4ac0dd33 refactor(perf): use webdriver to execute benchmarks
- use performance log of chromedriver / appium to get timeline data
  for calculating metrics for benchmarks
- change all benchmarks to be made of a standalone application
  and a protractor test that collectes timeline data
- fix and simplify benchmarks
- add dart2js to build
- remove benchpress

Closes #330
2014-12-23 22:22:55 -08:00

46 lines
1.4 KiB

var util = require('./util');
var Q = require('q');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var through2 = require('through2');
var path = require('path');
var glob = require('glob');
module.exports = function(gulp, plugins, config) {
return function() {
var webFolders = [], '*/web')));
return nextFolder();
function nextFolder() {
if (!webFolders.length) {
var folder = getParentFolder(webFolders.shift());
var destFolder = path.resolve(path.join(config.dest, path.basename(folder)));
return util.processToPromise(spawn(config.command, ['build', '-o', destFolder], {
stdio: 'inherit',
cwd: folder
})).then(function() {
return replaceDartWithJsScripts(gulp, destFolder);
function getParentFolder(folder) {
var parts = folder.split(path.sep);
return parts.join(path.sep);
function replaceDartWithJsScripts(gulp, folder) {
return util.streamToPromise(gulp.src(path.join(folder, '**/*.html'))
.pipe(through2.obj(function(file, enc, done) {
var content = file.contents.toString();
content = content.replace(/\.dart/, '.dart.js');
content = content.replace(/application\/dart/, 'text/javascript');
file.contents = new Buffer(content);