2017-04-19 22:34:46 -05:00

213 lines
6.7 KiB

const remark = require('remark');
const slug = require('remark-slug');
const autolinkHeadings = require('remark-autolink-headings');
const html = require('remark-html');
* @dgService renderMarkdown
* @description
* Render the markdown in the given string as HTML.
module.exports = function renderMarkdown() {
const renderer = remark()
// .use(() => tree => {
// console.log(require('util').inspect(tree, { colors: true, depth: 4 }));
// })
return function renderMarkdownImpl(content) {
return renderer.processSync(content).toString();
* Teach remark not to render indented codeblocks
function noIndentedCodeBlocks() {
const blockMethods = this.Parser.prototype.blockMethods;
blockMethods.splice(blockMethods.indexOf('indentedCode'), 1);
* Teach remark about inline tags, so that it neither wraps block level
* tags in paragraphs nor processes the text within the tag.
function inlineTagDefs() {
const Parser = this.Parser;
const inlineTokenizers = Parser.prototype.inlineTokenizers;
const inlineMethods = Parser.prototype.inlineMethods;
const blockTokenizers = Parser.prototype.blockTokenizers;
const blockMethods = Parser.prototype.blockMethods;
blockTokenizers.inlineTag = tokenizeInlineTag;
blockMethods.splice(blockMethods.indexOf('paragraph'), 0, 'inlineTag');
inlineTokenizers.inlineTag = tokenizeInlineTag;
inlineMethods.splice(blockMethods.indexOf('text'), 0, 'inlineTag');
tokenizeInlineTag.notInLink = true;
tokenizeInlineTag.locator = inlineTagLocator;
function tokenizeInlineTag(eat, value, silent) {
const match = /^\{@[^\s\}]+[^\}]*\}/.exec(value);
if (match) {
if (silent) {
return true;
return eat(match[0])({
'type': 'inlineTag',
'value': match[0]
function inlineTagLocator(value, fromIndex) {
return value.indexOf('{@', fromIndex);
* Teach remark that some HTML blocks never include markdown
function plainHTMLBlocks() {
const plainBlocks = ['code-example', 'code-tabs'];
// Create matchers for each block
const anyBlockMatcher = new RegExp('^' + createOpenMatcher(`(${plainBlocks.join('|')})`));
const Parser = this.Parser;
const blockTokenizers = Parser.prototype.blockTokenizers;
const blockMethods = Parser.prototype.blockMethods;
blockTokenizers.plainHTMLBlocks = tokenizePlainHTMLBlocks;
blockMethods.splice(blockMethods.indexOf('html'), 0, 'plainHTMLBlocks');
function tokenizePlainHTMLBlocks(eat, value, silent) {
const openMatch = anyBlockMatcher.exec(value);
if (openMatch) {
const blockName = openMatch[1];
const fullMatch = matchRecursiveRegExp(value, createOpenMatcher(blockName), createCloseMatcher(blockName))[0];
if (silent || !fullMatch) {
// either we are not eating (silent) or the match failed
return !!fullMatch;
return eat(fullMatch[0])({
type: 'html',
value: fullMatch[0]
* matchRecursiveRegExp
* (c) 2007 Steven Levithan <stevenlevithan.com>
* MIT License
* Accepts a string to search, a left and right format delimiter
* as regex patterns, and optional regex flags. Returns an array
* of matches, allowing nested instances of left/right delimiters.
* Use the "g" flag to return all matches, otherwise only the
* first is returned. Be careful to ensure that the left and
* right format delimiters produce mutually exclusive matches.
* Backreferences are not supported within the right delimiter
* due to how it is internally combined with the left delimiter.
* When matching strings whose format delimiters are unbalanced
* to the left or right, the output is intentionally as a
* conventional regex library with recursion support would
* produce, e.g. "<<x>" and "<x>>" both produce ["x"] when using
* "<" and ">" as the delimiters (both strings contain a single,
* balanced instance of "<x>").
* examples:
* matchRecursiveRegExp("test", "\\(", "\\)")
* returns: []
* matchRecursiveRegExp("<t<<e>><s>>t<>", "<", ">", "g")
* returns: ["t<<e>><s>", ""]
* matchRecursiveRegExp("<div id=\"x\">test</div>", "<div\\b[^>]*>", "</div>", "gi")
* returns: ["test"]
function matchRecursiveRegExp(str, left, right, flags) {
'use strict';
const matchPos = rgxFindMatchPos(str, left, right, flags);
const results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < matchPos.length; ++i) {
str.slice(matchPos[i].wholeMatch.start, matchPos[i].wholeMatch.end),
str.slice(matchPos[i].match.start, matchPos[i].match.end),
str.slice(matchPos[i].left.start, matchPos[i].left.end),
str.slice(matchPos[i].right.start, matchPos[i].right.end)
return results;
function rgxFindMatchPos(str, left, right, flags) {
'use strict';
flags = flags || '';
const global = flags.indexOf('g') > -1;
const bothMatcher = new RegExp(left + '|' + right, 'g' + flags.replace(/g/g, ''));
const leftMatcher = new RegExp(left, flags.replace(/g/g, ''));
const pos = [];
let index, match, start, end;
let count = 0;
do {
while ((match = bothMatcher.exec(str))) {
if (leftMatcher.test(match[0])) {
if (!(count++)) {
index = bothMatcher.lastIndex;
start = index - match[0].length;
} else if (count) {
if (!--count) {
end = match.index + match[0].length;
var obj = {
left: {start: start, end: index},
match: {start: index, end: match.index},
right: {start: match.index, end: end},
wholeMatch: {start: start, end: end}
if (!global) {
return pos;
} while (count && (bothMatcher.lastIndex = index));
return pos;
function createOpenMatcher(elementNameMatcher) {
const attributeName = '[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*';
const unquoted = '[^"\'=<>`\\u0000-\\u0020]+';
const singleQuoted = '\'[^\']*\'';
const doubleQuoted = '"[^"]*"';
const attributeValue = '(?:' + unquoted + '|' + singleQuoted + '|' + doubleQuoted + ')';
const attribute = '(?:\\s+' + attributeName + '(?:\\s*=\\s*' + attributeValue + ')?)';
return `<${elementNameMatcher}${attribute}*\\s*>`;
function createCloseMatcher(elementNameMatcher) {
return `</${elementNameMatcher}>`;