When an input name is part of the directive selector, it would be good to return the directive as well when performing 'go to definition' or 'go to type definition'. As an example, this would allow 'go to type definition' for ngIf to take the user to the NgIf directive. 'Go to type definition' would otherwise return no results because the input is a generic type. This would also be the case for all primitive input types. PR Close #39243
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AbsoluteSourceSpan, ParseSourceSpan} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as e from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/ast'; // e for expression AST
import * as t from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast'; // t for template AST
import {isTemplateNode, isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue} from './utils';
* Return the path to the template AST node or expression AST node that most accurately
* represents the node at the specified cursor `position`.
* @param ast AST tree
* @param position cursor position
export function getPathToNodeAtPosition(ast: t.Node[], position: number): Array<t.Node|e.AST>|
undefined {
const visitor = new R3Visitor(position);
const candidate = visitor.path[visitor.path.length - 1];
if (!candidate) {
if (isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(candidate)) {
const {keySpan, valueSpan} = candidate;
const isWithinKeyValue =
isWithin(position, keySpan) || (valueSpan && isWithin(position, valueSpan));
if (!isWithinKeyValue) {
// If cursor is within source span but not within key span or value span,
// do not return the node.
return visitor.path;
* Return the template AST node or expression AST node that most accurately
* represents the node at the specified cursor `position`.
* @param ast AST tree
* @param position cursor position
export function findNodeAtPosition(ast: t.Node[], position: number): t.Node|e.AST|undefined {
const path = getPathToNodeAtPosition(ast, position);
if (!path) {
return path[path.length - 1];
class R3Visitor implements t.Visitor {
// We need to keep a path instead of the last node because we might need more
// context for the last node, for example what is the parent node?
readonly path: Array<t.Node|e.AST> = [];
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
constructor(private readonly position: number) {}
visit(node: t.Node) {
const {start, end} = getSpanIncludingEndTag(node);
if (isWithin(this.position, {start, end})) {
const length = end - start;
const last: t.Node|e.AST|undefined = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
if (last) {
const {start, end} = isTemplateNode(last) ? getSpanIncludingEndTag(last) : last.sourceSpan;
const lastLength = end - start;
if (length > lastLength) {
// The current node has a span that is larger than the last node found
// so we do not descend into it. This typically means we have found
// a candidate in one of the root nodes so we do not need to visit
// other root nodes.
visitElement(element: t.Element) {
visitTemplate(template: t.Template) {
visitContent(content: t.Content) {
t.visitAll(this, content.attributes);
visitVariable(variable: t.Variable) {
// Variable has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitReference(reference: t.Reference) {
// Reference has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitTextAttribute(attribute: t.TextAttribute) {
// Text attribute has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: t.BoundAttribute) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(attribute.value, this.path);
visitBoundEvent(event: t.BoundEvent) {
const isTwoWayBinding =
this.path.some(n => n instanceof t.BoundAttribute && event.name === n.name + 'Change');
if (isTwoWayBinding) {
// For two-way binding aka banana-in-a-box, there are two matches:
// BoundAttribute and BoundEvent. Both have the same spans. We choose to
// return BoundAttribute because it matches the identifier name verbatim.
// TODO: For operations like go to definition, ideally we want to return
// both.
this.path.pop(); // remove bound event from the AST path
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(event.handler, this.path);
visitText(text: t.Text) {
// Text has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundText(text: t.BoundText) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(text.value, this.path);
visitIcu(icu: t.Icu) {
for (const boundText of Object.values(icu.vars)) {
for (const boundTextOrText of Object.values(icu.placeholders)) {
visitAll(nodes: t.Node[]) {
for (const node of nodes) {
class ExpressionVisitor extends e.RecursiveAstVisitor {
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
constructor(private readonly position: number) {
visit(node: e.AST, path: Array<t.Node|e.AST>) {
if (node instanceof e.ASTWithSource) {
// In order to reduce noise, do not include `ASTWithSource` in the path.
// For the purpose of source spans, there is no difference between
// `ASTWithSource` and and underlying node that it wraps.
node = node.ast;
// The third condition is to account for the implicit receiver, which should
// not be visited.
if (isWithin(this.position, node.sourceSpan) && !(node instanceof e.ImplicitReceiver)) {
node.visit(this, path);
function getSpanIncludingEndTag(ast: t.Node) {
const result = {
start: ast.sourceSpan.start.offset,
end: ast.sourceSpan.end.offset,
// For Element and Template node, sourceSpan.end is the end of the opening
// tag. For the purpose of language service, we need to actually recognize
// the end of the closing tag. Otherwise, for situation like
// <my-component></my-comp¦onent> where the cursor is in the closing tag
// we will not be able to return any information.
if ((ast instanceof t.Element || ast instanceof t.Template) && ast.endSourceSpan) {
result.end = ast.endSourceSpan.end.offset;
return result;
function isWithin(position: number, span: AbsoluteSourceSpan|ParseSourceSpan): boolean {
let start: number, end: number;
if (span instanceof ParseSourceSpan) {
start = span.start.offset;
end = span.end.offset;
} else {
start = span.start;
end = span.end;
// Note both start and end are inclusive because we want to match conditions
// like ¦start and end¦ where ¦ is the cursor.
return start <= position && position <= end;