213 lines
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213 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {LocationStrategy} from '@angular/common';
import {Attribute, Directive, ElementRef, HostBinding, HostListener, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, Renderer} from '@angular/core';
import {Subscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import {NavigationEnd, Router} from '../router';
import {ActivatedRoute} from '../router_state';
import {UrlTree} from '../url_tree';
* @whatItDoes Lets you link to specific parts of your app.
* @howToUse
* Consider the following route configuration:
* `[{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }]`
* When linking to this `user/:name` route, you can write:
* `<a routerLink='/user/bob'>link to user component</a>`
* @description
* The RouterLink directives let you link to specific parts of your app.
* When the link is static, you can use the directive as follows:
* `<a routerLink="/user/bob">link to user component</a>`
* If you use dynamic values to generate the link, you can pass an array of path
* segments, followed by the params for each segment.
* For instance `['/team', teamId, 'user', userName, {details: true}]`
* means that we want to generate a link to `/team/11/user/bob;details=true`.
* Multiple static segments can be merged into one
* (e.g., `['/team/11/user', userName, {details: true}]`).
* The first segment name can be prepended with `/`, `./`, or `../`:
* * If the first segment begins with `/`, the router will look up the route from the root of the
* app.
* * If the first segment begins with `./`, or doesn't begin with a slash, the router will
* instead look in the children of the current activated route.
* * And if the first segment begins with `../`, the router will go up one level.
* You can set query params and fragment as follows:
* ```
* <a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" [queryParams]="{debug: true}" fragment="education">
* link to user component
* </a>
* ```
* RouterLink will use these to generate this link: `/user/bob#education?debug=true`.
* You can also tell the directive to preserve the current query params and fragment:
* ```
* <a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" preserveQueryParams preserveFragment>
* link to user component
* </a>
* ```
* The router link directive always treats the provided input as a delta to the current url.
* For instance, if the current url is `/user/(box//aux:team)`.
* Then the following link `<a [routerLink]="['/user/jim']">Jim</a>` will generate the link
* `/user/(jim//aux:team)`.
* @selector ':not(a)[routerLink]'
* @ngModule RouterModule
* See {@link Router.createUrlTree} for more information.
* @stable
@Directive({selector: ':not(a)[routerLink]'})
export class RouterLink {
@Input() queryParams: {[k: string]: any};
@Input() fragment: string;
@Input() preserveQueryParams: boolean;
@Input() preserveFragment: boolean;
@Input() skipLocationChange: boolean;
@Input() replaceUrl: boolean;
private commands: any[] = [];
private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute,
@Attribute('tabindex') tabIndex: string, renderer: Renderer, el: ElementRef) {
if (tabIndex == null) {
renderer.setElementAttribute(el.nativeElement, 'tabindex', '0');
set routerLink(commands: any[]|string) {
if (commands != null) {
this.commands = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
} else {
this.commands = [];
onClick(): boolean {
const extras = {
skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
return true;
get urlTree(): UrlTree {
return this.router.createUrlTree(this.commands, {
relativeTo: this.route,
queryParams: this.queryParams,
fragment: this.fragment,
preserveQueryParams: attrBoolValue(this.preserveQueryParams),
preserveFragment: attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),
* @whatItDoes Lets you link to specific parts of your app.
* See {@link RouterLink} for more information.
* @selector 'a[routerLink]'
* @ngModule RouterModule
* @stable
@Directive({selector: 'a[routerLink]'})
export class RouterLinkWithHref implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
@Input() target: string;
@Input() queryParams: {[k: string]: any};
@Input() fragment: string;
@Input() preserveQueryParams: boolean;
@Input() preserveFragment: boolean;
@Input() skipLocationChange: boolean;
@Input() replaceUrl: boolean;
private commands: any[] = [];
private subscription: Subscription;
// the url displayed on the anchor element.
@HostBinding() href: string;
private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute,
private locationStrategy: LocationStrategy) {
this.subscription = router.events.subscribe(s => {
if (s instanceof NavigationEnd) {
set routerLink(commands: any[]|string) {
if (commands != null) {
this.commands = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
} else {
this.commands = [];
ngOnChanges(changes: {}): any { this.updateTargetUrlAndHref(); }
ngOnDestroy(): any { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); }
@HostListener('click', ['$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.metaKey'])
onClick(button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean): boolean {
if (button !== 0 || ctrlKey || metaKey) {
return true;
if (typeof this.target === 'string' && this.target != '_self') {
return true;
const extras = {
skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
return false;
private updateTargetUrlAndHref(): void {
this.href = this.locationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(this.router.serializeUrl(this.urlTree));
get urlTree(): UrlTree {
return this.router.createUrlTree(this.commands, {
relativeTo: this.route,
queryParams: this.queryParams,
fragment: this.fragment,
preserveQueryParams: attrBoolValue(this.preserveQueryParams),
preserveFragment: attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),
function attrBoolValue(s: any): boolean {
return s === '' || !!s;