Alex Eagle 25faf808a5 build: copy ts-api-guardian sources (#22544)
This is an exact mirror of 750f651eca

PR Close #22544
2018-03-02 15:00:00 -08:00

190 lines
5.6 KiB

import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as minimist from 'minimist';
import {ParsedArgs} from 'minimist';
import * as path from 'path';
import {SerializationOptions, generateGoldenFile, verifyAgainstGoldenFile} from './main';
// Examples:
// ```sh
// # Generate one declaration file
// ts-api-guardian --out api_guard.d.ts index.d.ts
// # Generate multiple declaration files // # (output location like typescript)
// ts-api-guardian --outDir api_guard [--rootDir .] core/index.d.ts core/testing.d.ts
// # Print usage
// ts-api-guardian --help
// # Check against one declaration file
// ts-api-guardian --verify api_guard.d.ts index.d.ts
// # Check against multiple declaration files
// ts-api-guardian --verifyDir api_guard [--rootDir .] core/index.d.ts core/testing.d.ts
// ```
const CMD = 'ts-api-guardian';
export function startCli() {
const {argv, mode, errors} = parseArguments(process.argv.slice(2));
const options: SerializationOptions = {
stripExportPattern: argv['stripExportPattern'],
allowModuleIdentifiers: [].concat(argv['allowModuleIdentifiers']),
onStabilityMissing: argv['onStabilityMissing'] || 'none'
if (['warn', 'error', 'none'].indexOf(options.onStabilityMissing) < 0) {
throw new Error(
'Argument for "--onStabilityMissing" option must be one of: "warn", "error", "none"');
for (const error of errors) {
if (mode === 'help') {
} else {
const targets = generateFileNamePairs(argv, mode);
if (mode === 'out') {
for (const {entrypoint, goldenFile} of targets) {
generateGoldenFile(entrypoint, goldenFile, options);
} else { // mode === 'verify'
let hasDiff = false;
for (const {entrypoint, goldenFile} of targets) {
const diff = verifyAgainstGoldenFile(entrypoint, goldenFile, options);
if (diff) {
hasDiff = true;
const lines = diff.split('\n');
if (lines.length) {
lines.pop(); // Remove trailing newline
for (const line of lines) {
const chalkMap = {'-':, '+':, '@': chalk.cyan};
const chalkFunc = chalkMap[line[0]] || chalk.reset;
if (hasDiff) {
export function parseArguments(input: string[]):
{argv: ParsedArgs, mode: string, errors?: string[]} {
let help = false;
const errors = [];
const argv = minimist(input, {
string: [
'out', 'outDir', 'verify', 'verifyDir', 'rootDir', 'stripExportPattern',
'allowModuleIdentifiers', 'onStabilityMissing'
boolean: [
// Options used by chalk automagically
'color', 'no-color'
alias: {'outFile': 'out', 'verifyFile': 'verify'},
unknown: option => {
if (option[0] === '-') {
errors.push(`Unknown option: ${option}`);
help = true;
return false; // do not add to argv._
} else {
return true; // add to argv._
help = help || argv['help'];
if (help) {
return {argv, mode: 'help', errors};
let modes: string[] = [];
if (argv['out']) {
if (argv['outDir']) {
if (argv['verify']) {
if (argv['verifyDir']) {
if (!argv._.length) {
errors.push('No input file specified.');
modes = ['help'];
} else if (modes.length !== 1) {
errors.push('Specify either --out[Dir] or --verify[Dir]');
modes = ['help'];
} else if (argv._.length > 1 && !argv['outDir'] && !argv['verifyDir']) {
errors.push(`More than one input specified. Use --${modes[0]}Dir instead.`);
modes = ['help'];
return {argv, mode: modes[0], errors};
function printUsageAndExit(error = false) {
const print = error ? console.warn.bind(console) : console.log.bind(console);
print(`Usage: ${CMD} [options] <file ...>
${CMD} --out <output file> <entrypoint .d.ts file>
${CMD} --outDir <output dir> [--rootDir .] <entrypoint .d.ts files>
${CMD} --verify <golden file> <entrypoint .d.ts file>
${CMD} --verifyDir <golden file dir> [--rootDir .] <entrypoint .d.ts files>
--help Show this usage message
--out <file> Write golden output to file
--outDir <dir> Write golden file structure to directory
--verify <file> Read golden input from file
--verifyDir <dir> Read golden file structure from directory
--rootDir <dir> Specify the root directory of input files
--stripExportPattern <regexp> Do not output exports matching the pattern
--allowModuleIdentifiers <identifier>
Whitelist identifier for "* as foo" imports
--onStabilityMissing <warn|error|none>
Warn or error if an export has no stability
process.exit(error ? 1 : 0);
export function generateFileNamePairs(
argv: ParsedArgs, mode: string): {entrypoint: string, goldenFile: string}[] {
if (argv[mode]) {
return [{entrypoint: argv._[0], goldenFile: argv[mode]}];
} else { // argv[mode + 'Dir']
let rootDir = argv['rootDir'] || '.';
const goldenDir = argv[mode + 'Dir'];
return => {
return {
entrypoint: fileName,
goldenFile: path.join(goldenDir, path.relative(rootDir, fileName))