George Kalpakas a574e462c9 build(docs-infra): ensure the locally built packages exist and are up-to-date in yarn setup-local (#31985)
The `setup-local` npm script uses `NgPackagesInstaller` to replace the
Angular packages with the locally built ones. Previously, it would (a)
assume that the packages were built and (b) it would do anything if the
currently installed versions already correspond to locally built
packages (even if not the latest version).
This could lead to all sorts of errors, such as:
- Confusing error messages, `dist/packages-dist/` was missing.
- Using outdated build artifacts from `dist/packages-dist/` without a
- Not installing the latest locally built packages, because the ones
  installed already corresponded to locally built (but older) ones.

This commit fixes these issues by ensuring that:
- The local packages are always built before being used by
- The local packages are installed, even if the ones install already
  correspond to local packages.

NOTE: Special `*-ci` scripts are introduced (for use on CI) that skip
      building the local packages, since that step would have been taken
      care of (in a more efficient way) in a previous CI step.

PR Close #31985
2019-08-05 12:56:44 -07:00

396 lines
14 KiB

const path = require('canonical-path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const globby = require('globby');
const xSpawn = require('cross-spawn');
const treeKill = require('tree-kill');
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const findFreePort = require('find-free-port');
const AIO_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../');
const SHARED_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '/shared');
const EXAMPLES_PATH = path.join(AIO_PATH, './content/examples/');
const PROTRACTOR_CONFIG_FILENAME = path.join(__dirname, './shared/protractor.config.js');
const SJS_SPEC_FILENAME = 'e2e-spec.ts';
const CLI_SPEC_FILENAME = 'e2e/src/app.e2e-spec.ts';
const EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'example-config.json';
// temporary ignores
const fixmeIvyExamples = [
// fixmeIvy('unknown') app fails at runtime due to missing external service (goog is undefined)
if (argv.ivy) {
* Run Protractor End-to-End Tests for Doc Samples
* Flags
* --filter to filter/select _example app subdir names
* e.g. --filter=foo // all example apps with 'foo' in their folder names.
* --setup run yarn install, copy boilerplate and update webdriver
* e.g. --setup
* --local to use the locally built Angular packages, rather than versions from npm
* Must be used in conjunction with --setup as this is when the packages are copied.
* e.g. --setup --local
* --ivy to turn on `ivy` mode
* --shard to shard the specs into groups to allow you to run them in parallel
* e.g. --shard=0/2 // the even specs: 0, 2, 4, etc
* e.g. --shard=1/2 // the odd specs: 1, 3, 5, etc
* e.g. --shard=1/3 // the second of every three specs: 1, 4, 7, etc
* --cliSpecsConcurrency Amount of CLI example specs that should be executed concurrently.
* By default runs specs sequentially.
function runE2e() {
if (argv.setup) {
// Run setup.
console.log('runE2e: setup boilerplate');
const installPackagesCommand = `example-use-${argv.local ? 'local' : 'npm'}`;
const addBoilerplateCommand = `boilerplate:add${argv.ivy ? ':ivy' : ''}`;
shelljs.exec(`yarn ${installPackagesCommand}`, {cwd: AIO_PATH});
shelljs.exec(`yarn ${addBoilerplateCommand}`, {cwd: AIO_PATH});
const outputFile = path.join(AIO_PATH, './protractor-results.txt');
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => findAndRunE2eTests(argv.filter, outputFile, argv.shard,
argv.cliSpecsConcurrency || DEFAULT_CLI_SPECS_CONCURRENCY))
.then((status) => {
reportStatus(status, outputFile);
if (status.failed.length > 0) {
return Promise.reject('Some test suites failed');
.catch(function(e) {
process.exitCode = 1;
// Finds all of the *e2e-spec.tests under the examples folder along with the corresponding apps
// that they should run under. Then run each app/spec collection sequentially.
function findAndRunE2eTests(filter, outputFile, shard, cliSpecsConcurrency) {
const shardParts = shard ? shard.split('/') : [0, 1];
const shardModulo = parseInt(shardParts[0], 10);
const shardDivider = parseInt(shardParts[1], 10);
// create an output file with header.
const startTime = new Date().getTime();
let header = `Doc Sample Protractor Results on ${new Date().toLocaleString()}\n`;
header += ` Filter: ${filter ? filter : 'All tests'}\n\n`;
fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, header);
const status = {passed: [], failed: []};
const updateStatus = (specPath, passed) => {
const arr = passed ? status.passed : status.failed;
return getE2eSpecs(EXAMPLES_PATH, filter)
.then(e2eSpecPaths => {
console.log('All e2e specs:');
Object.keys(e2eSpecPaths).forEach(key => {
const value = e2eSpecPaths[key];
e2eSpecPaths[key] = value.filter((p, index) => index % shardDivider === shardModulo);
console.log(`E2e specs for shard ${shardParts.join('/')}:`);
return e2eSpecPaths.systemjs
(promise, specPath) => {
return promise.then(() => {
const examplePath = path.dirname(specPath);
return runE2eTestsSystemJS(examplePath, outputFile)
.then(passed => updateStatus(examplePath, passed));
.then(async () => {
const specQueue = [...e2eSpecPaths.cli];
// Determine free ports for the amount of pending CLI specs before starting
// any tests. This is necessary because ports can stuck in the "TIME_WAIT"
// state after others specs which used that port exited. This works around
// this potential race condition which surfaces on Windows.
const ports = await findFreePort(4000, 6000, '', specQueue.length);
// Enable buffering of the process output in case multiple CLI specs will
// be executed concurrently. This means that we can can print out the full
// output at once without interfering with other CLI specs printing as well.
const bufferOutput = cliSpecsConcurrency > 1;
while (specQueue.length) {
const chunk = specQueue.splice(0, cliSpecsConcurrency);
await Promise.all(, index) => {
return runE2eTestsCLI(testDir, outputFile, bufferOutput, ports.pop())
.then(passed => updateStatus(testDir, passed));
.then(() => {
const stopTime = new Date().getTime();
status.elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / 1000;
return status;
// Start the example in appDir; then run protractor with the specified
// fileName; then shut down the example.
// All protractor output is appended to the outputFile.
// SystemJS version
function runE2eTestsSystemJS(appDir, outputFile) {
const config = loadExampleConfig(appDir);
const appBuildSpawnInfo = spawnExt('yarn', [], {cwd: appDir});
const appRunSpawnInfo = spawnExt('yarn', [, '-s'], {cwd: appDir}, true);
let run = runProtractorSystemJS(appBuildSpawnInfo.promise, appDir, appRunSpawnInfo, outputFile);
if (fs.existsSync(appDir + '/aot/index.html')) {
run = run.then((ok) => ok && runProtractorAoT(appDir, outputFile));
return run;
function runProtractorSystemJS(prepPromise, appDir, appRunSpawnInfo, outputFile) {
const specFilename = path.resolve(`${appDir}/${SJS_SPEC_FILENAME}`);
return prepPromise
.catch(function() {
const emsg = `Application at ${appDir} failed to transpile.\n\n`;
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, emsg);
return Promise.reject(emsg);
.then(function() {
let transpileError = false;
// Start protractor.
console.log(`\n\n=========== Running aio example tests for: ${appDir}`);
const spawnInfo = spawnExt(
'protractor', PROTRACTOR_CONFIG_FILENAME, `--specs=${specFilename}`,
'--params.appDir=' + appDir, '--params.outputFile=' + outputFile
{cwd: SHARED_PATH});
spawnInfo.proc.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
transpileError = transpileError || /npm ERR! Exit status 100/.test(data.toString());
return spawnInfo.promise.catch(function() {
if (transpileError) {
const emsg = `${specFilename} failed to transpile.\n\n`;
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, emsg);
return Promise.reject();
function() { return finish(, true); },
function() { return finish(, false); });
function finish(spawnProcId, ok) {
// Ugh... proc.kill does not work properly on windows with child processes.
// appRun.proc.kill();
return ok;
// Run e2e tests over the AOT build for projects that examples it.
function runProtractorAoT(appDir, outputFile) {
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, '++ AoT version ++\n');
const aotBuildSpawnInfo = spawnExt('yarn', ['build:aot'], {cwd: appDir});
let promise = aotBuildSpawnInfo.promise;
const copyFileCmd = 'copy-dist-files.js';
if (fs.existsSync(appDir + '/' + copyFileCmd)) {
promise = promise.then(() => spawnExt('node', [copyFileCmd], {cwd: appDir}).promise);
const aotRunSpawnInfo = spawnExt('yarn', ['serve:aot'], {cwd: appDir}, true);
return runProtractorSystemJS(promise, appDir, aotRunSpawnInfo, outputFile);
// Start the example in appDir; then run protractor with the specified
// fileName; then shut down the example.
// All protractor output is appended to the outputFile.
// CLI version
function runE2eTestsCLI(appDir, outputFile, bufferOutput, port) {
if (!bufferOutput) {
console.log(`\n\n=========== Running aio example tests for: ${appDir}`);
// `--no-webdriver-update` is needed to preserve the ChromeDriver version already installed.
const config = loadExampleConfig(appDir);
const commands = config.e2e || [{
cmd: 'yarn',
args: ['e2e', '--prod', '--no-webdriver-update', `--port=${port || DEFAULT_CLI_EXAMPLE_PORT}`]
let bufferedOutput = `\n\n============== AIO example output for: ${appDir}\n\n`;
const e2eSpawnPromise = commands.reduce((prevSpawnPromise, {cmd, args}) => {
// Replace the port placeholder with the specified port if present. Specs that
// define their e2e test commands in the example config are able to use the
// given available port. This ensures that the CLI tests can be run concurrently.
args = => a.replace('{PORT}', port || DEFAULT_CLI_EXAMPLE_PORT));
return prevSpawnPromise.then(() => {
const currSpawn = spawnExt(cmd, args, {cwd: appDir}, false,
bufferOutput ? msg => bufferedOutput += msg : undefined);
return currSpawn.promise.then(
() => Promise.resolve(finish(, true)),
() => Promise.reject(finish(, false)));
}, Promise.resolve());
return e2eSpawnPromise.then(() => {
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, `Passed: ${appDir}\n\n`);
return true;
}, () => {
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, `Failed: ${appDir}\n\n`);
return false;
}).then(passed => {
if (bufferOutput) {
return passed;
// Report final status.
function reportStatus(status, outputFile) {
let log = [''];
log.push('Suites ignored due to legacy guides:');
IGNORED_EXAMPLES.filter(example => !fixmeIvyExamples.find(ex => ex.startsWith(example)))
.forEach(function(val) { log.push(' ' + val); });
if (argv.ivy) {
log.push('Suites ignored due to breakage with Ivy:');
fixmeIvyExamples.forEach(function(val) { log.push(' ' + val); });
log.push('Suites passed:');
status.passed.forEach(function(val) { log.push(' ' + val); });
if (status.failed.length == 0) {
log.push('All tests passed');
} else {
log.push('Suites failed:');
status.failed.forEach(function(val) { log.push(' ' + val); });
log.push('\nElapsed time: ' + status.elapsedTime + ' seconds');
log = log.join('\n');
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, log);
// Returns both a promise and the spawned process so that it can be killed if needed.
function spawnExt(command, args, options, ignoreClose = false,
printMessage = msg => process.stdout.write(msg)) {
let proc;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let descr = command + ' ' + args.join(' ');
let processOutput = '';
printMessage(`running: ${descr}\n`);
try {
proc = xSpawn.spawn(command, args, options);
} catch (e) {
return {proc: null, promise};
proc.stdout.on('data', printMessage);
proc.stderr.on('data', printMessage);
proc.on('close', function(returnCode) {
printMessage(`completed: ${descr}\n\n`);
// Many tasks (e.g., tsc) complete but are actually errors;
// Confirm return code is zero.
returnCode === 0 || ignoreClose ? resolve(0) : reject(returnCode);
proc.on('error', function(data) {
printMessage(`completed with error: ${descr}\n\n`);
return {proc, promise};
function getE2eSpecs(basePath, filter) {
let specs = {};
return getE2eSpecsFor(basePath, SJS_SPEC_FILENAME, filter)
.then(sjsPaths => { specs.systemjs = sjsPaths; })
.then(() => {
return getE2eSpecsFor(basePath, CLI_SPEC_FILENAME, filter).then(cliPaths => {
return => { return p.replace(`${CLI_SPEC_FILENAME}`, ''); });
.then(cliPaths => { specs.cli = cliPaths; })
.then(() => specs);
// Find all e2e specs in a given example folder.
function getE2eSpecsFor(basePath, specFile, filter) {
// Only get spec file at the example root.
// The formatter doesn't understand nested template string expressions (honestly, neither do I).
// clang-format off
const e2eSpecGlob = `${filter ? `*${filter}*` : '*'}/${specFile}`;
// clang-format on
return globby(e2eSpecGlob, {cwd: basePath, nodir: true})
paths => paths.filter(file => !IGNORED_EXAMPLES.some(ignored => file.startsWith(ignored)))
.map(file => path.join(basePath, file)));
// Load configuration for an example. Used for SystemJS
function loadExampleConfig(exampleFolder) {
// Default config.
let config = {build: 'build', run: 'serve:e2e'};
try {
const exampleConfig = fs.readJsonSync(`${exampleFolder}/${EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME}`);
Object.assign(config, exampleConfig);
} catch (e) {
return config;
// Log the specs (for debugging purposes).
// `e2eSpecPaths` is of type: `{[type: string]: string[]}`
// (where `type` is `systemjs`, `cli, etc.)
function logSpecs(e2eSpecPaths) {
Object.keys(e2eSpecPaths).forEach(type => {
const paths = e2eSpecPaths[type];
console.log(` ${type.toUpperCase()}:`);
console.log( => ` ${p}`).join('\n'));