BREAKING CHANGE: Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of `component` in a route definition: ``` $route.config([ { route: '/', component: MyController } ]) ``` Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to the $scope. To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive. Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name: ``` $route.config([ { route: '/', component: 'myDirective' } ]) ``` BREAKING CHANGE: In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before: ``` MyController.prototype.onActivate = ... ``` After: ``` MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ... ``` Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function), `$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
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'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var ts = require('typescript');
var files = [
var PRELUDE = '(function(){\n';
var POSTLUDE = '\n}());\n';
var FACADES = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/lib/facades.es5', 'utf8');
var DIRECTIVES = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/src/ng_outlet.js', 'utf8');
var moduleTemplate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/src/module_template.js', 'utf8');
function main() {
var ES6_SHIM = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../node_modules/es6-shim/es6-shim.js', 'utf8');
var dir = __dirname + '/../angular2/src/router/';
var sharedCode = '';
files.forEach(function (file) {
var moduleName = 'router/' + file.replace(/\.ts$/, '');
sharedCode += transform(moduleName, fs.readFileSync(dir + file, 'utf8'));
var out = moduleTemplate.replace('//{{FACADES}}', FACADES).replace('//{{SHARED_CODE}}', sharedCode);
* Given a directory name and a file's TypeScript content, return an object with the ES5 code,
* sourcemap, and exported variable identifier name for the content.
var IMPORT_RE = new RegExp("import \\{?([\\w\\n_, ]+)\\}? from '(.+)';?", 'g');
function transform(dir, contents) {
contents = contents.replace(IMPORT_RE, function (match, imports, includePath) {
//TODO: remove special-case
if (isFacadeModule(includePath) || includePath === './router_outlet') {
return '';
return match;
return ts.transpile(contents, {
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
sourceRoot: dir
function angularFactory(name, deps, body) {
return ".factory('" + name + "', [" +
| (service) {
return "'" + service + "', ";
}).join('') +
"function (" + deps.join(', ') + ") {\n" + body + "\n}])";
function isFacadeModule(modulePath) {
return modulePath.indexOf('facade') > -1 ||
modulePath === 'angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection';
module.exports = function () {
var dist = __dirname + '/../../dist';
if (!fs.existsSync(dist)) {
fs.writeFileSync(dist + '/angular_1_router.js', main(files));