Joey Perrott d331e09b71 refactor(dev-infra): create ng-dev executable locally in the repo ()
Rather than running ng-dev via ts-node, going forward ng-dev is generated and run
locally via node.  Additionally, the generated file is tested on each commit to
ensure that the local generated version stays up to date.

PR Close 
2020-10-22 13:36:14 -07:00

155 lines
6.5 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {getConfig, getRepoBaseDir} from '../../utils/config';
import {error, green, info, promptConfirm, red, yellow} from '../../utils/console';
import {GithubApiRequestError} from '../../utils/git/github';
import {GITHUB_TOKEN_GENERATE_URL} from '../../utils/git/github-urls';
import {GitClient} from '../../utils/git/index';
import {loadAndValidateConfig, MergeConfigWithRemote} from './config';
import {MergeResult, MergeStatus, PullRequestMergeTask} from './task';
* Merges a given pull request based on labels configured in the given merge configuration.
* Pull requests can be merged with different strategies such as the Github API merge
* strategy, or the local autosquash strategy. Either strategy has benefits and downsides.
* More information on these strategies can be found in their dedicated strategy classes.
* See {@link GithubApiMergeStrategy} and {@link AutosquashMergeStrategy}
* @param prNumber Number of the pull request that should be merged.
* @param githubToken Github token used for merging (i.e. fetching and pushing)
* @param projectRoot Path to the local Git project that is used for merging.
* @param config Configuration for merging pull requests.
export async function mergePullRequest(
prNumber: number, githubToken: string, projectRoot: string = getRepoBaseDir(),
config?: MergeConfigWithRemote) {
// Set the environment variable to skip all git commit hooks triggered by husky. We are unable to
// rely on `--no-verify` as some hooks still run, notably the `prepare-commit-msg` hook.
process.env['HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS'] = '1';
const api = await createPullRequestMergeTask(githubToken, projectRoot, config);
// Perform the merge. Force mode can be activated through a command line flag.
// Alternatively, if the merge fails with non-fatal failures, the script
// will prompt whether it should rerun in force mode.
if (!await performMerge(false)) {
/** Performs the merge and returns whether it was successful or not. */
async function performMerge(ignoreFatalErrors: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const result = await api.merge(prNumber, ignoreFatalErrors);
return await handleMergeResult(result, ignoreFatalErrors);
} catch (e) {
// Catch errors to the Github API for invalid requests. We want to
// exit the script with a better explanation of the error.
if (e instanceof GithubApiRequestError && e.status === 401) {
error(red('Github API request failed. ' + e.message));
error(yellow('Please ensure that your provided token is valid.'));
error(yellow(`You can generate a token here: ${GITHUB_TOKEN_GENERATE_URL}`));
throw e;
* Prompts whether the specified pull request should be forcibly merged. If so, merges
* the specified pull request forcibly (ignoring non-critical failures).
* @returns Whether the specified pull request has been forcibly merged.
async function promptAndPerformForceMerge(): Promise<boolean> {
if (await promptConfirm('Do you want to forcibly proceed with merging?')) {
// Perform the merge in force mode. This means that non-fatal failures
// are ignored and the merge continues.
return performMerge(true);
return false;
* Handles the merge result by printing console messages, exiting the process
* based on the result, or by restarting the merge if force mode has been enabled.
* @returns Whether the merge completed without errors or not.
async function handleMergeResult(result: MergeResult, disableForceMergePrompt = false) {
const {failure, status} = result;
const canForciblyMerge = failure && failure.nonFatal;
switch (status) {
case MergeStatus.SUCCESS:
info(green(`Successfully merged the pull request: #${prNumber}`));
return true;
case MergeStatus.DIRTY_WORKING_DIR:
red(`Local working repository not clean. Please make sure there are ` +
`no uncommitted changes.`));
return false;
case MergeStatus.UNKNOWN_GIT_ERROR:
red('An unknown Git error has been thrown. Please check the output ' +
'above for details.'));
return false;
case MergeStatus.GITHUB_ERROR:
error(red('An error related to interacting with Github has been discovered.'));
return false;
case MergeStatus.USER_ABORTED:
info(`Merge of pull request has been aborted manually: #${prNumber}`);
return true;
case MergeStatus.FAILED:
error(yellow(`Could not merge the specified pull request.`));
if (canForciblyMerge && !disableForceMergePrompt) {
info(yellow('The pull request above failed due to non-critical errors.'));
info(yellow(`This error can be forcibly ignored if desired.`));
return await promptAndPerformForceMerge();
return false;
throw Error(`Unexpected merge result: ${status}`);
* Creates the pull request merge task from the given Github token, project root
* and optional explicit configuration. An explicit configuration can be specified
* when the merge script is used outside of a `ng-dev` configured repository.
async function createPullRequestMergeTask(
githubToken: string, projectRoot: string, explicitConfig?: MergeConfigWithRemote) {
if (explicitConfig !== undefined) {
const git = new GitClient(githubToken, {github: explicitConfig.remote}, projectRoot);
return new PullRequestMergeTask(explicitConfig, git);
const devInfraConfig = getConfig();
const git = new GitClient(githubToken, devInfraConfig, projectRoot);
const {config, errors} = await loadAndValidateConfig(devInfraConfig, git.github);
if (errors) {
error(red('Invalid merge configuration:'));
errors.forEach(desc => error(yellow(` - ${desc}`)));
// Set the remote so that the merge tool has access to information about
// the remote it intends to merge to.
config!.remote = devInfraConfig.github;
// We can cast this to a merge config with remote because we always set the
// remote above.
return new PullRequestMergeTask(config! as MergeConfigWithRemote, git);