Alex Eagle 265ac8a106 build: allow bazel build ... (#22168)
Note, the reason this commit removes `firebase-tools` is:

1) firebase-tools has an optional dependency on
2) yarn's `--ignore-optional` doesn't work for transitive deps, so
there's no way to yarn install without getting that functions-emulator
3) functions-emulator has a transitive dep on `grpc`
4) the version of `grpc` we get has `BUILD` files and no `WORKSPACE`
file so it always breaks `bazel build ...`

It could be solved by any of:
1) remove firebase-tools - this is what I did
2) fix yarn so you can omit optional deps of a transitive dep
3) make functions-emulator depend transitively on a more recent `grpc`
4) patch `grpc` after install by doing an `rm` command in our
postinstall or something

In its place we must install protobufjs. This is needed by the
ngc-wrapped test, which needs jasmine as well as bazel's worker mode
dependencies, and therefore cannot simply rely on
node_modules =

PR Close #22168
2018-02-14 15:01:41 -05:00

116 lines
3.7 KiB

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